

Well-Known Member
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Mar 23, 2005
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If you are conservative then you are supposed to get CI? I know that most hearing conservative families to implant on toddlers and children. Just check CI website and thinking about get CI.
I am not conservative or republican for that matter. I am progressive democrat and I have CI. There is no political party alignment with CI at all. :dunno:

The key here is the "desire to hear" and in case of kids, the key is 'the desire to provide more opportunities in the world of hearing in kid's future.
That is new to me. :dunno:

Im very liberal and got a CI. My brother is very conservative and he got a CI. Go figures :whistle:
I identify more with libertarianistic principals myself - I don't think that there is *any* affiliation with people in any particular political group and their desire to get a CI. Same as there is no relationship between people in any particular faith getting them.
On the other hand......for kids, it does seem like a lot of conservative families tend to be all gung-ho about the CI. It would be wicked interesting to find out the sociological makeup of parents who opt for CI and oral education, vs those who are OK with sign language.
When my family found I was Deaf then my mom learned SEE first then finally they learned ASL from me through Deaf school. I don't think the CI issue ever came up but I got fitted for 2 behind the ear hearing aids and wore them for a short time. I was 12 years old. I threw away my hearing aids because I was so confused, it was all new to me and it took up my enegry hearing all those sounds. I did not understand I was supposed to be hearing the good sounds of things, life going by , the clatter of food fork knife on steak , car or motorcycle going by etc. I threw away my dad's hard earned money. ( I did not mean to do that ) I got fitted for a hearing aid a couple summer agos when I was 28-29 years old. I forgot how good it was to hear again. I was told by the doctor that I qualify for a CI. For now I am ok with BTE HA but if I need the CI then I will go to the CI. My family has supported and backed me 100 % in whatever it was I did in school or now in my adult life. I am not for or against CI because some people do need to hear or want to hear. I do understand the controversy surrounding the cochlear implant but I don't want this to turn into an agrument. I do support the CI if that person wants it for himself or herself but I don't think HA or CI should be forced upon a kid. A person has to want a HA or a CI. I also find it interesting that you say wheter a family is conservative or liberal has alots to do with CI. I don't think that is the case. It has more to do with what is in the best interest of their children and Naturally, The parents always want the best of the best for their children.
Heath said:
I do understand the controversy surrounding the cochlear implant but I don't want this to turn into an agrument.

That is how I feel now! You're cool in my book, Heath.
Boult said:
I am not conservative or republican for that matter. I am progressive democrat and I have CI. There is no political party alignment with CI at all. :dunno:

The key here is the "desire to hear" and in case of kids, the key is 'the desire to provide more opportunities in the world of hearing in kid's future.
In the case of kids, it is desire to normalize the kids. :io:
I don't think one's political leanings in life has any real bearing on why one would get a CI or implant a young child with CI. I know for myself it had nothing to do with it. I just wanted to stay in the hearing world...it is as simple as that.
Heath said:
. . . I got fitted for 2 behind the ear hearing aids and wore them for a short time. I was 12 years old. I threw away my hearing aids because I was so confused, it was all new to me and it took up my enegry hearing all those sounds. I did not understand I was supposed to be hearing the good sounds of things, life going by , the clatter of food fork knife on steak , car or motorcycle going by etc. I threw away my dad's hard earned money. ( I did not mean to do that ) I got fitted for a hearing aid a couple summer agos when I was 28-29 years old. I forgot how good it was to hear again.


I was a year younger than you when I received bte hearing aids. The first day of school, which was fifth grade, word got around that I received hearing aids. After the audiologists and doctors misdiagnosed me (as retarded, not hoh/deaf), psychologist had to apologize to my parents. The psy and several speech clinicians were waiting for me in the psy's office when I was called down, so these people got me very quickly and taught me how to decipher all these sounds and it took time. Yeah, several times my mother threatened to throw away my ha's because I wouldn't wear them, but otherwise, it took time. My speech is nearly perfect due to all that work by everyone. I hope you can get the help you need to decifer all the sounds so you can hear properly.

Did you know that the first morning (the next day) I received my hearing aids, I remarked to my mother (dad was at work), "Wow, the birds sure are singing today!" This is the first time I've heard them.
That's an interesting question, about the conservative bit. Interesting idea, Trippla... like deafdyke says, it would be very interesting to find out the statistics.

I myself am "Big D" Deaf and have a CI and am not "conservative". I've met many other CI users (mostly adults) from all walks of life. To be honest, most people I've met tell me they got the CI just because they wanted to. I would guess that MOST people make the decision for personal reasons, regardless of their political leanings. That includes parents too.

gnulinuxman said:
In the case of kids, it is desire to normalize the kids. :io:

Actually it fueled by a desire to allow deaf children to have a FULL toolbox of communication tools at their disposal.
Boult said:
I am not conservative or republican for that matter. I am progressive democrat and I have CI. There is no political party alignment with CI at all. :dunno:

Well, it’s been my observation at least that the ‘speak-English-or-die’ oralist mentality is almost invariably associated with right-wing parents. Which makes sense—it’s tragic enough that this heinous genetic defect should occur in their otherwise noble bloodline. There’s no point in making matters worse by having their kid communicate in some guttural gestural language. After all—what would the neighbors think?
Well, it’s been my observation at least that the ‘speak-English-or-die’ oralist mentality is almost invariably associated with right-wing parents. Which makes sense—it’s tragic enough that this heinous genetic defect should occur in their otherwise noble bloodline. There’s no point in making matters worse by having their kid communicate in some guttural gestural language. After all—what would the neighbors think?
LOL......definitly!!!!! I have also noticed that too!
Lev, I spoke at a conference for hoh kids a few years ago, and the kids who spoke were all upper class high powered "hearing impaired/AG Beller/Auditory Verbal" types........UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Levonian said:
Well, it’s been my observation at least that the ‘speak-English-or-die’ oralist mentality is almost invariably associated with right-wing parents. Which makes sense—it’s tragic enough that this heinous genetic defect should occur in their otherwise noble bloodline. There’s no point in making matters worse by having their kid communicate in some guttural gestural language. After all—what would the neighbors think?

LOL I can imagine that there is a subset group that is like that but as with hearing aids CI users includes people from all walks of life, including those who continue to make use of sign. It's much broader than that.

I think we have to be careful not to box and categorise people. It's tempting but it does nothing for promoting understanding between people who have chosen to make different decisions for whatever reason.