First-grader suspended for sex harassment


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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First-grader suspended for sex harassment

BROCKTON, Massachusetts. (AP) -- A 6-year-old boy is getting a lesson on the meaning of sexual harassment long before he'll be able to spell it.

The first-grader was suspended for three days for sexual harassment after he put two fingers inside a classmate's waistband, school officials told his mother, Berthena Dorinvil. The boy told her he only touched the girl's shirt after the girl touched him.

Experts say only in rare, troubling cases can children that young truly sexually harass one another.

"The connotation is you're getting some kind of sexual gratification, or wanting sexual gratification, or are putting pressure on for some kind of sexual gratification, when a 6-year-old doesn't have that capacity," said E. Christopher Murray, a civil rights attorney who has handled school discipline cases.

Dr. Elizabeth Berger, a Philadelphia-area child psychiatrist, said this case seems to be an overzealous attempt to ensure students feel safe in school after years in which society was not attentive enough.

The boy's mother called the January 30 suspension from Downey Elementary School outrageous. She said she can't even explain to her son what he did wrong because he's too young to understand.

"He doesn't know those things," she told The Enterprise of Brockton. "He's only 6 years old."

Brockton school officials have not commented beyond a statement from Superintendent Basan Nembirkow that said sexual harassment charges are always investigated and officials are trained to deal with them.

The Brockton School Committee defines sexual harassment among students, in part, as "uninvited physical contact such as touching, hugging, patting or pinching."

First-graders who repeatedly touch classmates need to be disciplined and taught what's appropriate, said Nan Stein, a senior research scientist at the Center for Research on Women at Wellesley College. But don't call the apparent discipline problem "sexual harassment" because first-graders just don't get it, she said.

There have been similar cases. In 1996, a New York second-grader was suspended for kissing a girl and ripping a button off her skirt -- an idea the boy said he got from his favorite book "Corduroy," about a bear with a missing button. Earlier that year, a Lexington, North Carolina, 6-year-old was separated from his class after kissing a classmate on the cheek.

6 years old???? What a ridiculous

*shake my head disgusting*
Boy accused of sex harassment gets apology

Boy accused of sex harassment gets apology

BROCKTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- A 6-year-old boy who was suspended after being accused of sexually harassing a classmate transferred to a new school Friday after officials apologized to his parents.

Officials at Downey Elementary School apologized at a meeting Thursday, said the boy's mother, Berthena Dorinvil.

"They said they learned a lesson, and they said they will go over the rules to change things," she said.

The boy was suspended Jan. 30 for three days after school officials said he put his fingers under a female student's waistband.

Dorinvil had called the suspension outrageous and said she couldn't even explain the accusation to her son because of his age.

Brockton schools define sexual harassment among students, in part, as "uninvited physical contact such as touching, hugging, patting or pinching."

School officials had refused to transfer the boy, so the parents enlisted the help of an educational advocate.

"I'm pleased that a resolution was arrived at mutually," Superintendent Basan N. Nembirkow.

*sigh* Apology is accept but they do not need to jump conclusions and too parniod...
Oh, boy. That's soo stupid ! Come on, he is only 6 years old for heaven's sake ! If, I am in Mass. I would protest at their school.
Classic case of political correctness (applying same judgement in all cases without thinking) running amonk. It is also how "officials" make decisions by throwing the book at every offense. It would be better if they took the time to determine the situation case by case. It's another way of saying that "officials" have become lazy and aren't interested in true justice. The real reason this has become commonplace is the fear of lawsuits.
He's only 6 years old for heaven sake....I would have left that school for sure if they did that to my 6 years old child, they don't understand what they did wrong, my goodness I think the school went too far on this...
A suspension is a little extreme. Maybe they should have sent him to counseling - it's one thing if he KNEW that what he was doing was wrong, but at six, I doubt he was thinking along those lines - it's a typical case of "you touch me, I'll touch you back!"
Its what happens when somebody breaks the rules...even when those rules are bad. Suspension was very harsh but school officials were following their policy. I'm relieved that the school system has realized that the policy was bad and are taking steps to revise it.
Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who said that the best way to repeal a bad law is to strictly enforce it?
the stupidest part I've read was that the other boy was seperated from class after kissing a classmate on the cheek. WTF was that?

so many adults can be totally retards. :roll:
A 6-year-old boy probably doesn't even understand kissing in any context beyond his parents' goodnight kiss. How silly!
that really dumb idea for kids to touch everybody they getting into big trouble for that!

and i read posts says boy need learn his lesson they dont touch girls like private contact or breasts,etc.

but his parents took boy to another school they dont touch girls! but its really tough for him but he really 6 years old for sakes!
I admit I didnt know it was wrong when I held my hands on a 1st grade teacher's breasts before :D lmao and I didnt even get suspended.

Sadly, I got sent home for the day when I was in 1st grade, because in trying to cool off, I lifted my shirt up and down the way I'd seen some of the guys do. I was too young to know that was "wrong" (and in Europe it wouldn't be an issue for an undeveloped child)! And personally I think the teacher overreacted...sheesh...but I think that was when this mentality was first starting to set in.
Am 31 but in first grade I and two other students were detained in class during recess because we had not completed our assignment in a timely manner, well the teacher left the room and I was finishing my assignment
and looked over at my other two classmates which were always hanging out with one another, I assume boyfriend/girlfriend and they were on top of
the table having intercourse so I went out and got the teacher and she got
an eyefull because they were still at it.

In my opinion it has to do with what the child is being subjected to in
their home enviroment or in the enviroment of those who are caring for them,
my best friend next door when I was a kid, his parents allowed him to
watch their their X-Rated movies, they left Dirty magazines lying around
and I remember my friends mothers Birthday cake one year was basically
a pair of breasts which they thought it funny to let him lean over and
lick the icing off one.

The way they were raising him almost caused me to be raped at age 6 by
him one day, had I not screamed it would have happened because he
pinned me and opened his fly without any warning,so that day I lost my best
Although I do agree that this case was dealt with in an overzealous manner, I also have to agree with ROE...
"The connotation is you're getting some kind of sexual gratification, or wanting sexual gratification, or are putting pressure on for some kind of sexual gratification, when a 6-year-old doesn't have that capacity," said E. Christopher Murray, a civil rights attorney who has handled school discipline cases.
I personally think Mr. E. Christopher Murray hasn't got a clue, and certainly is not a person of authority on the matter. When my step-son was 6 yrs old, he molested my daughter. He had been exposed to sleeping in the same bedroom as his mother, while she was in bed having intercourse with her boyfriend. Consequently, he thought he would try out the same maneuvers on my daughter and his sister. Even when he knew that behavior was inappropriate, he continued, because that is what he had been taught by his promiscuous mother. What he did was still deemed SEXUAL HARRASSMENT whether he understood it or not!
Pathetic. :roll: Up until recently I was working as a teacher’s aide in the local county school district. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a fourth-grade girl with autism startle at a loud noise and start sobbing uncontrollably. The girl went to one of the teachers looking for a hug. The teacher leaned towards her stiffly and gave her a tepid pat on the small of her back and walked away. There’s another teacher in the district who flatly refuses to touch any student in any way, shape, or form. I refused to be that pathetic. If a child was frightened and crying and needed a hug, I gave it to them. Last week I was informed that I was removed from the list of available substitutes. They were very cryptic about the whole thing, and at first I thought it was budget cuts. Now I’m not so sure. Oh well, fuck ‘em. I loved that job, but they weren’t going to turn me into Locutus of Borg. I’m going to go back to doing warehouse work or data entry. At least I won’t have to worry incessantly about farting in the wrong direction.
Yes I agreed with Levioan that it's a pathetic to accuss small children as sex offender... *sigh*