Does Your Animal(s) Bite?

HelloKittyGal said:
OFF TOPIC....Cheri and Angel....are you guys twins?

Yes we are Twins... ;)
Levonian said:
I have a Lhasa Apso/poodle mix that I recently adopted from an animal rescue facility. The little bastard is definitely a career nipper. I only had him a week when he bit my neighbor’s pants leg. A couple of days ago I took him to Petsmart and he tried to nip two people in less than 15 minutes. Now he has to wear a muzzle whenever he’s outside the house. I have an appointment soon with a trainer who’s going to evaluate him and tell me the best way to break him of this behavior. It’s too bad he has this nipping habit—other than that he’s a great dog. He’s housebroken, and he’s usually very docile and friendly. He’s cute as hell, too—here’s a picture.

awww Levonian; he is such a Cutie!!!!.... :applause:
Miss-Delectable said:
Eugh, Hamsters! I wouldn't touch Hamsters, Gerbils, or Rats and SNAKES! Ugh ugh ugh. :rl:

:lol: How come? I larrvvee hamsters, rats...and have owned those before and looked after a Red-Tailed Boa for 6 months. Loved watching it attack and devour rats! :lol:
Yes I have bite by rat. One rat Jack II have problem beivor... Really your hamster bite you... Maybe you make hamster scare. My nephew have one black bear hamster always bite my older borhter and his son too. I use Black hamster baby sit. It wont bite me. HUH... I ask my brother what he doing to hamster? My brother did fast take hamster. Make hamster scare will bite you... Try clam down play hamster. It will trust you and stop bite you...:D
Miss-Delectable said:
Eugh, Hamsters! I wouldn't touch Hamsters, Gerbils, or Rats and SNAKES! Ugh ugh ugh. :rl:

I want to know why you dont like of them? Hamster is sweet. Gerbils too. Rats will give you love it.

SNAKE EWWW... I hate it. Snake was pertty skin. But I do not want to LOL. I hate Spider make me scare like mouse LOL.

Why for reason you do not like them??? I just want to know?
In response to PurpleRose and Zeriscrats. Well, I don't like rodents and whatever the animals I dislike. They just creeps me out. Once I pitched a fit trying to pick up gerbils. :eek2:
:giggle: ...very very funni Banjo, soon there will be thousands of hamsters heading where you are at!... :nana:

aww your dog looks sooo darn cute Levonian , Can I have your dog?...

Yes HelloKitty, Cheri and I are both deaf since the age of 5... :mrgreen:
Miss-Delectable said:
In response to PurpleRose and Zeriscrats. Well, I don't like rodents and whatever the animals I dislike. They just creeps me out. Once I pitched a fit trying to pick up gerbils. :eek2:

I understand how you feel about rodents... That's ok. What you like to pets?
Cool and interesting. How did you both become deaf? I have only heard of twins with one of them having a hearing loss, but not both.
Who Talk to???? ME or?

No, I was talking to Angel and Cheri. Yeah, sorry for the confusion!

Sweet KJ, is someone who posted here. If you go back and look for this screename, you'll know what I am talking about.
HelloKittyGal said:
Cool and interesting. How did you both become deaf? I have only heard of twins with one of them having a hearing loss, but not both.

HelloKittyGal, I know it is confusing but, ^Angel^ and I have had a lots of ear infections since baby and we both had a high fever also there is a possible that one of us were deaf earlier we only recovered at the age of 5 that we both are deaf.. :thumb:
Got longline of thick scar on my left pinky. Got attacked with small dog when I was 4 years old. I did not remmy a whole of that happened but my grandmother told me about that after I asked her about that scar I have. This dog was belong to my great-grandmother at that time. She did not give any pity on my injury. No wonder, my whole family disliked her for years till her death.
Awww. My bf's cat Dusty only bites me if I touch her after she's cleaned herself or if I try and move her swishy tail off the monitor. My cat Ginger likes to bite if I rub his belly. Ginger hates being touched on his belly for some reason.