How are you feeling today?....

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Ageless :)
soooooooooo tied,daughter had me up 5th night,given her pain killers no good dr be here later and hoping give her tamizpan but not hold breath dr no like doing that
no go on like that.

For summer day i cold

soon ready on the wedneday on testisting to on the MRI on night.
neurlogist do it best knew

I feeling better right now I break time! Yesterday awful is migrance ! I got numberous!
Just discovered a new Cochlear Implant exercise tonight-Old Mill Single Professional Network dance. Back to the past.

Not too often at that location-convenient close to subway.
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Excited! Going to Zumba class this evening and see my little baby ( teacher's baby). He started talking already ahhh
Really rough day. Lots of nuisance stuff at work from the vp. My boss reports to him, but my boss is out and unavailable, so I've had to do a lot more in managing what the others are doing. Also a lot of things going on that are my responsibility at work with customer equipment needing maintenance.
alots of healthy adjustment to improve progress for me healthy balance. it is alots of for me anxiety easy. I really scary. I learn.

Booked a vacation package to New Orleans with my hubby for his 40th birthday this December.

I haven't been there since 2001 and it was such a happy time there!
I felt irritated when some drivers use handicapped parking without permit (decal/tag).

It is disrespectful to handicapped people, also I have permit as well.
I felt irritated when some drivers use handicapped parking without permit (decal/tag).

It is disrespectful to handicapped people, also I have permit as well.

I guess the $250 fine isn't enough to stop them. I have my permit but only use it when it's really necessary. At the malls around here and parking downtown it is closely monitored by the police.
I guess the $250 fine isn't enough to stop them. I have my permit but only use it when it's really necessary. At the malls around here and parking downtown it is closely monitored by the police.

Yes, in some area, police department overlook at handicapped parking and maximum fine is $500 - depending on properties. At my university, the fine is $500, same goes to Walmart in my area.

In bold, same here, I avoid any handicapped parking that designed for van. That's my personal decision to respect them.

I think penalty should increase to include towing + fine. If towing fee is $250 and fine is $500 = $750. In some area, the car can towed if parking without permit.
i begining to feel first signs of migraine so will call it a night off to bed early
Been dealing with a strained muscle in my back for 2 days now. Also migraines off and on for a week. Have had a emotional wringer going on and as it is getting easier, then end result will send me spiraling again.
Excited....moved on to unit 3 in my ASL book. So far I only missed one question.
Wirelessly posted

Angel1989 said:
Excited....moved on to unit 3 in my ASL book. So far I only missed one question.

Awesome !
after 2 very, very loooooong and tedious months, catching a little glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Really do look forward to the new year, 2013 is truly "bad luck", at least for me......Business savvy was never my forte...but I'll be damned if I'll ever be caught unprepared again!

Feeling better today...:wave:...gonna make a Banana Pudding later.
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