Greek Alphabet?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
How many of you know the Greek alphabet?

If you're wondering what I mean, check this out...
  • Α - Alpha
  • Β - Beta
  • Γ - Gamma
  • Δ - Delta
  • Ε - Epsilon
  • Ζ - Zeta
  • Η - Eta
  • Θ - Theta
  • Ι - Iota
  • Κ - Kappa
  • Λ - Lambda
  • Μ - Mu
  • Ν - Nu
  • Ξ - Xi
  • Ο - Omicron
  • Π - Pi
  • Ρ - Rho
  • Σ - Sigma
  • Τ - Tau
  • Υ - Upsilon
  • Φ - Phi
  • Χ - Chi
  • Ψ - Psi
  • Ω - Omega
i know some greek.. i learned it from old game called 'starwars trilogy'

since they use alpha, delta, beta, gamma for the ship name :)
that s So intresting, i only know,
A Adam
b bravo
C charlie
d Delta,
E Evans
F fox
g George
h hot
i ice
j jacob
k :)dunno:)
l lincon
M matt
N nelson
O omega
p peter
q quincy
r roger
s Steven
t trot
u unit
v victor
w wilson
x xray
y yellow
z zebra

( if i can remmy that was the CHP's radio signals for the licence plate and checking out for warrants they do the letters by code so that they will know how to spell the names in case there's a warrant out for that person's arrest ie; Desiree = Delta Evans Steven Ice Roger Evans Evans)
Bullym0m said:
can u tell me wha.. that geek.. I never learn about this stuff... er um... can u say greek name 4 me "Terri" ?

"Tau Epsilon Rho Rho Iota" (ΤEPPI) would be the spelling for Terri. Keep in mind, it's only the Alpha-Bet(a) ;) I don't know full-fetched Greek.
Sweet_KJ said:
"Tau Epsilon Rho Rho Iota" (ΤEPPI) would be the spelling for Terri. Keep in mind, it's only the Alpha-Bet(a) ;) I don't know full-fetched Greek.
Ahhh.. *interesting* btw thanks KJ
I have a better idea.......this will keep everyone busy :) create only 3 letters greek name, it can not match any other greek names out there. it has to be unique and what would be your symbol for that greek letter?? for example, the Lambdas have the L handshape to represent.
I do! But aren't they supposed to be in Abc order as well Vampy? Thats how I identify the greek alphabets.
Strawberry said:
I do! But aren't they supposed to be in Abc order as well Vampy? Thats how I identify the greek alphabets.
Most of the Greek alphabet is in order. Remember... it's the GREEK alphabet... not English alphabet. Germany has their own alphabet. Russia has their own alphabet. Not everything is in the exact same order as each other.

Α - A
Β - B
Γ - replaces C
Δ - D
Ε - E
Ζ - replaces F
Η - replaces G
Θ - replaces H
Ι - I
(no J)
Κ - K
Λ - L
Μ - M
Ν - N
Ξ - added between N & O
Ο - O
Π - P
(no Q)
Ρ - R
Σ - S
Τ - T
Υ - U
Φ - replaces V
Χ - replaces W
Ψ - replaces Y
Ω - replaces Z
I am going to start the game of creative greek names that are not taken.

Delta Omega Delta
Ionta Nu Lambdas
Delta Theta Eta
Iota Rho Lambda
Beta Rho Tau
GREEK alphabet in Sign I can sign to other people the names instead of the long fingerspelling

BabyPhat21 said:
GREEK alphabet in Sign I can sign to other people the names instead of the long fingerspelling

Actually, each deaf Greek has their own signs. Here at RIT, the following deaf Greek organizations use the following sign languages: (letters with ' at each side means it's signed as the English alphabet)

ΑΣΘ ( Α - Σ - 'O' )
ΚΦΘ ( Κ - 'P' - 'T' )
ΣΝ ( Σ - Ν )
ΔΣΦ ( 'D' - 'S' - 'P' )
ΣΣΣ ( '3' - 'S' )