"I dont want to go to bed"

My insomnia was purely pain and more pain. I did get sleep, but slept so soundly, I did not move and I am paying for that. I have pain from the shoulder blades to the toes. I know it's my fibro really talking to me, so I am trying to baby as much as I can right now.
I woke this morning with a major muscle tight in my shoulder. And it's just gotten worse all day. I've tried massage (not professional), tried stretching, tried muscle relaxer, tried chilling out. seems like nothing is helping. Any suggestions?
I woke this morning with a major muscle tight in my shoulder. And it's just gotten worse all day. I've tried massage (not professional), tried stretching, tried muscle relaxer, tried chilling out. seems like nothing is helping. Any suggestions?

For me, I would use warm compresses and them some muscle rub, like Icy Hot or something like that.
For me, I would use warm compresses and them some muscle rub, like Icy Hot or something like that.

Icy Hot! Why didn't I think of that!!! I have some. Lets see how this works.
Have any of you said that? If so...why?

I love to sleep and have been known to sleep 18 hours straight so when I say I don't want to go to sleep it typically would be at night. I do not have any issues sleeping during the day. I say this because I have vivid and horrible nightmares sometimes I worry about having an episode of the sleeping disorder I have R.E.M Sleep Behavior Disorder. Sometimes I'll avoid or try to prolong when I go to sleep if I've had a previous episode out of plain old stupid fear of the boogie man. :giggle:

Other times I say I don't want to go to sleep over whats to transpire the next day and if I want to avoid it I tend to stay up because if I go to sleep in no time flat it'll be the day I dread. I'm either trying to avoid a person or a situation I don't want to deal with. For the most part when I avoid going to sleep it's because of the nightmares. They can quite horrible. It's like my own personal horror movie...:giggle:
I have always been that way. My family always worked in the cafe business. Late nights! So, since I was little, we always get to bed late - late! Morning person I am not. However, my husband is the polar opposite. I go to bed at midnight to 2, he is happiest in bed by 8 or 9. I like to make friends with the pillow till about 9 or 10 on the weekends, but he will often wake up all chipper. Morning ppl, bleh.

Good thing my job is by rote. Coffee, shower, keys and I am off to work. Perform functions 1 thru 10. Lunch - peeking out at the world - back to work. By evening I am perking up and ready to go.
I woke this morning with a major muscle tight in my shoulder. And it's just gotten worse all day. I've tried massage (not professional), tried stretching, tried muscle relaxer, tried chilling out. seems like nothing is helping. Any suggestions?

Update: Icy Hot did not help too much. after a few hours of that not working I took a bubble bath... the kind with an air pump attached to a mat on the bottom of the tub. After an hour of that not working either, I went to bed early. :confused:

Woke up still stiff. I then babysat for a friend's son and I was surprised, after playing with him for a few hours my back started feeling much better! I think this is a sign that I really should consider becoming a father soon!!! :giggle:
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

A lot of things can contribute to insomnia. I would bet stress is the number one cause.

You're right. It is tough to sleep when you are under stress. Ppl need to learn how to be a good sleeper. If your mind is racin', it will keep you wide awake. Not a lot of ppl know dat. Sleep much as you can and just chill the fuck out.
One question, how can a person not know that they can't sleep cause their mind is racing? :roll:
For me, I know I can't sleep if the mind is racing and if I can't figure out that it's racing first, then I should be shot.

Tonight, I was dreading going to bed since I got a massive headache again. I bit the bullet and said to heck with the non-dairy issues for the night and did a triple treatment, I took my Excedrin, ate a Snickers bar and drank a Pepsi. Headache all gone, now I can look forward to bed. Will be there in about 2-3 hours.
One question, how can a person not know that they can't sleep cause their mind is racing? :roll:

I cant sleep when there are many issues running through my head. Thank goodness it doesnt happen to often for me.