I have GOOD news to impart to you all.


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
As you know I have been pulling my hair out this fall semester over paying my tuition. About two weeks ago I applied for a Pell Grant and a Federal Work-Study as well as the unpleasant student loans.

Well guess what?

I got a $4,000 Pell Grant (covers spring tuition) as well as a Work-Study (covers books). Looking at the documentation, they are also back-paying for the fall term as well so it totals out to $6,000 altogether.

I have the option to decline or accept the student loans and drum roll please...
I have decided to decline the Federal Stafford Loan as well as the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford loan. If I had accepted all I would have received $16,000. Way more than I presently need and more than I care to repay at present given my iffy work situation.

Wow, I admire your decision and can truly respect that as well. I recall you worked hard to pay off your truck and it is nearly yours to own.

Good on you and it shows your character & integrity. :)
wwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! a very good news! your diligence paid off!
I plan on going to ConAgra and working 3rd shift in December or January, depending on when I receive my Christmas bonus check from work. If all works as planned in my head, and if I save well enough, this could be the only time I should have to apply for student aid as ConAgra pays quite well (think twice what I am currently earning) and I can save money each pay period so that I have the cash to pay each semester, at least one semester ahead. Meaning the day I register for classes is the day I can write out a check for the school.

Obviously I will have some left over once I receive my check and plan to put it back towards the fall 2009 tuition.

Although I suck at mathematics, for some reason I feel like I have made a smart financial move.
You have made such a wonderful move not only for yourself but in your daughter's life.

You're showing to her that not all single parents are always on government assistance. It's wonderful to do it.
You have made such a wonderful move not only for yourself but in your daughter's life.

You're showing to her that not all single parents are always on government assistance. It's wonderful to do it.

Exactly. I want to be able to give her comfortable living while she is growing up and not feel down on herself because mom can't afford the things her friends can. Not so much of the materialistic things, but I want her to know that she doesn't have to miss out on experiences.

Like being able to buy her a car when she is able to drive, or to purchase the items needed if she becomes a cheerleader (they have peewee sports here starting in the 3rd grade). Things like that.

But one big goal I want to be able to do before she graduates high school is to purchase us a home. Rentals are OK, but I feel more satisfaction with the idea of actually owning my own piece of property.
Exactly. I want to be able to give her comfortable living while she is growing up and not feel down on herself because mom can't afford the things her friends can. Not so much of the materialistic things, but I want her to know that she doesn't have to miss out on experiences.

Like being able to buy her a car when she is able to drive, or to purchase the items needed if she becomes a cheerleader (they have peewee sports here starting in the 3rd grade). Things like that.

But one big goal I want to be able to do before she graduates high school is to purchase us a home. Rentals are OK, but I feel more satisfaction with the idea of actually owning my own piece of property.

:tears: (there's no teary happy face emoticon so just pretend it is)
As you know I have been pulling my hair out this fall semester over paying my tuition. About two weeks ago I applied for a Pell Grant and a Federal Work-Study as well as the unpleasant student loans.

Well guess what?

I got a $4,000 Pell Grant (covers spring tuition) as well as a Work-Study (covers books). Looking at the documentation, they are also back-paying for the fall term as well so it totals out to $6,000 altogether.

I have the option to decline or accept the student loans and drum roll please...
I have decided to decline the Federal Stafford Loan as well as the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford loan. If I had accepted all I would have received $16,000. Way more than I presently need and more than I care to repay at present given my iffy work situation.


I plan on going to ConAgra and working 3rd shift in December or January, depending on when I receive my Christmas bonus check from work. If all works as planned in my head, and if I save well enough, this could be the only time I should have to apply for student aid as ConAgra pays quite well (think twice what I am currently earning) and I can save money each pay period so that I have the cash to pay each semester, at least one semester ahead. Meaning the day I register for classes is the day I can write out a check for the school.

Obviously I will have some left over once I receive my check and plan to put it back towards the fall 2009 tuition.

Although I suck at mathematics, for some reason I feel like I have made a smart financial move.

Exactly. I want to be able to give her comfortable living while she is growing up and not feel down on herself because mom can't afford the things her friends can. Not so much of the materialistic things, but I want her to know that she doesn't have to miss out on experiences.

Like being able to buy her a car when she is able to drive, or to purchase the items needed if she becomes a cheerleader (they have peewee sports here starting in the 3rd grade). Things like that.

But one big goal I want to be able to do before she graduates high school is to purchase us a home. Rentals are OK, but I feel more satisfaction with the idea of actually owning my own piece of property.

That's wonderful, Dixie. I'm happy for you!!!! :dance:

Cool Dixie! By the way, I thought when it came to Federal Stafford loans and Unsubsidized Stafford loans, one could indicate how much money they wanted to accept, no? For example, if both of your loans totaled $16,000 you could accept a little or a lot less than that. At any rate, congratulations! :)
It never hurts to apply for Pell Grant.

I did the same thing and got some money to help pay for school when I was at RIT. :)