I finally did it... Now, I have questions LOL

Nashville is exactly where we went, LOL. We were living in TN at the time he was diagnosed.

It may be listed under different names, but most larger towns will have some sort of agency that serves the deaf.

And I agree. My son's vocab progressed faster than mine. Just the exposure, and he took off! You could just see his eyes light up like "Hey, I know what this is about! Communication I can understand!" I'm sure you will have the same wonderful experience with Adam.

Yeah I've seen Adam get so excited when he realizes I can understand what he's asking or telling me-- it's like a relief to him!! I've talked to other members here who have processing issues and they've said ASL makes communicating so much easier for them- and w/Adam's other issues I think it'll be one of the most positive things we've done!!

I've still yet to find anything like THAT here but I'm looking :):) I forgot to ask the ED about it this weekend when she visited, it was a 6 mo eval visit and we were 'grading him' on progress... lol
Yeah I've seen Adam get so excited when he realizes I can understand what he's asking or telling me-- it's like a relief to him!! I've talked to other members here who have processing issues and they've said ASL makes communicating so much easier for them- and w/Adam's other issues I think it'll be one of the most positive things we've done!!

I've still yet to find anything like THAT here but I'm looking :):) I forgot to ask the ED about it this weekend when she visited, it was a 6 mo eval visit and we were 'grading him' on progress... lol

I'' get my rear end busy looking, too. Between the 2 of us, we are bound to find something.

I will never forget the first moment my son used a sign and realized what it was all about. It can still bring tears to my eyes remembering.
I'' get my rear end busy looking, too. Between the 2 of us, we are bound to find something.

I will never forget the first moment my son used a sign and realized what it was all about. It can still bring tears to my eyes remembering.


Yeah he's got a nice little collection of signs started (since we didn't want to rock the boat he hadn't been taught many from the start) but he's catching on quickly-- and he still talks-- but will do both for the signs he knows!!! My favorite is his 'Ice Cream'... he is so animated it looks like he's winding up for a pitch instead of just asking for 'ik ceem' as he says it! Melts my heart and we end up at McDonalds nearly every time (he's little so he can handle the calories!)

Yeah he's got a nice little collection of signs started (since we didn't want to rock the boat he hadn't been taught many from the start) but he's catching on quickly-- and he still talks-- but will do both for the signs he knows!!! My favorite is his 'Ice Cream'... he is so animated it looks like he's winding up for a pitch instead of just asking for 'ik ceem' as he says it! Melts my heart and we end up at McDonalds nearly every time (he's little so he can handle the calories!)

Mentioning McDonalds reminds me: my son came up with his own sign for McDonald's and Burger King (he loved them both!) McDonald's was "yellow hamburger" because of the yellow arch in the sign, and Burger King was "orange hamburger" because of the orange in their sign! Just wait, Adam will start putting his own twist on things, too. I think the way they choose to use visually descriptive sign combinations just shows that the visual is what they are paying the closest attention to.
Mentioning McDonalds reminds me: my son came up with his own sign for McDonald's and Burger King (he loved them both!) McDonald's was "yellow hamburger" because of the yellow arch in the sign, and Burger King was "orange hamburger" because of the orange in their sign! Just wait, Adam will start putting his own twist on things, too. I think the way they choose to use visually descriptive sign combinations just shows that the visual is what they are paying the closest attention to.

He already has his own sign for "Shrek" LOL he balls his fists up, pulls them up to his shoulders and growls and say 'dohnkee' I can just imagine how much more interesting it will get!!!! hey that was pretty smart for your little guy to come up with... I dont' know if I'd have come up w/those!
He already has his own sign for "Shrek" LOL he balls his fists up, pulls them up to his shoulders and growls and say 'dohnkee' I can just imagine how much more interesting it will get!!!! hey that was pretty smart for your little guy to come up with... I dont' know if I'd have come up w/those!

Oh, how cute! Remember to get that one on video.

Yep, P.J. surprised me with a lot of those combinations. He called a 'casket" a "dead box" when his father died when he was 6. Kind of morbid, but a very accurate description.
Oh, how cute! Remember to get that one on video.

Yep, P.J. surprised me with a lot of those combinations. He called a 'casket" a "dead box" when his father died when he was 6. Kind of morbid, but a very accurate description.

Oh I'm trying to get it on video!!! It's TOOOO funny!!! (especially when he wants to watch the 'video dance party' in the special features-- and he dances while doing it!!!)

WOW that is accurate and morbid but to a 6 yr old, I guess that's what he would think it is... makes sense to me!
Oh, how cute! Remember to get that one on video.

Yep, P.J. surprised me with a lot of those combinations. He called a 'casket" a "dead box" when his father died when he was 6. Kind of morbid, but a very accurate description.

First, that's heartbreaking, and I'm very sorry! But yes, his description really is right to the point, isn't it?!

Li lost both grandfathers this past year and now says to people, with a very grave expression, that her pop-pop or grandpa has "folded" and asks, if a character faints or is still on TV, if he has "folded." It took me a bit to trace that back to the sign we've used for 'dead.'

We really need to capture these now, even the sad ones. I love how amazingly expressive these little ones are -- face, hands, whole bodies thrown into the mix.
Kudos to you for having Adam instructed by ASL. I'm delighted to hear he's loving the visual learning. Keep up the good job! :)
First, that's heartbreaking, and I'm very sorry! But yes, his description really is right to the point, isn't it?!

Li lost both grandfathers this past year and now says to people, with a very grave expression, that her pop-pop or grandpa has "folded" and asks, if a character faints or is still on TV, if he has "folded." It took me a bit to trace that back to the sign we've used for 'dead.'

We really need to capture these now, even the sad ones. I love how amazingly expressive these little ones are -- face, hands, whole bodies thrown into the mix.

Thank you. And it is important to capture these now. These little nuances give us tremendous clues into the way our kids are processing information, and the unique way they understand their world.
Kudos to you for having Adam instructed by ASL. I'm delighted to hear he's loving the visual learning. Keep up the good job! :)

THANK YOU!!! He is certainly a visual learner... and I love that about him since I learn better that way too!! :)
Thank you. And it is important to capture these now. These little nuances give us tremendous clues into the way our kids are processing information, and the unique way they understand their world.

J, I tried for video of the 'Shrek/Donkey' sign last night but he knew what was up and just kept cheesing at the camera... I WILL get it and you can bet I'll post it!!! LOL
J, I tried for video of the 'Shrek/Donkey' sign last night but he knew what was up and just kept cheesing at the camera... I WILL get it and you can bet I'll post it!!! LOL

Oh, so you've got a little ham, too, huh? My son was a horrible ham!

Can't wait to see the vid!
Oh, so you've got a little ham, too, huh? My son was a horrible ham!

Can't wait to see the vid!

OH he's GRADE A ham!!! should've seen him flirt and ham his way thru his last photo shoot!!! The photographer was in LOVE when it was over-- :roll: and the girl trouble begins! :D
(Off topic looking @ your sig, my brother has CAPD... is that the same processing disorder you deal with?)

I was diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder along with neurological issues like memory problems, physical and vocal tics, and sensory problems when I was young. My biological mother had been on drugs and alcohol heavily when she was pregnant with me and they believe that is what caused many of my problems. I do not however have specific names of information on my medical issues. My mom asked me if I wanted to continue with testing to fix the problems but I was 10ish and had been dealing with it for quite some time by then and really had no intrest in doing more tests or starting meds and I told my mom that and she agreed.
What I remember from the doctor is that my ears are overly sensitive and hear MORE than they are supposed to; like the guy in the apartment next door vaccuming. And because they ear so much my brain has a hard to recognizing what to pay attention to. So when you're sitting in front of me talking face to face I'm not hearing a word you say because all I hear is that damn vaccum! I also can't stand totally normal sounds like cotton balls or styrofoam. Mixed with my sensory issues I can't even touch those things. Some days I just give up and wear ear plugs all day because the world is too loud. Some days I can't hear a fire alarm going off. Its frusturating, but I'm used to it too.
I was diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder along with neurological issues like memory problems, physical and vocal tics, and sensory problems when I was young. My biological mother had been on drugs and alcohol heavily when she was pregnant with me and they believe that is what caused many of my problems. I do not however have specific names of information on my medical issues. My mom asked me if I wanted to continue with testing to fix the problems but I was 10ish and had been dealing with it for quite some time by then and really had no intrest in doing more tests or starting meds and I told my mom that and she agreed.
What I remember from the doctor is that my ears are overly sensitive and hear MORE than they are supposed to; like the guy in the apartment next door vaccuming. And because they ear so much my brain has a hard to recognizing what to pay attention to. So when you're sitting in front of me talking face to face I'm not hearing a word you say because all I hear is that damn vaccum! I also can't stand totally normal sounds like cotton balls or styrofoam. Mixed with my sensory issues I can't even touch those things. Some days I just give up and wear ear plugs all day because the world is too loud. Some days I can't hear a fire alarm going off. Its frusturating, but I'm used to it too.

My bro has problems w/focus too because of his too! Bless your heart sensory issues too?? Adam has severe sensory issues and as you know it complicates matters... however at least I understand that disorder because mom here has SPD issues too!

Thank you for sharing your experiences that helps me understand Adam and my lil bro better!!
Ok my BFF told me she saw some ASL software and books at our local used book store, so Adam and I made a trip there today and I found a couple programs and some books (I just don't learn well from the books-- but got them for some of the other info and as a quick reference)

So it's a start-- still looking for classes so I know I'm doing things right :) :) But it's a beginning, right??
Yay.. once we meet it, im sure you'll be PRO at it.

no worries, you'll be fine :D
Ok my BFF told me she saw some ASL software and books at our local used book store, so Adam and I made a trip there today and I found a couple programs and some books (I just don't learn well from the books-- but got them for some of the other info and as a quick reference)

So it's a start-- still looking for classes so I know I'm doing things right :) :) But it's a beginning, right??

That's a good used book store. The only one here that I can find, focuses on romances and westerns. I may have to check in again. She's not a nice person and has no patience with deaf people. Threw my kids out because they were picking books up off the floor to try and place back on the shelves. She said that she has a hired "Chicano" to do that. that ticked me off and we left.
That's a good used book store. The only one here that I can find, focuses on romances and westerns. I may have to check in again. She's not a nice person and has no patience with deaf people. Threw my kids out because they were picking books up off the floor to try and place back on the shelves. She said that she has a hired "Chicano" to do that. that ticked me off and we left.

OOOHH yeah that's something that irks me too-- especially since my son is Hispanic mixed...

This is a national chain... Half Priced Books... you guys might have a Mr. Kay's near by maybe?? That one is a good used book store too-- I can't remember where in Fl you are (I spent 1/2 my teenage years in Orlando)