I will NEVER to buy new computers at Circuit City and other stores again...

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WTF? I'm still not get credit back on my VISA card, returned was started at 5:30 pm or so on yesterday. :roll:

Fuck to Circuit City... No more buy new computers or other electronics at their store, that full of BS.

Just wait tomorrow or a few more days. It takes time for the company to credict your bill. If no credict, then dispute it on your Visa online or phone the company for your request to dispute it. That's about it.
Just wait tomorrow or a few more days. It takes time for the company to credict your bill. If no credict, then dispute it on your Visa online or phone the company for your request to dispute it. That's about it.

What's dispute in VISA?
What's dispute in VISA?

If your store did not credit your bill, you can reject your payment on the internet. I always check my bills online for my history balances. Sometimes I forgot what did I bought something a few months ago. It is free to open your account. The only way is for you to look at your paper bill that has a website address.

It is very important for you to see your credit card's website address - like this: https://www.citibank.com You see the letter "S" that stands for security. Without S, you must not access it. It does not matter if it has a symbol lock on your browser. The letter S is more important than the symbol lock.

Another important, if you receive a credit card advertisement in your email box, please never click a bank or credit card's link. The only way for us to look at our bill's website address and save it in our bookmark.

After you finished checking your credit card/bank website, you must "Logoff" and empty cache memory (your browser) so that it will not be stored on your hard disk.

TFWFalcon is right that it takes a few hours or up to 48 hours. Don't worry about it.
WTF? I'm still not get credit back on my VISA card, returned was started at 5:30 pm or so on yesterday. :roll:

Fuck to Circuit City... No more buy new computers or other electronics at their store, that full of BS.
All credit card transactions take 24 to 48 hours... or longer if on a weekend... to be processed.
Not true anymore. Once they are cheaper this way but not anymore.

Yes, you are right.. Like whenever you are about to upgrade like motherboard/cpu that will be still cheaper even though stick with the rest of hardwares such as case, hard drive, memory (that depends on that is if its compatiable..) etc.. :)
Heh, I never thought about building an Apple computer.. Generally, I'm talking about the PC. :D

Anyone you know who is willing to build for ya.. That will save alot of money. And one more thing, Vista isn't recommended for now.. Best stick with XP.. Is that why you got mad at Circuit City just because of Vista? :dunno:

Thats true. Also their prebuilt pc they tend to install extra crap programs that you dont need that really slows the pc down. Its better to build your own so you know what you have and what you need in your pc. And for Vista ill stay away from them and wait at least a year or until they iron out the problems. Pacman, its very easy to build your own pc. Just check the net or check out a book at the library. First time built mine I no idea what im doing untill I did some research and I cant believe its that easy. You should try it. :)

Pacman hope your problem is fixed.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.

Yes that's right.

Depend on people's talent and skill then they can learn how to build PC.
HA! your darn funny!

I don't have college degree, I don't have years of training and I know how to build PC! I have done that many times! You will be surprised how easy it is comparing to 15 years ago which I still remember.

no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.
HA! your darn funny!

My co-worker's hubby got college degree to build his own computer business then he is able to build his own PC... She told me that if you want to set your own computer business then you have to get college degree to prove that you can build the PC.
HA! your darn funny!

I don't have college degree, I don't have years of training and I know how to build PC! I have done that many times! You will be surprised how easy it is comparing to 15 years ago which I still remember.

If you set your own computer business then you must have a college degree then you are able to build PC and sell them to customers.

My co-worker's son learn from his Dad how to build the PC without get college degree... He does for his friends privately.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.

I disagree with you. I built the first computer when I was 14 in long long time ago. No degree and no training.

Answer. There is manual book.
I built/rebuilt/repair more than thousand computers/laptops before.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.

i find that funny. no, it is not hard to know how to build a pc. i have built several PCs for family, friends, and myself.

it is not required to get the college degree for that. look at Michael Dell. he dropped out his college to develop the pcs at the begin. now look at him and his company, DELL.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.

I can build the nuclear bomb without permit. whoops. did I say aloud?
most normal will show up for your refund money by 24 to 48 hours.

Just wait tomorrow or a few more days. It takes time for the company to credict your bill. If no credict, then dispute it on your Visa online or phone the company for your request to dispute it. That's about it.

I'm still got no credit after 40 hours then I decided about went to their store and one employee was tracked my order then she said my item was returned and told me that will take more time to get credit back, also I told her that I cannot blame on bank for like that but one woman at bank isn't nothing with credit but will be post on my website after get credit. One employee told to manager and he said it will take few days, such as 2 or 3 days to get full credit.

Now, I'm going to wait and patient, also I want buy PSP after get credit.
no, it is very very difficult. it requires a college degree and years of training to know how to build a pc.

:wtflol: No way.. I have been upgrade, build and others for PC in many years since I was a kid.. Let me ask you, do I have to bring college degree to the computer shop before buying computer parts that allows me to build..?? :rofl: No no no.. No need to get a degree BUT of course, get an A+ certificate from where you can take training from school OR you can study on your own from textbook then take an examination anywhere around the U.S. that's if you are looking for a job. But most companies who looking for somebody hire and still don't give a damn about A+ or any degree, certificates, etc.. As long as you show them what you got your skills.

That's about it. :D
I'm still got no credit after 40 hours then I decided about went to their store and one employee was tracked my order then she said my item was returned and told me that will take more time to get credit back, also I told her that I cannot blame on bank for like that but one woman at bank isn't nothing with credit but will be post on my website after get credit. One employee told to manager and he said it will take few days, such as 2 or 3 days to get full credit.

Now, I'm going to wait and patient, also I want buy PSP after get credit.

hey.. they said 24 to 48. You have to wait 8 more hours before you can bitching at them like queen, okay?!?!

And WTF?!?! Why on Earth you want PSP again? Didn't you return PSP like... few weeks ago?!?! WASTE!!!! kjlajsfl;kasjfasdf asdfSDIONASDMFOSDMOMAXJMO
Oh jeez!!! just bad luck ! I got my Sony viao at CompUSA store! its good reasonable price too

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