Im not used to being deaf.


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Oct 28, 2004
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Now i lost my hearing. I cannot go back to work. I gotta apply for welfare which im against. I cant even go to the movies.I cant listen to music. I cant even enjoy watching wrestling anymore. My life is totaly changed. Realy now i only wish satan would appear so i can sell my soul to him so he can give my hearing back. You people are used to being deaf and never heard a sound in you life. I know now whats it like being deaf and its very unpleasant. Some of you never know whats it like to communicate by voice and listen to birds and music. Or even gone to a movie an listen to sound effects. Or never had a nice job. If anyway i could trade for my hearing back i could do it at any price at any cost id do it in a new york minute .
you still have everything you can do.. there's no need to quit ur job.. you still can have a excellent pay job.. or stay at ur current job.. but make adjustments( if you work in office) have TTY for phone calls, there's many wonders of techlogy that you need to learn.. seems like u're not aware of those techology that, we, Deaf use.

There's a TTY, which u can use to make phone calls
To call a hearing person u can call the relay..
There are movies that have open catpion or rear view mirror so theres no way of stop watching movies at movie theatre..
you can watch t.v. shows, movies, sports by having closed caption
you can wake up with alarm that vibarates..

Its not true that us, Deaf, cannot have a good job.. in fact you can get a good job.. many Deaf people have a degree and excellent job working in office, business, marketing, doctor, actor, and so forth.. and yes believe it or not.. there are deaf fireman around here in canada and USA.

if you want to know more about techology that we, and yes, includes you
feel free to visit those website

they have wide variety of items.. such as TTY, phone singler, alarms, fire alarm, doorbell, and too many to list.

and yet.. have you seen an audiologist?
ravensteve1961 said:
Now i lost my hearing. I cannot go back to work. I gotta apply for welfare which im against. I cant even go to the movies.I cant listen to music. I cant even enjoy watching wrestling anymore. My life is totaly changed. Realy now i only wish satan would appear so i can sell my soul to him so he can give my hearing back. You people are used to being deaf and never heard a sound in you life. I know now whats it like being deaf and its very unpleasant. Some of you never know whats it like to communicate by voice and listen to birds and music. Or even gone to a movie an listen to sound effects. Or never had a nice job. If anyway i could trade for my hearing back i could do it at any price at any cost id do it in a new york minute .

Like previously said, you could make changes to keep your job. You can go to the movies. In my opinion, you took hearing for granted and not use your other sense as much. And not all of us have been born deaf. Some of us are hard of hearing and those who wears CI and are successful with them could hear things, wearing hearing aids... not all of us can't hear anything. I didn't like hearing being told that we can't get good jobs just because of our hearing loss. WE CAN! get a good jobs if we try hard and want it. Like previously said, some of us have degrees... we own businesses... just to name a few. Doesn't mean we have to settle down for "poor" lifestyle. I suggest you to get used and appericate what you have now. Be glad you aren't blind and being unable to drive or something. You still can see things... let your other sense become more senstive... just be grateful you can still do things... watch wrestling... watch movies... learn to lip read even! :) Just few ideas... but just don't go around mopping that you've loss your hearing and wishing you could sell your soul just to hear again. I'm sorry to hear such thing. Trust me, you'll manage just fine. :)
If anyway i could trade for my hearing back i could do it at any price at any cost id do it in a new york minute .

At least you only lost hearing. It is not like you lost your life or became paralyzed or developed a mental disability. You simply lost one of your senses. Yes, it is difficult to cope but please do not think that it is worth selling your soul for.

Thousands of people are in MUCH worse situations than you are and would gladly to be just deaf than going through their own crises.

hang in will eventually see the light at the end of tunnel and adjust to a life without hearing. You will see so many adaptations that will almost help you return to normal life.

The key is............attitude.
Ok,,,I work in a movie theater. Regal Cinemas does not provide open catpion or rear view mirror. Regal cinemas made adjustments for wheel chair customers but not being deaf. Im as usher what good an usher is when hes gotta report bad sound in the theater if i cant hear. If a customer wants info how can i understand the customer if im deaf?

Another thing i life. I understand police officers dont understand the deaf. I heard there was a officer who yelled freeze but the black deaf man keep on walking towards an officer and he shot him dead. Its dangerous being deaf in todays world. Suppose if a siren goes off when im out shopping and theres a nuclear attack comming then i have no idea whats going on? Let me ask yall this? Did yall know what was going on when 9-11 accord on the news? All you saw was 2 WTC towers were burning of course you saw the planes hit the towers did yall know it was al queda then?? I knew cause i heard the reports were comming in . Now if theres another 9-11 attack how in the hell im supposed to know what happend and who did it when im deaf? All i can see is fire. Hey christopher reeve knew what was going on in his wheelchair. Look at another situation. Suppose theres a fire in a store or anouncment theyre closing when im taking a crap in the mens room. When im done i come out lights are out and doors are locked i try to get out and a cop nails me down on the floor think im burgalizing. See its dangerous being deaf in todays world . I hope satan is listening and grants my wish.
ravensteve1961 said:
Ok,,,I work in a movie theater. Regal Cinemas does not provide open catpion or rear view mirror. Regal cinemas made adjustments for wheel chair customers but not being deaf. Im as usher what good an usher is when hes gotta report bad sound in the theater if i cant hear. If a customer wants info how can i understand the customer if im deaf?

Another thing i life. I understand police officers dont understand the deaf. I heard there was a officer who yelled freeze but the black deaf man keep on walking towards an officer and he shot him dead. Its dangerous being deaf in todays world. Suppose if a siren goes off when im out shopping and theres a nuclear attack comming then i have no idea whats going on? Let me ask yall this? Did yall know what was going on when 9-11 accord on the news? All you saw was 2 WTC towers were burning of course you saw the planes hit the towers did yall know it was al queda then?? I knew cause i heard the reports were comming in . Now if theres another 9-11 attack how in the hell im supposed to know what happend and who did it when im deaf? All i can see is fire. Hey christopher reeve knew what was going on in his wheelchair. Look at another situation. Suppose theres a fire in a store or anouncment theyre closing when im taking a crap in the mens room. When im done i come out lights are out and doors are locked i try to get out and a cop nails me down on the floor think im burgalizing. See its dangerous being deaf in todays world . I hope satan is listening and grants my wish.

Where I live, Regal provides open captioned films every week at 2 different theaters.

Im 37 years old and have gone through many natural disasters yet I made it out alive.

It is dangerous being a HUMAN period these days.
how did you become deaf... or lose your hearing? have you tried hearing aids? or so?

i know that not all movie theatres don't have those device for the deaf yet.. but it's spreading.. mostly major city and popular movie theatre have those device.. the rear view mirror.. also mostly 2 movie theatres have open caption in major city like once a month or 2 times a month..
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DeafSCUBA98 said:
how did you become deaf... or lose your hearing? have you tried hearing aids? or so?

i know that not all movie theatres don't have those device for the deaf yet.. but it's spreading.. mostly major city and popular movie theatre have those device.. the rear view mirror.. also mostly 2 movie theatres have open caption in major city like once a month or 2 times a month..
Hey when i was 4 my hearing was dropping all the way doen to 65% loss then it stopped then i used the hearing aid for over 35 years hear great and clean. Now i lost my hearing was dropping 80% a month ago 2 months ago theres where my problem begin. I heard clogging i thought i had alligies again i thought it was gonna go away. But it didnt then my hearing return to normal then 24 hours later it clogged back up again then it returned to normal then i went to ENT guy he told me i didnt understand the words correctly then he did nothing he said it will come back it just alligies. The 2 weeks later my hearing got worse dropped 80% then now it dropped 95% it almost gone. I still hear ringing but very little sound. But if doctors find out alligies played a role in this im going to be very angry and ill probily burn every tree in the forrest down.
you can contact another ENT doctor and see their views..

I'll PM u something.. sound very very angry -- I admit that I grew up a very angry girl, I didn't like the idea of being deaf and not understanding anything that was going on around me. But look at me, I'm nearly 34 and I've survived this long and have been deaf my entire life -- nothing bad has happened to me.
Sure being deaf does have it's downsides, but there are a lot of positive things in being deaf -- no need to hear annoying people yelling inconsistent babblings at you or the sorts.
There are a lot of services that help deaf people get on in life in general. Generally, deaf people are able to do just about ANYTHING, but hear.
You just have to have a positive attitude towards deafness and learn to cope with it like I did.
Since you recently experienced total hearing loss -- it's going to take some time in getting adapted to the fact that you'll be deaf for the rest of your life. But being deaf isn't a death sentence, isn't it? At least, better deaf than blind (as a lot of deafies prefer to be deaf than blind, as we rely heavily on visual cues and the sorts.)

Just my 2 cents.
ravensteve1961 said:
Another thing i life. I understand police officers dont understand the deaf. I heard there was a officer who yelled freeze but the black deaf man keep on walking towards an officer and he shot him dead. Its dangerous being deaf in todays world. Suppose if a siren goes off when im out shopping and theres a nuclear attack comming then i have no idea whats going on? Let me ask yall this? Did yall know what was going on when 9-11 accord on the news? All you saw was 2 WTC towers were burning of course you saw the planes hit the towers did yall know it was al queda then?? I knew cause i heard the reports were comming in . Now if theres another 9-11 attack how in the hell im supposed to know what happend and who did it when im deaf? All i can see is fire. Hey christopher reeve knew what was going on in his wheelchair. Look at another situation. Suppose theres a fire in a store or anouncment theyre closing when im taking a crap in the mens room. When im done i come out lights are out and doors are locked i try to get out and a cop nails me down on the floor think im burgalizing. See its dangerous being deaf in todays world . I hope satan is listening and grants my wish.
Mel is right and she have a good point. I mean by her comment: It is dangerous being a HUMAN period these days.. I can't say any better than that.

I never know if I was born deaf or hearing, I was born very sick and had a high fever. However I cannot relate how you feel right now about losing your hearing but being a deaf is not bad. It is clearly enough that you have to learn to cope with it regardless if you like it or not. There are many times that I wish I am hearing but wishes does not change anything. I grew up hating the hearing people because they have something that I don't until few years ago, I finally realized that hating does not change anything... so I stopped and do whatever I can do for society, my friends or my families within my limits. It will give me 'warm' feelings, that is good enough for me.

And oh, you can develop other senses to make up for missing 'sense'. For example, I can feel if anyone comes near me, by learn to 'feel' the vibrate and keep my eyes out for any shadow that is coming near me. There is one or two advantages to be a deaf, you will notice many things in any environment that many hearings tend to miss. If 9/11-like situation happens in your area where you are, I assure you will 'feel'. Maybe I am different from deafies, I can feel something big happen near me. As I mentioned above that your senses will develop bit more than normal if you are losing your other sense. That's how nature works. As you know that blind people develop their acute sense, like.. able to smell what you eat, smell something that normal people couldn't smell, many more.

Our bodies are very advanced evolving machines.

about your odd statement: I hope satan is listening and grants my wish., why did you say like that. Actually, it is none of my business. Maybe it will work for you... do what I did, be grateful that you are not blind. Be grateful that you are not handicapped or crippled. Hope it will help you somehow.

Keep your chin up and be strong.

Edit: I have a longtime dream to be a airforce pilot but I can't because my deafness. That's my greatest frustration. There is nothing I can do about it but gave up on that future and find other future to live in. That's all I can do. I know for sure that God have a reason why I became a deaf, I guess I will find out somehow.
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Thats what my friend who works with the baltimore ravens told me. He told me be strong.But belive it or not, he took me to meet my favorite football player "Ray lewis". He told me if he signs this football you have to promise me to belive and stay strong. I said ok,,Its hard to do it cause im facing deafness. I only hope a CI would give my hearing back to almost normal or just as good as my hearing aid did. I can only hope. But im going to find out what caused my hearing deafness when i find out something or somebody is going to pay!
the way i look at it -- id rather stay deaf -- there ARE so many various things we can live with -- CC, TTY, theres also EMAILS, pagers and etc etc

but hell with ur attitude ravensteve -- go sell ur soul to satan for all i care :roll: *shrugs*
Meg said:
If anyway i could trade for my hearing back i could do it at any price at any cost id do it in a new york minute .

At least you only lost hearing. It is not like you lost your life or became paralyzed or developed a mental disability. You simply lost one of your senses. Yes, it is difficult to cope but please do not think that it is worth selling your soul for.

Thousands of people are in MUCH worse situations than you are and would gladly to be just deaf than going through their own crises.

hang in will eventually see the light at the end of tunnel and adjust to a life without hearing. You will see so many adaptations that will almost help you return to normal life.

The key is............attitude.

yea i agree with u.. u will be fine.. look at us, we are deaf and proud of it!!!! :D
ravensteve1961 said:
Hey free, Youre missing out the beauty of life (SOUND)
But... you are missing out the beauty of life (SILENCE) too! :D
raven, like I told you before it'll take TIME to get used to deafness. I know that people at an SHHH chapter will be able to relate with you more and give you a more positive message. I really think that you could use support. All of us need that at some point in our lives.

I suggest that you call vocational rehabilitation. Ask social security this question where you can meet with them and they can help you adapt to this and help you find a better job for you to adapt. Before that, they can help pay for classes to learn to lip read better while you wait to see if you want to go for the implant. They could help you buy equipment to adapt. Any deaf people can work at the cinema if they put their mind to it, but I can understand how it's hard for you when it's about communication and reporting the sounds, however, I know if I went there and said I was deaf, they wouldn't turn me down if there were other things to do.

You know...Satan doesn't care...he cares that you are fact, he's laughing at you everyday you have a bad attitude. Satan is all about suffering. He tries to play with people everyday, but it's up to us to tell him no and have a better attitude.

I am very certain that you can adapt to this situation if you only seek out a little help. There are other jobs like stocking that doesn't require talking to people while you wait to adapt and seek out cochlear implant. Sure some customers may come up, but you can take a notepad and try to have them write for you.

Your situation was too recent to even help you understand that it's going to be okay in the end.

The fact that we all are telling you that we are okay is telling you that it CAN be okay. Sometimes sounds doesn't matter...look at how old these people are--they survived.