I want a boyfriend, please.

CookieMonster and Deaf24fan,

Thanks for presenting your well thought out POVs!!! :thumb: I couldnt agree with you guys more! I wanted to let MissP that there are great sensitive and mature guys like you both out there so there is hope afterall :)
Cookie Monster said:
Reading your posts here and there, you have said this quote quite often and I must say you cannot use your TCS as a crutch excuse for your issues. You do not want to completely alienate yourself from everyone. I have seen people with incredibly disfiguring facial features and wouldn't you know it, MissP, they are incredibly beautiful because they carry themselves with so much inner beauty. It is their inner beauty that radiates outside and attracts to the people around them.

but my point is.... not all ugly people have inner beauty.
I am just a regular person on the inside who like to fart, do stupid things, be nice sometimes, sometimes I can be mean, a little greedy, and stuff like that...

inner beauty is something like Snow White on the inside...
but I ain't like Snow White on the inside, and I don't wanna be like that.

I just want a man to accept the "inner normal"
cause I am just like everybody else, just that my face is different.

Not all ugly people have to have inner beauty, some of them can
have ugliness on the inside too.

That is why many men got disappointed in me, cause they seek for an inner beauty in me... and all. And they said I am a bytch.
I am a bytch to them, cause those men don't have inner beauty, either.

If they can't treat or get along with the normal looking women right, then
they can't expect me to let them treat me wrong.
They gotta look at themselves first, and treat women the way they wanna be treated.
deaf24fan said:
If you want a man, you can always make a move or at least express an interest in him, otherwise those men will not acknowledge your existance until you approach them.

It works my way when I didn't know who was interested in me made a move. That caught my attention and willing to explore a possibility. If it wasn't for her first move, then I would not acknowledge her presence.
Indeed. At first, I didn't notice that Nas, my current girlfriend & ex-interpreter, had been giving me the hints and making some body languages to let me know that she is interested in me. But you know how it is... some men are unable to notice these subtly hints. In fact, I like her and I want her but... I don't think she would go for a guy like me so I don't bother to make a move. She eventually gave up on hinting and made a move on me. Boom, here we are.

deaf24fan & Cookie Monster, I must applause you guys for these comments... I must admit that I gave up on Miss P. I gave her the numbers of advices and encourages in the past but ... well, let's not dive into that.

Good job, guys
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deaf24fan said:
This is 21st century. Women and men are allow to make a first move regardless of the gender. We are all equal. We are all capable of doing anything socialably. Why should we be trapped in old-fashioned way of courting/wooing a potential partner by guys to gals? Whats wronig with vice versa? I enjoy getting attention from women who are or may be interested in me.

Just my POV.

If I make a move, men will run away.... if I say I don't want men, then men will bother me.

And I would want to make a move on a man who ain't interesting in me at all.
I was trying to date a guy who has Treacher Collins Syndrome....
but he turned his nose on me and married a beautiful girl.
And I was thinking, that marriage won't last. Now they got a baby.
Aww man.

And I guess that is how black women feel when white women take away black men....
Black women want black men because they know that there is a low chance to be with white men.

It really upset me because I couldn't be with the TCS guy....
because I told him we could get a surrogate mother... he can give her sperm
and I can get pregnant by another man's sperm... at sperm bank.
That way our children won't have 100% chance of TCS....

But anyway... it is sad that I can't be with someone we have a lot in common with... same lifestyle, same TCS, same pain we had to endure in the past, and all.

Just like some deaf people don't wanna date hearing people.
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If I make a move, men will run away.... if I say I don't want men, then men will bother me.
been there done that and still doing it.. thats why i never made a move to a guy til a guy make their move to me.. so then i will give it a try and see what happens with chemsitry.

And I would want to make a move on a man who ain't interesting in me at all.
I was trying to date a guy who has Treacher Collins Syndrome....
but he turned his nose on me and married a beautiful girl.
And I was thinking, that marriage won't last. Now they got a baby.
Aww man.

ur loss, move on to new one?

And I guess that is how black women feel when white women take away black men....
Black women want black men because they know that there is a low chance to be with white men.

WRONG! not all of black women that felt appalled by black men taking white women away from us and the reason for them black men that turn their back on us because we have a "issue and attitude" most of them says so.
but think about it... white women are much easier to provide to these men than black women do because we the black women gives them a hard time.

Just like some deaf people don't wanna date hearing people.

:nono: not all of deaf people dont want to date hearing people.. i will give it a chance to a hearing guy to go out with me as if they have a good patience to learn with communication, aint nothing wrong with that. :roll:
I will be SMAHT said:
been there done that and still doing it.. thats why i never made a move to a guy til a guy make their move to me.. so then i will give it a try and see what happens with chemsitry.

strike one.

I will be SMAHT said:
ur loss, move on to new one?

strike two.

I will be SMAHT said:
WRONG! not all of black women that felt appalled by black men taking white women away from us and the reason for them black men that turn their back on us because we have a "issue and attitude" most of them says so.
but think about it... white women are much easier to provide to these men than black women do because we the black women gives them a hard time.

I don't want those black men anyway, fine, I'll get me a white dude, cause he can provide me more too.

I will be SMAHT said:
:nono: not all of deaf people dont want to date hearing people.. i will give it a chance to a hearing guy to go out with me as if they have a good patience to learn with communication, aint nothing wrong with that. :roll:

strike three, this Smaht girl is so cool. Thanks for the advice.
Meg said:
Please dont think that way. You are in control and need to think positive. I have seen men with women with far worse disabilities than yours. Inner beauty counts.

Everyone can find healthy love - there is no need to limit oneself by her/his own thinking.

Meg said:
Please dont think that way. You are in control and need to think positive. I have seen men with women with far worse disabilities than yours. Inner beauty counts.

Everyone can find healthy love - there is no need to limit oneself by her/his own thinking.

why can't you just LOOSEN UP and heed everyone's advice in here like meg's for instance? :roll:
like magapoo and meg said.. cookiemonster and deaf24fan made valid POVs! :thumb: cuz i give up on her too-- she is just impossible and loves to make things difficult for us around her sheesh... :roll:
no, I just like the way you said, "move on", "let the guys make the first move",
it seems like you understand what I am trying to say.

I just don't like the club thing, and going out meeting guys....

I just thought that here in this forum is a great place to meet nice guys...
because it seems there are some smart guys in here.
I was very impressed with the guys here cause they seem so smart.

but oh well...

I pick up some advice here... I like Advice.
Miss P if you do like advices, THEN TAKE IT! They have told you over and over and over, it like the advices passed through your right ear to left ear or let say right eye to left eye (when read it). I do agree with Meg, deaf24fan, and Cookie Monster that the inner of beauty counts.

but my point is.... not all ugly people have inner beauty.
I am just a regular person on the inside who like to fart, do stupid things, be nice sometimes, sometimes I can be mean, a little greedy, and stuff like that...
is not what inner of beauty means... those you just say in quote is your personality it mean all things that you do is who you are. Inner beauty means lot of goodness out of your personality such as sweetness, careful, friendly, intelligence, and all positive things.

Like for example you just reject few guys in here because YOU didnt like the way they comment or reply to your question in here, THAT is telling us that you wouldnt not give other chance to know them rather than one reply or comment before you give more time to get to know them. FYI that is calling PICKING meaning you are picking on guys that you are try to choose. I dont care about your bad past or present or future, You need to stop all negative and look past that and see all good things that you could find more interesting. IF you still act like this being picking and be annoying then lot of guys will find or being not interesting in you because of your behavior on dating...IT not like you are the Queen and can PICK any of those guy as your pet, YOU must work with one guy to make relationship work as long you both are satifised. IF one relationship not working then move on to other one, There are lot out there like the old saying: "There is plenty fishes out there for you"
Shiva said:
Miss P if you do like advices, THEN TAKE IT! They have told you over and over and over, it like the advices passed through your right ear to left ear or let say right eye to left eye (when read it). I do agree with Meg, deaf24fan, and Cookie Monster that the inner of beauty counts.

is not what inner of beauty means... those you just say in quote is your personality it mean all things that you do is who you are. Inner beauty means lot of goodness out of your personality such as sweetness, careful, friendly, intelligence, and all positive things.

Like for example you just reject few guys in here because YOU didnt like the way they comment or reply to your question in here, THAT is telling us that you wouldnt not give other chance to know them rather than one reply or comment before you give more time to get to know them. FYI that is calling PICKING meaning you are picking on guys that you are try to choose. I dont care about your bad past or present or future, You need to stop all negative and look past that and see all good things that you could find more interesting. IF you still act like this being picking and be annoying then lot of guys will find or being not interesting in you because of your behavior on dating...IT not like you are the Queen and can PICK any of those guy as your pet, YOU must work with one guy to make relationship work as long you both are satifised. IF one relationship not working then move on to other one, There are lot out there like the old saying: "There is plenty fishes out there for you"
:werd: Very well said, Shiva :applause:
Shiva said:
Like for example you just reject few guys in here because YOU didnt like the way they comment or reply to your question in here, THAT is telling us that you wouldnt not give other chance to know them rather than one reply or comment before you give more time to get to know them. "

I didn't know Steel was serious. I thought he was playing game on me.
And the other guys, I have no clue. :dunno:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
This is year 2005, and men should know better by now...

Steel for example,

"I just like to have a girl who do totally appericates me, and accepts who I am, no matter what along with my personality, my hobbies, and my weirdness."

That means he wants a woman to put up with him...

"I want a girl who can give me as much chances as possible, and someone who can love me no matter what at what cost, and would never give up on me as I would never give up for her either."

He wants a woman who will take him back if he has an affair with someone else, or whatever. And noticed he kept using the word, "girl".

"I just like a girl who is healthy and wise and know things from right to wrong."

What does he mean healthy? If a woman becomes unhealthy, he will dump her?

"personality always come before appearances so appearance shouldn't be too judgemental before personality anyway."

At the bottom of this paragraph, he said he doesn't want ugly women

I just like someone who has lots of patience and is pretty mature about alot of things and know when to be funny, etc.

He wants a woman to wait for him, while he goes outside with his buddies.

"I just like someone who is open minded and wouldn't really boss me around and take advantage of me in alot of ways, etc...so...I just like to be with someone who is around my age...perhas a few years younger than me or a year older than me lol"

He wanna live in a pig sty house.

I know age doesn't really matter but sometimes it just does, no offense. I just want a girl who REALLY loves me more than anything in the world and will be willing to stand up for herself if my life is in risk or whatever like that, as I would do the same for her.

Love him more than anything??? He sounds like a control freak.
He will be jealous of his own kids if his woman loves them better than him.

"What I want from a girl is to show me some respect, honor, and understanding."

I guess he doesn't want to show woman respect, honor, and understanding.

"That's all I just want from a girl...either black, white, or asian. either skinny or chubby, either hot or well..."cute" but not too ugly lol or even have boobs or no boobs at all, etc...it doesn't matter as long as the girl is crazy about me as I am crazy about her too."

he needs a female bozo clown

okay...there is tons of shit that you don't know about me.

I always try my best to be a damn good guy whenever I go out with a girl...such as for movies and dinner, I'm the ONE who pays for the stuff while she doesn't and can save as much money as she wants whenever she goes out with me because...I'm a guy and guys should just show some respect when he asked a girl out and the girl shouldn't pay for her things..the guy SHOULD pay for both of his and her things, so that would be fair, wouldn't it?

and when I said that I would like a girl who can give me as much chances as possible and I would do the same...but it all depends on loyality and trust and I would NEVER cheat on the person I'm currently with and if I feel that I'm not happy with her then I would tell her how I feel immediately and might as well just break up with her.

If you have a problem with me calling girls "girl" because it's part of their gender! if you were born a girl, then ta-da! you are called a girl! but I know there are other terms such as "woman, lady, babe, chick, gal", etc...but I always called my friends "girl" and they don't seem to have a problem with that...such examples when I say things like, "HEY GIRL! SUP??" and most of them just go "not much how 'bout?" as they don't really seem to care about being called "girl" so you didn't like to be called "girl"? well then you are just different. yes, it's true that all girls are totally different in alot of ways but most girls have something that guys don't have or that guys don't know about...etc so you know what I mean?

it's completely ridulcous that I would dump someone just because she's "unhealthy"...even if she has cancer or AIDs, would that be wise for me to dump her and let her suffer in serious sickness and stuff like that? other than that, if the girl is kind of overweight or something, then thats when she should know that one of the best ways to lose weight is to do EXCERISE! even me I go out and walk everyday and clear my mind and stuff like that.
But if the girl is unhealthy because of health problems such as serious illness or anything like that besides being addicted to eating, then I would be a cold hearted bastard if I dump someone for that reason, wouldn't I?

speaking of "ugly" women, I'm not trying to be shallow here...even if I was, I would've said something like "I want a hot fuckable chick with mega tits and sweet grade A meat buns!" then I would be most definetly shallow, right? But I never said anything like that in my paragraph...I just said that I want someone who is clean, takes good care of herself, and know what to look best and all. she can be sexy, cute, or just "okay" as long as I don't go out wtih a girl who have bad breath, yellow teeth, and even wearing too much makeup like a clown, etc...

I can always bring my girl with me whenever she's free and I'm free, but there are times when someone wants to spend with other people alone or in groups and sometimes just need a break from seeing the person abit TOO much and wants to spend some time with other people just once in awhile or when there are times that people are so damn busy they have to work hours and hours while the girl has to stay home waiting for him to come home and watch a movie, have sex and then go on a trip for the honey moon, etc...she just has to be patient waiting for her b/f to finish work first. jobs always come first because you need the money for everything. gas, clothes, food, gifts, etc...everything.

A pig sty house? lol since when the fu** did you see my place?

A control freak? so what are you saying...? that I shouldn't love the person more than anything because she's another human being to me and you think I should love something else besides the girl I love? hmm perhas I should love my car more than her? perhas I would be jealous if the girl loves the other guy more than me? then I might as well be jealous because I feel she has betrayed me but if she loves the kids more than me, well then fine with me because I might just as well love the kids as much as my girl. :roll:

Are you familiar with the term, "treat others the way you want to be treated"?
well then I would want to treat the girl fairly with respect, honor and loyality as long as she treats me with the same but if either of us don't do that, then of course our relationship would go down the loophole and *bang* game over.

my ex didn't treat me as much with respect and loyality so she didn't make our relationship any easier with her behavior that way so that was part of the reasons that I left her because I was so tired of giving her millions of chances by trying to make her happy and show her how much I love her and everything...by giving her tons of things that she needs and some that she wants and even took her out to a movie and dinner and stuff but in the end she just told me she doesn't love me anymore so then I just felt like I was struck by lighting when she told me that and thats when I decided to leave her and move on and she doesn't seem to care abou that anyway but the strange thing is that I still love her and she did love me before, but not anymore so I don't know what I could do make her love me again so there was nothing I can do about it and I learned that I can not make her happy...only SHE can make herself happy, if she does really appericate me the way I am and loves me for who I am and everything like that.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I didn't know Steel was serious. I thought he was playing game on me.
And the other guys, I have no clue. :dunno:
girl, I was ALWAYS serious in each thread that you make. :roll:

Steel said:
okay...there is tons of shit that you don't know about me.

I always try my best to be a damn good guy whenever I go out with a girl...such as for movies and dinner, I'm the ONE who pays for the stuff while she doesn't and can save as much money as she wants whenever she goes out with me because...I'm a guy and guys should just show some respect when he asked a girl out and the girl shouldn't pay for her things..the guy SHOULD pay for both of his and her things, so that would be fair, wouldn't it?

and when I said that I would like a girl who can give me as much chances as possible and I would do the same...but it all depends on loyality and trust and I would NEVER cheat on the person I'm currently with and if I feel that I'm not happy with her then I would tell her how I feel immediately and might as well just break up with her.

If you have a problem with me calling girls "girl" because it's part of their gender! if you were born a girl, then ta-da! you are called a girl! but I know there are other terms such as "woman, lady, babe, chick, gal", etc...but I always called my friends "girl" and they don't seem to have a problem with that...such examples when I say things like, "HEY GIRL! SUP??" and most of them just go "not much how 'bout?" as they don't really seem to care about being called "girl" so you didn't like to be called "girl"? well then you are just different. yes, it's true that all girls are totally different in alot of ways but most girls have something that guys don't have or that guys don't know about...etc so you know what I mean?

it's completely ridulcous that I would dump someone just because she's "unhealthy"...even if she has cancer or AIDs, would that be wise for me to dump her and let her suffer in serious sickness and stuff like that? other than that, if the girl is kind of overweight or something, then thats when she should know that one of the best ways to lose weight is to do EXCERISE! even me I go out and walk everyday and clear my mind and stuff like that.
But if the girl is unhealthy because of health problems such as serious illness or anything like that besides being addicted to eating, then I would be a cold hearted bastard if I dump someone for that reason, wouldn't I?

speaking of "ugly" women, I'm not trying to be shallow here...even if I was, I would've said something like "I want a hot fuckable chick with mega tits and sweet grade A meat buns!" then I would be most definetly shallow, right? But I never said anything like that in my paragraph...I just said that I want someone who is clean, takes good care of herself, and know what to look best and all. she can be sexy, cute, or just "okay" as long as I don't go out wtih a girl who have bad breath, yellow teeth, and even wearing too much makeup like a clown, etc...

I can always bring my girl with me whenever she's free and I'm free, but there are times when someone wants to spend with other people alone or in groups and sometimes just need a break from seeing the person abit TOO much and wants to spend some time with other people just once in awhile or when there are times that people are so damn busy they have to work hours and hours while the girl has to stay home waiting for him to come home and watch a movie, have sex and then go on a trip for the honey moon, etc...she just has to be patient waiting for her b/f to finish work first. jobs always come first because you need the money for everything. gas, clothes, food, gifts, etc...everything.

A pig sty house? lol since when the fu** did you see my place?

A control freak? so what are you saying...? that I shouldn't love the person more than anything because she's another human being to me and you think I should love something else besides the girl I love? hmm perhas I should love my car more than her? perhas I would be jealous if the girl loves the other guy more than me? then I might as well be jealous because I feel she has betrayed me but if she loves the kids more than me, well then fine with me because I might just as well love the kids as much as my girl. :roll:

Are you familiar with the term, "treat others the way you want to be treated"?
well then I would want to treat the girl fairly with respect, honor and loyality as long as she treats me with the same but if either of us don't do that, then of course our relationship would go down the loophole and *bang* game over.

my ex didn't treat me as much with respect and loyality so she didn't make our relationship any easier with her behavior that way so that was part of the reasons that I left her because I was so tired of giving her millions of chances by trying to make her happy and show her how much I love her and everything...by giving her tons of things that she needs and some that she wants and even took her out to a movie and dinner and stuff but in the end she just told me she doesn't love me anymore so then I just felt like I was struck by lighting when she told me that and thats when I decided to leave her and move on and she doesn't seem to care abou that anyway but the strange thing is that I still love her and she did love me before, but not anymore so I don't know what I could do make her love me again so there was nothing I can do about it and I learned that I can not make her happy...only SHE can make herself happy, if she does really appericate me the way I am and loves me for who I am and everything like that.
I will be SMAHT said:
been there done that and still doing it.. thats why i never made a move to a guy til a guy make their move to me.. so then i will give it a try and see what happens with chemsitry.
that's right gurl! never give up! :applause: we are all rootin' for ya!

ur loss, move on to new one?
Yep. I never thought my relationship with my ex would really end so I guess I just have to keep going on the road 'til I find another nice spot to relax lol

WRONG! not all of black women that felt appalled by black men taking white women away from us and the reason for them black men that turn their back on us because we have a "issue and attitude" most of them says so.
but think about it... white women are much easier to provide to these men than black women do because we the black women gives them a hard time.
well...now that you put it that way...my ex was alittle hard on me sometimes and stress me out abit when she demands something that I can't even give her the demands right away and she just screams at me and tells me to leave her alone, etc...some people thinks that the only person she thinks about is her HERSELF so it's like she always go, "ME ME ME!" instead of letting someone else have a turn, you know? I love black girls and I know alot of them are pretty ghetto and weird, but I definetly hope that I would find the right one someday.

:nono: not all of deaf people dont want to date hearing people.. i will give it a chance to a hearing guy to go out with me as if they have a good patience to learn with communication, aint nothing wrong with that. :roll:
I've went out with both hearing and deaf (even my ex was hearing so...) some people would have patience while others would just want move along and do something else instead of having a conversation :roll: