Golden Window

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How are these multinationals denying sign? Recommendations are not orders. No its not about me, from you post I get the impression you have a problem with the hearing world in general. Some people do want to live in that world. The babies you speak of are their parents children not your children. If its was my child the signs I would want to learn the fastest would be so I could ask the simple question of you and those of your ilk. ARE YOU TELLING ME HOW TO RAISE MY KID?

did you read the paper i posted?
that does a very good job stating why WE oppose the behaviours and actions of the combined system CI/ et al
I would just find it annoying someone interfering with me and my wife's parental decisions. There are probably more than a few adults & parents who have no desire to hear (No pun intended) a lecturer regarding the decisions they make for themselves. Being opposed is one thing, interfering with peoples personal decisions (Adults & Parental) is another.

Yet again no answer...
I would just find it annoying someone interfering with me and my wife's parental decisions. There are probably more than a few adults & parents who have no desire to hear (No pun intended) a lecturer regarding the decisions they make for themselves. Being opposed is one thing, interfering with peoples personal decisions (Adults & Parental) is another.

we are not interfering, choices actually means more then one option available and presented
again and it's clear you and the multinationals seem to have it that we don't have that right.
sorry to disappoint we have that right.

its not the extreme position that states sign languages are a natural language perfect for deaf.
thats not the extreme
the extreme is the opposite.

that states and very much does believe and push that oral languages, languages deaf cannot not perceive are the better for the child..

thats the extreme.

deaf will sign naturally, a signed language is exactly what deaf NEED

your posting your propaganda vids for a reason, and that reason is to have a discussion, here all view points will be presented.
The issue before they make the choice its once they have made the decision, they should have some peace about it. I am familiar with two 1. Heather Whitestone (Miss America 1995-Parents decided not to pursue sign-Learned in U.S. later got CIs). Dr. Chorost (Made the same decision when he was child in the 60s). My issue is that from some of the posts I get the strong impression that those parents did not get the right to choose then and the parents today also are not allowed to make similar decisions for their children.
The issue before they make the choice its once they have made the decision, they should have some peace about it. I am familiar with two 1. Heather Whitestone (Miss America 1995-Parents decided not to pursue sign-Learned in U.S. later got CIs). Dr. Chorost (Made the same decision when he was child in the 60s). My issue is that from some of the posts I get the strong impression that those parents did not get the right to choose then and the parents today also are not allowed to make similar decisions for their children.

then you and the multinationals should leave them in peace...practice what you preach.

you clearly have poor english comprehension, i've never brought those people up, ever
you did
but since yoru kissing.
indeed any parent who denies sign language to deaf babies an d children in our eyes is a crime. not just upon those children being denied their birth right but also upon our culture.

i hope this is no longer a strong impression for you
and you can see it as a definitive

as for making decisions for children indeed and society also has limits to what those choices can be..and society can set other limits as to what can be done to children and what cant. just because as an example prescription amphetamines are over prescribed to children, doesn't mean more should be. just because an industry is at this time doing something that doesn't mean it must forever be allowed or permitted to do it. the industry hushes and sweeps under the carpet children deaths due to CI, and thus WE have decided to make sure our opposition to this which has been occurring against our cultures will is stopped. one way is to make sure people that do not know become aware, that's why we are discussing this, i wouldn't be involved if i didn't give a shit. but i do, and others not you will read these posts and threads, and see that others are actually providing cites, and papers and see that others you won't even read nor look at them

one could argue
that's all part of the plan.

this after all isn't about you.
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Yes I read it. Rather militant.

besides the rather militant, coming from you who posts works from some guy who claims to be "more human" then the rest of us i think is rather rich.

how about the papers points.
if you read it, then you don't have to ask me why we oppose this then right
it should be rather crystal clear now at least our position.
in what way does that paper address your droning of the argument of autonomous choice?
I am not the jumping on anyone for choosing sign. You are the one chartering CIs companies as manipulative multinational, stating that anything that provides information or CIs or that they maybe working for an adult or child as propaganda. Inferring that the parents or adults in the bids are blind sheep that can't think for themselves (The multinationals control their minds).
I am not the jumping on anyone for choosing sign. You are the one chartering CIs companies as manipulative multinational, stating that anything that provides information or CIs or that they maybe working for an adult or child as propaganda. Inferring that the parents or adults in the bids are blind sheep that can't think for themselves (The multinationals control their minds).

did i state those words?

can you pls qoute my actual words?

if not
stop slandering me.

quote my actual words. i can easily play this game with you, and when i'm done you would be looking like a freak pedo...

i don't play like that.
im sincere in this.

so pls
don't slander me, and purposely put words i did not make into my statements,
all i ask is for you to quote my actual words (as in be an adult) im happy to discuss any of my statements with you.
Children being "Assimilated", "colonization' & denial of their culture. Those are some pretty heavy charges against the parents in the videos. You have referred to several of the videos as propaganda. It is a proven fact that if the brain of younger children is still wiring itself (So if a deaf child gets a CIs during that time they adapt to them better. I guess the grand mother in the documentary Sound & Fury (I saw that one), had not right to get mad as hell about her granddaughters request for a CI being unilaterally shot down (In the sequel she does eventually get one).
Children being "Assimilated", "colonization' & denial of their culture. Those are some pretty heavy charges against the parents in the videos.

those arent charges, we knwo what the combined system does, and we want them to STOP. and its not just those parents i keep stating combined system,

You have referred to several of the videos as propaganda.


It is a proven fact that if the brain of younger children is still wiring itself (So if a deaf child gets a CIs during that time they adapt to them better.

that is NOT a proven fact, actually the numbers tell a very different success rate. its not even close to being fact.
the fact is the window of language acquisition. not if CI actually benefit most implanted...
and they actual DON'T!

I guess the grand mother in the documentary Sound & Fury (I saw that one), had not right to get mad as hell about her granddaughters request for a CI being unilaterally shot down (In the sequel she does eventually get one).

ive seen them too.
It was the parents of the young ladies decision but to the some in the deaf communities the grandmothers conserns fall on deaf ears.
It was the parents of the young ladies decision but to the some in the deaf communities the grandmothers conserns fall on deaf ears.

deaf ears..
no kiddin
Maybe some parents decide to be a part of that system of their own free will a after thinking it over carefully. I don't believe they are morons, which would be required for this supposed system to function.
Maybe some parents decide to be a part of that system of their own free will a after thinking it over carefully. I don't believe they are morons, which would be required for this supposed system to function.

well i disagree
i don't think the parents intelligence or lack thereof as you seem to measure it, is whats being discussed, systems of coercion and manipulation exist, intelligence isn't really a factor in how they operate, one can argue actually the more "intelligent" a person is on paper the easier they will be to con and coerce, and have their "choices" socially conditioned by external factors. technobabble, white coated docs, ect etc

the massive rate of over proscribing amphetamines and other medications to children is a good case in point.
all those parents choose to dope their kids up...

the very system that over proscribes them in the first place needs to be addressed.
The hybrid CI was tested in Europe for years before FDA even started (As was the CIs before it). The propaganda you refer to involves a great many doctor and regulatory bodies internationally. That is a lot of bamboozling.
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