HOA says Cant fly a flag in my yard


TCS saw a neighbor at Publix and mentioned the HOA letter. The neighbor said that she got a letter today also. Her offense was leaving her cooler in front of her garage door.

TCS suspects that someone on the board got a bee in their bonnet and decided to drive around seeking out offenses.

TCS saw a neighbor at Publix and mentioned the HOA letter. The neighbor said that she got a letter today also. Her offense was leaving her cooler in front of her garage door.

TCS suspects that someone on the board got a bee in their bonnet and decided to drive around seeking out offenses.

what..... the.... frack.......
Well, I'm certainly disappointed in my HOA now!

We got our "courtesy" letter today. Apparently our offense was TCS parking his work van in our driveway while he was home for lunch the other day.

It also seems weird to me that someone with a camera happened to drive by just at that hour he happened to be home. He rarely comes home for lunch, and it's not at any scheduled time, so it was quite a coincidence that they came by during that brief window of opportunity.

I also don't know who would be bothered by that. To our right, the neighbors have a large pick-up and SUV on their drive. To our left, the neighbors have a at least four vehicles at any given time on their driveway, including the marked CSI SUV. Of the two neighbors across the street, one has at least four vehicles on the drive, and the other has one commercial and two non-commercial vehicles on the drive, and sometimes a large boat or commercial enclosed utility trailer. On our driveway, except when TCS is getting his van ready for the day or making a brief lunch stop, we have only the two Jeeps parked there.

We have 15 days to resolve the problem. I'm not sure what they expect us to do. A few minutes after they took the picture TCS drove off to work, so it would seem it was "resolved" then. :dunno:

TCS emailed the HOA president (who is his PGR riding buddy) to ask what we're supposed to do.

I don't get it. what's so "illegal" about TCS parking his work van on your driveway?
I don't get it. what's so "illegal" about TCS parking his work van on your driveway?

Some HOA subdivisions banned commercial vehicles and trucks.

Stupid rule.
I guess I should feel blessed. The HOA Nazis could have cited me for the plumber, electrician, garage door repairman, tree service, and a realtor friend of mine parking on my driveway. :crazy:
First time I've been to this thread since the day Reba first mentioned the HOA issue and all this time my guess was that they were gonna give Reba and hubby an award! :shock: :lol:
First time I've been to this thread since the day Reba first mentioned the HOA issue and all this time my guess was that they were gonna give Reba and hubby an award! :shock: :lol:

It is somewhat ironic that we get a "courtesy" letter after the several times we've gotten "Yard of the Month," and how TCS voluntarily takes care of the lights and Flag at the main entrance, and some other common area issues (he's done it for years).

Anyway, the latest is the president of the HOA said he would "take care of it" since the "offense" seemed bogus to him. We haven't heard anymore since then, so I guess all is OK.