excerise question for y'all


Active Member
Oct 2, 2004
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since most of u know i just recently gave a birth (3 months ago) and i managed to get most of my figure back and my weight back.. however my stomach still is not back to what i d like it to be and probably never will be. lot of loose skin and its weak. id like to know your opinions on best method to reduce the loose skin and best way to excerise for stomach to get some abs back without adding fat on top of it. some excerises does make muscles strong in stomach area but doesnt get rid of fat. id like to do excerises that does both same time. any suggestions? (no i wont get any type of gym membership.. hardly have time for that.)
Try some sit ups for a few minutes a day it work for me.
Try some sit ups for a few minutes a day it work for me.
That's also a good idea. Start out with as many as you can, then reduce that number as the starting number for the first week. Each week, add a few more.

For instance, you do sit-ups right now... as many as you can... before you're very tired. You come up with 25 sit-ups. Make your daily goal 15 sit-ups... twice a day. After doing it every day for a week, add a few more during the next week... then a few more during the next week... whenever you feel good about it. Don't overdo it.

Warning... after doing sit-ups the first day, your stomach will hurt for the next few days. :)
vam , yup you are more like got right..

pepsi, yea good one!

spicehd look at what vam and pepsi say..

they are good idea tips hehe!

situp is good one! good start..
but i think it best go to gym type and ask them about it.. you can ask them one day free try.. once you know those. then dont go back and do it at your home! easy! try.. it is not hurt to try..
While exercise is good way to tighten up the loose skin and reduce the fat, it is also important to maintain clean diet, reduce or eliminate sugar, eat lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex starches.
The best advise I can give (Im no personal trainer) is work some low impact cardio for 30 minutes 3x week, and then on the other days you do not do cardio, work your abs and obliques. Give 5-6 weeks and you will like the results. Like others' stated watching diet at same time will only help and enhance the results if you are serious about it.
I agreed with vampy..

Just do sit up with number t hat you can do up to. Do different kind of sit-up.. One is forward to your knees, other one is sit up by side; just sit up but move your right shoulder forward to left knee and move your left shoulder forward to right knee.. But just hold your stomach inside every time you sit up to the knees, don't let it to be loosen up... I learned it from my doctor, friend in Washington State and diet program. Even from my mom too.
Buy a mat and try pilates. Use weights every now and then. Watch what you eat, anything with oil will set you back. The key here is to stick to it. If you dont, you will never see results. Also, exercise is not an over night sensation routine, it will take a few weeks before you notice results.
Men AND Women should be on a strength and cardio program. Many times women ignore this because they think they will get too much muscle, which is incorrect. Women only get too big if they take hormones or steroids. Strength program will help you lose weight as much as cardio. After a strength workout, your body continues to burn calories for awhile. After cardio, you stop burning once you are done. Many guys make the mistake of just lifting and getting big in certain body parts...wrong. It is more important to do more CORE exercises for overall muscular strength. It is also good to do strength exercises without weights (such as in gymnastics). A good website is XL Athlete - Home .....it gives several routines.

Also....be careful about personal trainers! Most of them are CLUELESS!!! They read a book and take a written test and get the certificate....thats it. If interpreters just did that, you would demand a different interpreter...right? If you are looking for someone to train you, it is best to ask them about their credentials and see if they went to college for it and have a 4-year degree...or even better a masters degree or beyond. People with degrees in Eercise Physiology or Kinesiology are normally the best qualified. It is YOUR Right to check on their credentials before paying them. If there are none in your area, then make sure your trainer has a certification from the FEWWWW Qualified National Training/strength and Fitness Orgs. There are many places that give the trainers certificates, but on a FEWWWW are good and reputable.

You can do a lot of fitness and health research on your own. If you really can't find the orgs, then let me know and I can try to get the list.
i think doug is the only one who posted the most accurate advice. Doing countless sit ups and crunches wont do much for the stomach. To rid of fat, you gotta do cardio and eat right. Dieting is the key factor in developing nice stomach. Yes you gotta include ab exercises along the way but that's only part of the process.
is there any excerises i can do with the baby? cuz now i cant really lay him down for long.. he will cry lol he wont let me do excerises any more lol
well you can always go for a walk with the baby in a stroller for cardio. Just make sure you're eating clean. BTW don't eat too much fruit and vegetables cuz they 'slow' down the fat burning process. If anything, the next time you see a shooting star streaking in the sky, just make a wish that your kid was already 10 years old and maybe it'll happen the next morning :P