How Can I Trust Again My Boyfriend? He Cheats on me before...

That reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, whom I dated with. He promised me that he will not do it again but he lied and cheated me about having an affair with a woman behind my back. I told him that I don't want to see him again. He begged and said he promised me that he will not do it again. I also told him "get lost!" because I was so fed up with him because he did that to me many times. Of course, I was angry and hurt. That was 20 years ago. I have dated with a several men. They lied to me. I think all men are jerks. I am sorry to say this.

Me Amore, I am sorry to hear this but I agree with all on this. Your boyfriend will do it again and again. What if he asks you to marry him. When you two get married and then, he will cheat on you. You will end up getting divorced because of this. So, it's not worth it.

I found this link - How to tell if he'll cheat . (I hope this link works.)

...I agree.
In fact, I wrote somewhere in other forum about how I hate my dad(s).
And how they are jerks to my mom.
I hate myself :D
i do trust my boyfriend who lives in London,England but im almost broke-up with him for my argues with him but i send him apology e-mail messages i do trust him messages and forgives messages each other in my mind.

my boyfriend is Englishman he is 6'4 his name is James Windsor but he and me been dating for one years but he and me been talking about plans getting married and plans add families in future somedays if he and me making more strong relationship enough each other and trust each other but he and me been e-mail every week and every years they love each other but i would love meet him somedays when im return to London,England again.

my family know im dating that man from London,England and im still happy dating for one years than scam boyfriend!
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...I agree.
In fact, I wrote somewhere in other forum about how I hate my dad(s).
And how they are jerks to my mom.
I hate myself :D

I am sorry to hear that. Have you thought about seeing a counseler? I am seeing a counselor because of that and other issues, I am suffered from depression and PTSD.

My dad was jerk, too. He died of throat cancer (from drinking and smoking) 14years ago. I was so angry at him how he mistreated my mother. (I wrote in JeepGirl's thread. So, you know the rest of the story.) I saw everything what's going on between my parents every year until they were divorced after their 19 years marriage. It's bad experience for me and other 4 siblings..)It was a messy divorce for them! :pissed:

Again, I am sorry to hear that.
Please consider about seeing a counselor. He/she can help you with this problem. :hug:
First of all, I'm sorry what and how you had through and know how you feeling.

Is it first time for him to cheat you?

If yes, if you really love him then give him other chance to try and forget the past and try to focus on the positive things...

If you still can't trust him then is best for you to forget him and move on with your life.
Unfortunately you'll never be able to trust him completely so even if there isn't another girl.. you'll always be looking over your shoulder. Plus he did it to the other girl. What makes you think he isn't telling her the same thing? Going back and forth..just decide what diseases your willing to share with "the girl" and him and then you know whats worth it.
Forget about him! If he cheated on you once he will do it again . don't fall that "I love you crap" There are better guys out there to date. Would he trust you if you cheated on him?? I really doubt it!
If one "knows" your "partner" is "cheating" shouldn't one analyze why they remain in such a relationship?
Fear being "alone"? Deserve such" incongruent behaviour".?

Some thoughts from my user name
Kick the jerk to the curb!....Women are meant to be loved and cared for...not abused...and this is what he is doing...emotionally abusing you.....

You'll survive the break-up, no matter how hurt you are feeling....There are a lot of dumb women that would stay in a cheating relationship because they don't want to be lonely and alone....but the smart ones are the ones who survive and keep their pride intact!....

Good luck which ever way you choose to go!
Well, it's very sticky situation. Only advice I can give you is, close your legs tightly (and of course close your mouth away from his snake) and test on him for a while to see he can faithfully put his snake in his pants. If failed, then you know what to do.
It is best to move on with your life and find someone else. I was cheated on too many time by one of my ex after I gave him too many chances. Now i am happily with someone who is very faithful and treat me very well.
Trust me, he is not going to change. Until he talks and charms his way back into your life, he will say and do anything to convince you that he's a new man/ changed man; whatever. Then, after about 3,4, 6 months he will evolve back to his same cheating behavior. Now, that he knows your on to him, he will try to be more secretive, and it may take longer to catch him. Your intuition is telling you he can't be trusted, that's a red flag. Listen to it, and save yourself from being hurt.
I am really confused. I dont know what to think about my boyfriend.
He was my boyfriend for 1 year, He was a Muslim Guy. I called it quits when I found out that he is cheating on me. Though he said that he will leave the other one, coz he cant afford to loose me. Still I decided to let go. I say to myself that I cant trust him anymore, I know that if he cheat once he will cheat again. Plus the fact that he was a Muslim. Having alot of Girls in his life is not an Issue. THough the first time I met him I really thought he was different...But it happens and it just heart me alot...
Now, after a year he came back...And I accept him...Thinking and hoping that with that 1 year of separation, he will change. Coz he was really a nice guy. He said he does, and he was sorry for what he did, he said that it was his mistake to hurt me and will never do that again, he said that im good and even his friend tell him to never let me go again and they were happy that we got back together.
I want to start again and trust him but as time pass by I cant help myself but to think that he might do it again. I dont know if its my problem,though he assure me he will never do that again...Still I cant trust him with all heart.
I dont know what to do...
I dont know how to react...
I dont know what to say...
Im really confused!!!

The bottom line is "You can never fully trust again" The question is, can you forgive and move on with him knowing this. I say-Move on to greener pastures.
The bottom line is "You can never fully trust again" The question is, can you forgive and move on with him knowing this. I say-Move on to greener pastures.

afterall, you didnt taste the right grass...
Well I would not give him any more chances I know how you feel because it has happen to me in 2003 and I did not give my ex anymore chance and October 3rd it happen to me again if you want to we can be friends

Bottom line: u can never trust him again. Once a cheater always a cheater :finish:

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