Don't rape her

Very good thread you made Lucia..Thanks for sharing. Its a shame though it happens so much in this world. Because it really hurts women psychology & shouldn't have to suffer the hurt & pain & suffering it causes to anyone.
I was in karate on Wednesday, and a good point was mentioned... This sounds stupid, but it is proven.

If you yell rape, someone, is most likely going to run AWAY from the situation.

Trust me.

If you yell fire, "they're not only going to come over, they'll bring their whole family and family's friends. Everyone wants to see a fire."

Point was that yelling fire gets better results than yelling rape.

Yep that true. I was taught that in the karate class few years ago and my son too. He even practice with his teacher too. It works well.
That pretty much enforces Ocean's point. Parents do need to be aware of this sort of thing and take action putting in effort to teach their children. I think the general age a kid would be competent enough to comprehend the reasoning of what's right/wrong would most likely be 4 at youngest and 6-ish at most eldest (which is when they start to devlope memory and persona).

I think it should be taught in stages, first would be most critical. Explaining to them what is wrong for others to do and what is ok for parents (You know like... inspecting a rash or somethin like the other person said.) within reason. Make sure they understand it. The next part would be a little more difficult. While I don't completely agree with how the world works today we have to face reality that there ARE teenagers as young as 12 who know what sex is and they find out from various sources, the worst being friends.

I wouldn't suggest to be paranoid and disbar them from seeing friends as it would dehumanize them (although you can try to steer them to hanging around with a good crowd instead of bad influnce.), another thing -- I would suggest to try to tackle the sex thing as soon as you see fit. Originally parents usually do this when their kids are around 16-ish but like i said with how the world is today it might be safer to do it sooner. You also don't want them becoming curious as to seek it out either so it's kinda hard to see where to draw the line and all.

I would absolutely agree with this. The only slight disagreement (if you can call it that?), is I'd start younger. I would start teaching the young child as soon as they begin to show understanding about their bodies. For my niece and nephew that began at age 3. With a child that young, you must teach them about what that body part is, and go from there. I do believe that if you keep it simple, you can begin to teach children early. Soon as the child begins showing curiosity about their genitals, the lessons should begin.
I def. agree with this. sometime they dont know how to be normal! I wish some of them would think TWICE before they do it. gee
i know what u mean, lisamarie.. especially if it is your boyfriend, husband, friend you knew for years. That is sad. Why can't they understand No mean NO? There is no respect for the ladies? This is really pathetic!
. Incidently, the majority of rapes don't include physical violence. That is, in the majority of cases, the woman/child is NOT beaten to a pulp or left for dead!

We have a serious problem in this country. Please don't minimize it.
Well I would call rape physical violence. I'm definitly not minimizing it.......I know a lot of people who have been raped. A couple date raped, one was a stranger rape etc etc

I think what might help is teaching kids about what a good relationship is. That would bring up the concept of equality and the fact that NOBODY has the right to make someone do what they don't want to.
Like it does seem like a lot of rapists have it stuck in their heads that they are entitled to have sex. They are the big pimp daddy. Education about good realtionships etc, would go towards combating that attitude.
Instead of that woman bullshit, how about:

if a man is drunk, don't rape him.
if a man is walking alone at night, don't rape him
if a man is drugged and unconscious, don't rape him.
if a man is wearing a tank top, don't rape him.
if a man is jogging in a park at 5 am, don't rape him.
if a man looks like your ex-boyfriend you're still hung up on, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in her bed, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in your bed, don't rape him.
if a man is doing his laundry, don't rape him.
if a man is in a coma, don't rape him.
if a man changes his mind in the middle of or about a particular activity, don't rape him.
if a man has repeatedly refused a certain activity, don't rape him.
and most importantly, as obvious as it is -
if a man says "NO", don't rape him.

if a him is not yet a man, but a child, don't rape him.
if your boyfriend or husband is not in the mood, don't rape him.
if your step-son is watching tv, don't rape him.
if you break into a house and find a man there, don't rape him.
if your friend thinks it's okay to rape someone, tell her it's not, and that she's not your friend.

Not only women who get raped, men do get raped by a woman/man.
Yes that very true..Good Post:gpost:

Instead of that woman bullshit, how about:

if a man is drunk, don't rape him.
if a man is walking alone at night, don't rape him
if a man is drugged and unconscious, don't rape him.
if a man is wearing a tank top, don't rape him.
if a man is jogging in a park at 5 am, don't rape him.
if a man looks like your ex-boyfriend you're still hung up on, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in her bed, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in your bed, don't rape him.
if a man is doing his laundry, don't rape him.
if a man is in a coma, don't rape him.
if a man changes his mind in the middle of or about a particular activity, don't rape him.
if a man has repeatedly refused a certain activity, don't rape him.
and most importantly, as obvious as it is -
if a man says "NO", don't rape him.

if a him is not yet a man, but a child, don't rape him.
if your boyfriend or husband is not in the mood, don't rape him.
if your step-son is watching tv, don't rape him.
if you break into a house and find a man there, don't rape him.
if your friend thinks it's okay to rape someone, tell her it's not, and that she's not your friend.

Not only women who get raped, men do get raped by a woman/man.
Instead of that woman bullshit, how about:

if a man is drunk, don't rape him.
if a man is walking alone at night, don't rape him
if a man is drugged and unconscious, don't rape him.
if a man is wearing a tank top, don't rape him.
if a man is jogging in a park at 5 am, don't rape him.
if a man looks like your ex-boyfriend you're still hung up on, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in her bed, don't rape him.
if a man is asleep in your bed, don't rape him.
if a man is doing his laundry, don't rape him.
if a man is in a coma, don't rape him.
if a man changes his mind in the middle of or about a particular activity, don't rape him.
if a man has repeatedly refused a certain activity, don't rape him.
and most importantly, as obvious as it is -
if a man says "NO", don't rape him.

if a him is not yet a man, but a child, don't rape him.
if your boyfriend or husband is not in the mood, don't rape him.
if your step-son is watching tv, don't rape him.
if you break into a house and find a man there, don't rape him.
if your friend thinks it's okay to rape someone, tell her it's not, and that she's not your friend.

Not only women who get raped, men do get raped by a woman/man.

That made me laugh, man !!!!! On a more serious note, I remember many years ago a group of ladies who were born and grew up in Puerto Rico used to rape men at gunpoint in San Juan , Puerto Rico and they were caught and jailed but I thought it alittle strange for a man to be crying to a judge and pointing a finger to the ladies that raped him. At that time when I was younger I thought how stupid can he be ? He should be happy he got some really good sex but today I understand better but I still think it was very strange for a man to be complaining that the women were raping him at gunpoint and it is actually alittle funny when you think about it. You know what I mean ? :D
On a more serious note, I remember many years ago a group of ladies who were born and grew up in Puerto Rico used to rape men at gunpoint in San Juan , Puerto Rico and they were caught and jailed but I thought it alittle strange for a man to be crying to a judge and pointing a finger to the ladies that raped him. exactly is this possible? :confused: exactly is this possible? :confused:

The ladies would hold a guy at gunpoint then the guy is told to drop his pants and get on the ground then the women take turns raping him at gunpoint holding him down, they swore they would really shoot him if he moved and they did not spare him a break to catch his breath. The ladies all took their turns raping him then left him naked, gagged and bound for people to find him in the morning and I guess he got really angry trying to explain to the policemen who were laughing because in Latin culture a man is supposed to be tough and be able to handle anything that is thrown his way. I think the police started to get more serious once they found many raped guys turning up everywhere and a task force was formed to catch those girls in the act and they were caught in the palm tree and brush not too far from under the street light. Police swarmed in to make the arrest and the ladies were not too happy. Can't say I blame the ladies ..... :giggle:
it can happen on gun point i ve seen law and order svu women does rape men and it can be emotionally staggering some men go gay cuz of that
A male has to be "turned on" to achive an erection

I volunteer have a group of hot AD women try to rape me at gun point....
In the name of science this experiment must happen...

Lets Rock Ladies!!! :naughty:
You're married. :squint: So am I, dammit, or I would volunteer for the follow-up test. Statistical significance can't be established unless the results are duplicable, you know.
I am single and eligible. I can have the ladies do that !!!!! All I gotta do is lay back and enjoy !!!!! :fingersx: . :rofl: