Fetal Fotos, amazing!

Wow... that's very nice. What's next... holographic ultrasounds? Imagine the doctors doing the ultra sounds and a hologram is projected in midair for the couple to play with by rotating, zooming, etc.
Wow, that's alot better than black and white, when my friend cheryl show me pictures of her baby inside her, I cant hardly read it clearly like she said it's boy! I said how do you know? I cant find it which is girl or boy?. But this you show me is better now than old fashion white and black.
Christo said:
Wow, that's alot better than black and white, when my friend cheryl show me pictures of her baby inside her, I cant hardly read it clearly like she said it's boy! I said how do you know? I cant find it which is girl or boy?. But this you show me is better now than old fashion white and black.
Usually, doctors can see their little pee-pees... that's how they know if it's a boy. There are specific times when the pee-pee develops so around that right time... they will notice. That's why most women won't know until later.
I've heard about the 4-D technology a few months ago when it was released. :) Kewl stuff.
That's pretty amazing. My brother hated the 3D pictures and never wanted to see it again LOL They had 3D pictures of his son and my brother thought his baby looked like an alien. His wife and I analyzed the pictures carefully and said geez he's a beauty! Anyway, I didn't have 3D with my daughter, but I wish I had. They said they were working on it. Perhaps my next baby I will. I hear it's expensive to get 3D?

Oh Certinally. 3D may be more than expensive than 2D of white/black ultra Sound.
One day you could have another child and might gathering your new experience and also seeing real 3D looks images of your own child inside of your belly.

That really quite awesome!
Amazing techoglies!