Evolution vs. Creationism

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Uh, that site is biased toward creationism and tries to proves the existence of God.

Click on the 'back' button at the bottom and you'll see topics ranging from:
A Scientist's Thoughts about Redefining our Concept of God
Dark Matter And God Particle Within Reach
Reality and Consciousness (From Science to God)
Opening Science to Spiritual Realities
Scientific Proof of the Existence of God

And so on. Each of the article tries to subtly put creationism into the articles or pull articles from another website that supports God.

Actually, it's not biased toward creationism. Far from it. It's more of the metaphysical/philophical discussions on God and our consciousness.

But really, it's the only information that could explain how it's possible to have energy pop out of nowhere. It is such a difficult concept to grasp and it's hard to scour for explanations on vaccuum theory (the theory that energy can come out of nothingness).

Simply put, when there is "nothing", there is something out of nothing. The universe is ruled by this simple law - out of nothing, something is created. It HAD to have nothing in order to exist. I know... so difficult to grasp but it works.

This one is even better:

"Then why is there something rather than nothing? Because something is the more natural state of affairs and is thus more likely than nothing-more than twice as likely according to one calculation. We can infer this from the processes of nature where simple systems tend to be unstable and often spontaneously transform into more complex ones. Theoretical models such as the inflationary model of the early universe bear this out.

Consider the example of the snowflake. Our experience tells us that a snowflake is very ephemeral, melting quickly to drops of liquid water that exhibit far less structure. But that is only because we live in a relatively high temperature environment, where collisions with molecules in thermal motion reduce the fragile arrangement of crystals to a simpler liquid. Energy is required to destroy the structure of a snowflake.

But consider an environment where the ambient temperature is well below the melting point of ice, as it is in most of the universe far from the highly localized effects of stellar heating. In such an environment, any water vapor would readily crystallize into complex structures. Snowflakes would be eternal, or at least will remain intact until cosmic rays tear them apart.

What this example illustrates is that many simple systems are unstable, that is, have limited lifetimes as they undergo spontaneous phase transitions to more complex structures of lower energy. Since "nothing" is as simple as it gets, we would not expect it to be completely stable. In some models of the origin of the universe, the vacuum undergoes a spontaneous phase transition to something more complicated, like a universe containing matter. The transition nothing-to-something is a natural one, not requiring any external agent. [God]"

Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? (Reality Check, Skeptical Briefs July 2006)

And you know what? What are the odds of a snowflake being structured like that? One out of googool! That's something that creationists don't get it.. they argue about the odds of an organism existing and they cited the "odds" when in fact, they don't even KNOW how to calculate the odds (how can they if they don't what conditions are needed to create organism?!? Scientists never said that life began as a bacteria!)
Much better, and I'm familiar with the works of Victor J. Stenger. (the person who wrote that piece in your post)

To be honest you're preaching to the choir here, it's just the first link you gave out could not be verified. (who wrote it?) And it didn't help the fact that it was hosted on a site that advocates for God existence.
Guess no one can answer my question "Who create the endless void?".. It's pointless to arguing about something nobody can answer, even the existing of "God".
Well, do you and anybody got an answer to this age old
question? A BIG NOPE!! so give it up!
We will never, never, never, ever know the answer, probably
not till we die, uh, im not gonna say so not to piss off the
naysayers, heh.

Yeah ur right, I should just give it up, but it won't leave in my mind. It is just giving me the depressing.
Guess no one can answer my question "Who create the endless void?".. It's pointless to arguing about something nobody can answer, even the existing of "God".

The endless void is ALWAYS there. It's like a blank piece of paper before you draw somethin' on it. God is the Artist, the Maker, and the Good Writer.
The endless void is ALWAYS there. It's like a blank piece of paper before you draw somethin' on it. God is the Artist, the Maker, and the Good Writer.

Ughh. Why don't you just date God?
Yeah ur right, I should just give it up, but it won't leave in my mind. It is just giving me the depressing.

I suggest you try renting and watching Carl Sagan’s Cosmos.

If you're going to get depressed by something trivial as that, that film will give you a good smack on the head and put things into perspective.
Could you show me the bible passage where it says "God is Energy"?

I'm REALLY curious to where you found that.

The following describes the matches between the
physical characteristics of God as described in the
bible and how science has shown that God could easily
exist as he described.

How could science have found God being able to exist
when science can't directly find him?

Science often uses this very same premise: that even
though you haven't yet found the answer, you can find
conditions where the answer can exist, and often
afterwards will find the answer in those conditions.

Specifically with reference to God existing: most
non believers in God will claim as a basis for their
unbelief that "if something isn't observable or
measurable, it's just too unlikely for it to exist".
The basis for this claim being that the simplest
solution is the most likely, hence something not being
visual or touchable is good enough reason to rule out
it's existence.

This "simpler is better, therefore since I can't
see God, he wouldn't exist" is quickly and EASILY
shown to be a LAME argument and false assumption for
several reasons.

One such reason is that the CONDITIONS for finding
the answer are not sufficient to include all the
available parameters. In other words, ignorance of
HOW such existence is possible does not void such

A simple example of this can be seen in drug smuggling,
where drugs are hidden in items normally not considered
able to hold the drugs. Once people realized that such
places to hold the drugs can exist, they then often
found the drugs in those places. This very example
shows that the "simpler is right" (drugs just can't
be hidden in such a complex manner) ideal, is often wrong.

Further, the "simpler is right" ideal is bound
to fail since God claimed to be highly intelligent,
complex, and hidden. God is hidden due to his very nature
of existence.

The end result of all this is that the person claiming
"non existence of God" probably isn't privy to all
the information about God and the methods for him to
remain hidden yet right here amongst us. That person
is missing the information that shows there is already
an available COVERAGE for the answer of how God can
exist, hence within that COVERAGE, you'll probably
find God.

A simple example that shows existence that is not
visual or touchable would be radio and TV signals
transmitted through the air and through cables. You
can not see or touch those signals, but you can see
the effects of them.

An even better example exists and it also shows
God easily able to exist in our space right now,
hidden, all powerful, extremely intelligent, yet able
to make a universe and exist within it right along
side us and within us.

Evidence that God can exist as given in the bible:

Just prior to this century, X-rays were completely
unknown. If anyone back then claimed X-rays existed
because "someone had just told him", but didn't have
proof at hand or a method to show it... well, the
guy claiming X-rays existed might have been laughed
out of town.

(X-rays do exist, yet would have been rejected due
to lack of tangible proof. Lack of proof did not
void X-rays.)

We all now know that X-rays do in fact exist. You
often see the results of interaction with X-rays while
visiting the hospital or dentist when they show you
your X-ray films. X-rays have always been around but
they weren't detectable by man until a method existed
for man to record or view them.

(Once a record of X-rays was observed, they were then
accepted as existing)

X-rays are "invisible" since they are a much higher
spectra or frequency of radiated ENERGY than the
visible spectra we can view with the unaided eye.

(Man was unable to view X-rays due to limited visual
range, X-rays exceeded man's ability to view them)

X-rays being higher in frequency than the visual spectrum,
also have a much shorter "wavelength". This means that
the X-rays are much higher in resolution than the visual
spectrum. The effects of this are simple, with the higher
resolutions, you can get much more detailed information
within the same space vs. that found with visual frequencies.
In other words, the higher the frequency, the more
intelligence within the same space.

(More intelligence in the same space is also much harder
to comprehend)

X-rays are also much higher in ENERGY due to the frequency
being higher. Higher ENERGY will have MORE POWER available.

Why does a higher frequency have higher energy?

Well, it's best shown with one simple equation:

E = h v

That equation given by Einstein shows the ENERGY of a
radiated photon is equal to a constant (Planks constant)
times the frequency. Obviously, the higher the frequency,
the higher the ENERGY. And of course, more ENERGY also
means more POWER is available in that space when the
frequency is higher.

(More power in the same space is also more difficult
to control or ignore)

One particular aspect of X-rays is extremely useful:
X-rays tend to pass right through many materials and
can pass through your body. X-rays passing through
matter can also have destructive, constructive, or
no effect as they interact with the matter they pass
through. Further, the higher the frequency, the
easier the X-rays pass through matter.

(Higher frequency energy can pass right through
matter AND either interact with that matter or not)

And X-rays are not the highest frequencies in
existence. In fact, there is NO LIMIT to the highest
frequency available for an ENERGY to exist as. There
is though a limit to what man can detect (see X-rays
being missed due to lack of method to detect them).

There will always be a "higher than we can detect"
frequency that man can't find or measure since there
is NO "upper frequency limit".

To summarize, those frequencies beyond man's detection
range are:

* Hidden from view.
* All the more powerful.
* All the more intelligence within a given space.
* Can pass right through matter undetected.
* Can constructively interact with matter.
* Can destructively interact with matter.

And as given at the start of all this:

There is a trend.

The trend is that high frequency spectras of ENERGY
do in fact match what the bible says about God. The
bible states that:

* God is HIDDEN from view.
* God is all powerful.
* God is extremely intelligent.
* God can pass through matter undetected.
* God can interact with his creation.

The bible also gives some similar confirmations to
this basic theme of God being an extremely high frequency
spectra of ENERGY:

* God said he's a consuming fire and ENERGY can easily
consume. For instance, see A-bombs releasing ENERGY
and consuming all the stuff in their path.

* God said "let there be light" at the start of the
universe. Light is ENERGY. God could easily have used
a bit of his own ENERGY to make the universe. Along
this line is the fact that it has been shown that
light can be a sole component in matter formation.
In other words, the bible saying "let there be light"
at the start of the universe creation account, was
quite accurate. Light at the start of it all (big bang)
would both expand out from the source (expanding
universe) and can form matter in the process.

* God said he did WORK to make the universe. WORK is
spent ENERGY.

* God said he's the light of the world, again, light
is ENERGY. Further, when Jesus showed up to Paul,
Paul described him as being brighter than the sun
and Paul ended up blind for 3 days after the event.

* God said he's a SPIRIT, not flesh. This basically
confirms that God is NOT matter. There are only
3 known options: matter, ENERGY, or nothing.
God in saying he's NOT flesh (matter) and constantly
claiming to exist (can't be "nothing"), only leaves
God as being ENERGY (as far as science can comprehend).

* God said he lives surrounded by darkness. ENERGY
surrounded by "nothing" or dark matter would certainly

With all the light and ENERGY being discussed, you
might ask: is God the sun or a star?


God said that sun worship is WRONG, especially since
he said he stretches out the heavens (matches the
big bang expanding universe) and that God said he
made all the stars and fills the universe.

Therefore, from all the above, it's quite clear that
God is more than likely an extremely high frequency
spectra of ENERGY, well hidden, all powerful, able to
make his creation and exist amongst it.

God made it all, Jesus died for our sins.

Do you agree or disagree with all this version above ? Are they makin' any sense to you ?
Maria, Praise the Lord! Thats why I read here ohh man!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I pray Lord please understand them about God. I can't force them nothing. Lack read Bible and seek God's desire. Mose did asked God where from beginning? God told Moses about Adam and Eve. If God not created then you , me and all will not live today!!!
Maria, Praise the Lord! Thats why I read here ohh man!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I pray Lord please understand them about God. I can't force them nothing. Lack read Bible and seek God's desire. Mose did asked God where from beginning? God told Moses about Adam and Eve. If God not created then you , me and all will not live today!!!

Exactly! :)
The endless void is ALWAYS there. It's like a blank piece of paper before you draw somethin' on it. God is the Artist, the Maker, and the Good Writer.

Noo... I am asking how it create the endless void. Nobody are able, even the science, can answer that. I am not surprised that nobody can actually answer. ;)

I suggest you try renting and watching Carl Sagan’s Cosmos.

If you're going to get depressed by something trivial as that, that film will give you a good smack on the head and put things into perspective.

Haha! Thank you for the advice :D
:gpost:!! Scientists are human, We cannot take science and use it to further our own agendas. Medicine is just one of the areas where people die by doing research, just like how science has solved much of the mysteries of the Universe, and how we got here is just one of them, scientists all agreed that the fossils say we came from nothing, I guess it means we came from nothing. :giggle:

There are only two possibilities: 1) life was created by a supreme being, or 2) life started by itself. I believe life was created by God, not out of nothing. ;)

Everything has to have a begin, those things cannot come from nothing!


Without Scientists, we would not of be here in AllDeaf. Right?
Without Scientists, there're no computer, internet, etc. Right?
Without Scientists, we would not have everything like what they have before and after Jesus time. Right?
Well, do you and anybody got an answer to this age old
question? A BIG NOPE!! so give it up!
We will never, never, never, ever know the answer, probably
not till we die, uh, im not gonna say so not to piss off the
naysayers, heh.

Everyone have the right to ask question thousands of times, no matter what.
I ask questions to myself thousands of times.

Who created a God?

Without Scientists, there´re no bible interpretation, no electricital techonlogy, houses, cars, guns, phone, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Right?

Did the bible mention electricital techonology, houses, cars, etc. etc. etc.?

Did the bible mention Religion?

Who focus more proofs then we have everything here?

How do you know which biblical interpretation correct?

How do you know that your bible is correct and other bibles are not correct?

All what I want to say is the bible is only a faith book and Scientists focus the reality, that´s why we have everything here.

Without Scientists, we would be not here in AllDeaf forum, Right?
Maria, Praise the Lord! Thats why I read here ohh man!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I pray Lord please understand them about God. I can't force them nothing. Lack read Bible and seek God's desire. Mose did asked God where from beginning? God told Moses about Adam and Eve. If God not created then you , me and all will not live today!!!

Mose claimed that it's God who spoke to him. Why only him, not his people? Why can't God speak to everyone, not just Mose?

I beleive it's Mose who wrote everything himself and made 10th commandation and etc. If he didn't say the word about God then the people would ignore him and laugh at him... That's why Mose use God to make the people believe. (It's just my suspect/suggestion).
Do you agree or disagree with all this version above ? Are they making' any sense to you ?

Apart from a few factoids mistakes, the author is correct to assume light is energy. Or to be more acurate, a form of radiation which itself is a form of energy. Pulled from wiki: Light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is visible to the eye. The author is trying to support the idea that the light in the bible is also energy in an attempt to bring correlation between the two.

I asked you specifically if there was any scriptures stating that God is energy, but you failed to do so. And there's a reason why I asked.

If you're going to use Genesis as the basis for proving that God is light and thus therefore means he is energy as well, then how do you account for the glaring contradiction as evidence in Genesis?

In Genesis, it says "Let there be light" (1:3-5)

God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day.

Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19).

So how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them?

So as we can see here, the 'light' as portray in the bible is being used in the context of day light and night. Not the scientific context, as the word is sometimes used to mean electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. (aka, x-rays).
He is the First and Last,
The Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is, and He always will be ...
unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!

He Is God
I ask questions to myself thousands of times.

Who created a God?

This is UNKNOWN ANSWER! Every of us keep wondering same things about this issue.

Without Scientists, there´re no bible interpretation, no electricital techonlogy, houses, cars, guns, phone, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Right?

UNKNOWN!!!! we do not know where GOD comes from by himself? No clue!

Without Scientists, we would be not here in AllDeaf forum, Right?

God is OMNISCIENCE! Smile.. He created a science on the earth and plants, people, animals, etc...

The bible says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

We have to take a faith without see. Just trust in GOD who is OMNIPOWER, OMNISCIENCE, OMNIPOTENCE. Our mind is limited and do not undersetand why but have to trust in HIM! We know that God is supreme spirit human and is in Heaven.
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