"I dont want to go to bed"

Well last night was a switch.. I usually want to stay up but last night I wanted to go to sleep but my mind wouldn't settle down. Ended up going to bed around 3:30 and able to go to sleep but had to get up at 6:45.. Blah!
I usually say this on Thursday nights. I just found out today at a meeting today that some of my coworkers do that too. They figure that it is worth being bleary-eyed on Fridays. LOL!
I'm always awake between 5:30 and 7 am, regardless of what time I go to bed. I hate that internal clock of mine! I don't even have to be at work until 9. So, while I'm at work at 10 am, my stomach's already growling for lunch. I guess I'm lucky I can eat whenever I want, even at my desk. So I just go to bed whenever I'm good and tired which is about 11 or midnight. So I don't exactly get a lot of sleep most nights.
Dang. Looks like I will be up to wake the roosters. I had so much coffee they are 747's.
You know, after a couple I go Boeing, Boeing. :P


I didn't get it until I read your second sentence. :lol:
Me either. Once I worked two full time jobs and quit one when I saw Mickey Mouse crossing at an intersection. :lol:

It was probably ME crossing the intersection like a zombie, LOL. I say that because I dressed up as Mickey Mouse for work last week. :)
I night owl. Never want bed. Go sleep usually 1-2 am, up 6am every day. Amazing, my most chipper is morning! Lol.
Me either. Once I worked two full time jobs and quit one when I saw Mickey Mouse crossing at an intersection. :lol:

I used to stay up during all kinds of hours. Now, I am asleep by 10pm on most nights. Weekends I tend to stay up later.
What? No pink elephants?

Once I was standing with an old character on the sidewalk when he did a double-take and said, "I must be drunk. Here comes an elephant." It was actually a brahma bull being led down the street as part of an advertisement. :giggle:
Once I was standing with an old character on the sidewalk when he did a double-take and said, "I must be drunk. Here comes an elephant." It was actually a brahma bull being led down the street as part of an advertisement. :giggle:

That's when you look all around you and exclaim - What? I don't see any elephants!
I would give almost anything for a decent night's sleep. So far, only averaging 2-3 hours a night all week and I am getting worn out. Called doctor about it, and he has no answers since I am allergic to most everything he can give me. He advised me to take 2 of my Tylenol 3's tonight.
I hope you get some sleep. I have such insomnia myself that I know what it's like to only get a few hours of sleep.
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

A lot of things can contribute to insomnia. I would bet stress is the number one cause.