If you want to stay young, drink this!

Mmmm, thanks for the info! I'm glad to know that. I drink hot cocoa and green tea on occasional.
im a coffee and tea drinker, i sometimes have hot choclate when i feel like it but right now we're outta hot choclate, I won't drink green tea, doesn't taste good for me ! sowwy :) other wise im more coffee drinker, and tea drinker when it gets chilly at nights and i had some tea like two days ago temps dropped into the 60s the other night due to HIGH tradewinds BRRR!
I never knew about hot cocoa keeping you young. I know that green tea is good for people. I drink green tea. I don't like green tea too well but I drink as much as I can. :)
I drink coffee - 5 or 6 cups per day, At home a real ground coffee, and Moccona instant coffee for work! And I am going to build a Bar in my another lounge, a replica from the English Pub !
i read this and then went to work this morning and ripped myself off by getting hot chocolate at starbucks..

hmm.. i see why its called starbucks.. you gotta have star's (celebrities) bucks!! ;) im just kidding :P
those kinds of drink make people younger??? Oy Vey... *walks off to bathroom and pour hot cocoa in the bathtub and jump into* ....Few minutes later *got out of the bath* :wtf: I'm 10 and half year old!!! :lol:
pimpdaddyposse said:
those kinds of drink make people younger??? Oy Vey... *walks off to bathroom and pour hot cocoa in the bathtub and jump into* ....Few minutes later *got out of the bath* :wtf: I'm 10 and half year old!!! :lol:

Gosh.. you are damn funny!! :rofl:
Interesting. I never knew Hot Cocoa is healthier than tea. Interesting. I thought none of those drinks were healthy. But I guess I was wrong.
i hadnt known of this and its an old thread! :shock:

im ALWAYS drinking hot tea in the evenings :-x coffee is limited to the morning hours and special occasions in the evenings when im out -- i love green tea too! ^5 to the green tea lovers!
nozobo said:
those kinds of drink make people younger??? Oy Vey... *walks off to bathroom and pour hot cocoa in the bathtub and jump into* ....Few minutes later *got out of the bath* :wtf: I'm 10 and half year old!!! :lol:

That's SO Futurama!! :lol:
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing that information. My husband and I don't drink coffee and tea, but we do like to have hot chocolate once in a while. I like to drink herb tea sometimes but I won't drink it this year because of my pregnancy. I've heard that pregnant women who have chocolate once a day in moderate amount helps the baby feel calm and able to handle stress better in life. I'm always reading about health news and this one is has been the most interesting ones.

Happy sipping to hot chocolate!
If you wanna stay young, then stay up all night watching those infomercials. Theres a lotta herbal stuff being pushed that if all the stuff were put together like a puzzle, it'll have the face of Ponce De Leon.
