Do you want to visit Russia?

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Native American people lived in America before the Europeans arrived, yes. But there was no "Native American" culture because each group was independent and separate. Each had a different culture. There was no "Native American" culture. There was Apache culture, Mohican culture, Cherokee culture, Pueblo culture, etc.

Native American people still exist yes, and within their local regions their culture still has some influence. But they don't have a dominant national culture.

So you mean like each of the tribes have its own culture?
ah ok, yeah "shut the fox up" LOL,
yeah i have a friend from Washington DC, he peddled all over the world and for the last 2years he' s been to eastern europe - Twice! and he had told me lots of similar stories about on how they perceive of american travellers over there, sometimes pretty scary, even dangerous. And alot of it was based on some myth abouit USA being the richest country in the world which is not really true but on other hand, it is true that America uses up like close to 25% of the world's energy = that's is a Hell of a lot. but enough said, lets go back to tourism...
Speaking of Russia - That same friend of mine who was on an exchange student program taught me some few russian sign language.

In America, We sign "period" (as in menstruation) on our cheek and in Russia, That is the sign for the city, Moscow.
Speaking of Russia - That same friend of mine who was on an exchange student program taught me some few russian sign language.

In America, We sign "period" (as in menstruation) on our cheek and in Russia, That is the sign for the city, Moscow.

I remembered that as well.....
I´m glad that your PC is okay. :)

Again, I do not jump and insult you all that´s because I disagree that "friendly talk with strangers as a America´s culture" ITSELF and show you the 2 links that´s support my claim that´show I was being taught and also learn by my American friends. Is disagreement an insult to you?

My American friend Puyo and I have no problem to share our exhange of POV over our experiences. He has no problem to respect me as the same as I have no problem to respect him because he is open mind and accept different POV like me. We can agree to disagree on something.

Both of link has nothing to be official, it's part of our culture for social.

I'm not talk about Puyo, except for stated him as US citizen

Again, POV is nowhere to think about our culture is and culture could be anything.
Please do not assume and ask us for clarification :ty:. Reba and I have CLEARLY explained to you that it is American culture to smile and wave as part of greeting.

Please don´t try to twist my posts... The fact is Reba questioned about "talk with stranger in the public" and then Puyo questioned about "smile to stranger in the public" without mention "culture". I answered their questions differently. You mixed their questions to jump on me saying that it´s "America´s culture". It´s YOUR post, I referred with disagreement that "talk with stranger" is a America´s culture. No more than that... I never say that I don´t beleieve you. I accept your posts and disagree it´s culture. Quit to misinterpret my posts, please.

You repeatedly said "I disagreed... no American culture is the NATIVE AMERICAN."

*sigh*, you twisted my post again...

Yes I disagree that "talk with stranger is a America´s culture" and explain why... I tried to say Native American is a first people before Europeans took over USA... There´re would be ONE culture is Native Americans if Europeans didn´t take it over. Now there´re many different races, lifestyles, mentatlitiy backgrounds, beliefs, custom and culture in America than just one culture. Get it?

We have NEVER said we are the most friendly country in the world.

Did I said YOU said this?

We REPEATEDLY said it is AMERICAN culture to smile and wave... and yes we do like to talk to strangers about anything interesting we see. But in order to talk to people - we have to smile and wave because it shows we are friendly.

Yes, it´s same with many countries including Europe countries as well, we smiled each other by walking pass or sometimes use small hint like "Good morning", "Good day" or "Good Evening", not just America. It doesn´t mean that "talk with stranger" or "smile to stranger" is an American culture but it´s people´s personality either friendly, unfriendly, rude, etc. etc.

I would not spread to everyone to go America and can talk with stranger because it´s friendly culture in America... and know that there´re racists and some bad strangers in America... no way... I would feed positive to them about America to respect their culture, mentatliy background, tradition, custom, etc... to follow this link...

How to Understand Basic American Culture -- for Foreign Visitors |

and list of America´s culture

Please get it right. It saves us a lot of headache. Maybe because you're deaf, you don't fully experienced the American greeting and conversation and also because of that - maybe you proceed with caution. :dunno:

Don´t use deafness as an excuse. I as a deaf person travelled to almost half of world and know how to respect their different culture and backgrounds, etc. Yes, America and Germany are different culture and backgrounds but to me, Americans act normal like Europeans... smiled by walk pass... On my 2nd day, I went for a morning walk... American neighbhood saw me and know me from yesterday... and said "Hello" to me as same as I said back to them... but here in Germany, not... only said "Good morning".

I've had encountered a bunch of strangers I ran into anywhere in USA and we simply smiled and waved... it is customary in America to smile and wave before you talk.... just like what I did to Sunshinelade, her husband, and her friend in NYC.

Sunshinelady is not stranger because you know her from internet. This is a difference... I did the same thing to ADers as well when I saw them for a first time last year after know them via internet for years.

and yes Americans do like to get into a small talk such as - "so... is that a bimmer bike? what kind of engine is that?" etc. or I would ask the local about the local rumor/story. For ie - in Philadelphia - I smiled and waved before I talk to local - "so I hear that this town's got a mighty famous cheesesteak, eh?" they - "yes sireeeee. it's 10 min down there. there are 2 famous joints next to each other called Pat's and Geno's" and we ended the conversation with a smile and wave.

Yes, it´s small hint... yes same here as well... it´s normal.

When Americans travel to other countries - they SMILE and WAVE before talking to local to learn about anything. As explained in previous posts - Russian or other countries VIEWED our smiling and waving as SUSPICIOUS.

No, they would smile you back if you smile to them or make a small hint "Good morning". Yes, Wave to stranger is not normal. If you want to learn to know their culture, backgrounds, etc then get information or read to learn about them before visit their countries then it will be okay because it would not confuse them with your behavior.

Yes I'm aware of that. I've been to Europe. I don't want to waste my time to type out all the countries.

But you already did...

because you just demonstrated a lack any understanding of American Culture by saying it is NATIVE AMERICAN culture. but how is that possible? It "died" long time ago. America is predominantly white, not Native Americans.

:lol: You misinterpreted my post. Please see above what I explained you about Native Americans...Excuse me, I know America´s history and culture is about... It look like that you denied Native American´s history and accept that you are an American, not Native American itself? I explained in my previous posts that there´re many races, backgrounds, cultures, etc. after European took Native American and their culture over... Who is lack of understanding? :roll:

Please explain to us in your own words what is American Culture.

To here in Europe countries view America culture as:

Wave the flags
Cowboy (Western)
Big cars
Hot Dogs/Hamburgers
Fast restaurants
American football
plastic products everywhere in fast restaurants and large plastic shops.

Are we a bunch of gun-loving, flag-waving, hamburger-eating people?

:roll: Why do you assume a lot what we (Europeans) think? *shake my head*
Yes I disagree that "talk with stranger is a America´s culture" and explain why... I tried to say Native American is a first people before Europeans took over USA... There´re would be ONE culture is Native Americans if Europeans didn´t take it over...
I thought you understood my explanation about Native Americans. There was no single national Native American culture, even before the Europeans arrived.

... I would feed positive to them about America to respect their culture, mentatliy background, tradition, custom, etc... to follow this link...

How to Understand Basic American Culture -- for Foreign Visitors |

and list of America´s culture
That's a pretty good list. It supports what I've said about American culture. :)

To here in Europe countries view America culture as:

Wave the flags
Cowboy (Western)
Big cars
Hot Dogs/Hamburgers
Fast restaurants
American football
plastic products everywhere in fast restaurants and large plastic shops.

Are we a bunch of gun-loving, flag-waving, hamburger-eating people?

:roll: Why do you assume a lot what we (Europeans) think? *shake my head*
:confused: You confirmed what Jiro said in your own post.
I thought you understood my explanation about Native Americans. There was no single national Native American culture, even before the Europeans arrived.

I do not want to repeat it... Please re-read my post...

That's a pretty good list. It supports what I've said about American culture. :)

No, you only said that you talk with strangers, you never see before in many posts. My American co-workers agreed with my response post to Sunshinelady what I view American's way for say: "Hello, how are you?" then I replied: "I'm fine" then they went off... Nobody quoted my response post to Sunshinelady to agree with me until I found the link then you said for a first time that it support your claim today... Huh?

:confused: You confirmed what Jiro said in your own post.

:confused: I answered Jiro's question. He want to know my own word what I view America's culture is about, not just gun, wave the flag and hamburger/hot dogs. What's your point?
Because the parents are pressuring them enough and later they became careless because they feel like their parents only want them to do everything what their parents told them to. Treat them like kids, then they will act like kids.

True, that's what European view is exact same as your view here.
I do not want to repeat it... Please re-read my post...
I did. It seems that you still don't understand that there never was a national Native American culture. Oh, well.

No, you only said that you talk with strangers, you never see before in many posts. My American co-workers agreed with my response post to Sunshinelady what I view American's way for say: "Hello, how are you?" then I replied: "I'm fine" then they went off... Nobody quoted my response post to Sunshinelady to agree with me until I found the link then you said for a first time that it support your claim today... Huh?
Your link describes American culture the same way that I did, so it supports my statements. It shows that it's an American culture, not personal "mentality". That's good. :)

:confused: I answered Jiro's question. He want to know my own word what I view America's culture is about, not just gun, wave the flag and hamburger/hot dogs. What's your point?
But the European view of Americans does include guns, flags, and hamburgers. Don't you read what you post?
Exactly on the bold in the quote, that's why I said or, so read careful please.

I don't really care if people don't want to learn how to read, but someday they will realized that they will have to learn how to read. Now that is very true learning. I just don't see how teacher yelling at students to read all the times works, except those students who would listen.

I didn't blame on the education, I blame that the parents are pressuring them on the school thing like telling them that they had to have an "A" grade all the times or they get grounded.

Yes, if you keep on pressure your children then they would lose their moviation.... because they feel that their parents expect too much from them... Be patience with children boost their positive moiviation.

I don't pressure my both sons... but positive them about their future.... etc. that' s how my both sons goes well with their school. My 15 years old attend college last September. Respect their dream wish, not my dream wish for them.

Most schools here don't allow Wikipedia as a source because its information is unreliable.

If you know "it's not alway accurate" why would you use it?

Are you saying that ALL websites are 100% accurate?
Because the Wikipedia tend to have the references that can be read through.

Yes I asked my sons about this during breakfast last Sunday. They said the same what you said here. It helps them to find easy like "libarary" then they can search different websites ...
Are you saying that ALL websites are 100% accurate?
No, they are not. That's why users have to be careful to select websites that are accurate. You stated that you know that Wiki is not accurate, so I don't know why you would use an inaccurate site for research.
There are lots of things we teach are children not to do until they are adults, and they understand that; it isn't confusing. If a parent tells a child not to drive a car and then drives a car is it confusing? No. If a parent tells a child not to use a power saw then the parent uses a saw, is it confusing the child? No. Children learn that there are some things adults can do that kids aren't allowed to do. It's no big deal.

No, your comparison over teach children to not drive the car and talk the stranger is a fallicious.

You teach your children to follow the law to not steal things from shops, drive a car or drink alochol until legal age...

You teach your children to not talk to the strangers is not law but your responsbiltiy as parent.

This is a difference.

You can't mean that you're afraid a stranger will seduce you on the street just because you smile and say "hi"! :shock:

Huh? Don't try to confuse me with your posts... Please stick what you talk about "talk with strangers" because you are the one who agrees to talk with strangers... , not one word about "smile" or "hi".

I've never shot a stranger who came onto my property.

Did I said or accuse that you did? I only said that it's American's way for shoot the strangers for go in their property.

Intruders aren't the same as people walking on the street or standing in a line or sitting in a waiting room. Intruders are people who force their way into homes.

wow... :lol:

I have seen US movie - a stranger came to a lady ask if the car liescne # belong her because he bump her car... A lady followed him to see where he damaged her car... Guess what he raped her... Don't tell me to watch too much Hollywood movies but it's happened like that... True story... A German lady stopped at Autobahn car park and want to help 2 men for car battery. A lady was went to back of her car to get battery pack ... suddenly 2 men grabbed her and raped her. It got her nightmare because she want to help them. It happened same with British lady, she want to help a man to call the abulumance for his wife... Guess what he lock and repeat rape her for 5 days then burnt her survived. It got her nightmare rest of life. We were taught to be careful... It's okay when we make hint each other Hello, Good morning, etc... Don't tell me that there're never happened in America.

I'm an American and I've never shot a stranger at my door. I don't personally know anyone who has shot a stranger at the door. I've read newspaper articles about people who have done that but it's rare. That's the reason it makes headlines in the paper--because it is rare.

1.) Did I said or accuse that you did shot a stranger at door?

2.) You said that you are an American and never know that anyone shoot a stranger... really? I would suggest you repeat to re-read many threads under Current Event... Example of all, A drunk man went wrong door and shot to death... A teenager was being shot because he tried to take McCain's sign in owner's property... and more lists.... you can re-look to fresh your memory under Current Event sub-forum.

3.) rare? To me, many....
You are totally exaggerating that.

What you "mock" European's mentality and made an exaggerating to label them as "parniod"... I remind you that American also shoot strangers for go in their house property...

Americans' Constitutional Second Amendment rights have nothing to do with being friendly to strangers. I own guns but I don't even carry one with me, and I'm not afraid to meet strangers in most circumstances.

That's why I disagree that "talk with strangers" is a American's culture but their own personality like everyone... friendly, unfriendly, paraniod, racist, anti-gay, etc. Many americans carry their guns to the public in different states that's why I would not call "talk with strangers" is a friendly American's culture... I feel it's misleading... to lead them beleive that they can talk with strangers... no way... small hint like Good morning, Hello, etc... like the link, I provided in my previous post to learn what American's way like that.
I know that. It's about the continuing attitude of Germans after the wall came down. Didn't you read the whole thing? If you did, you would understand that.

If you know that but why you posted few years later instead of next day to few days after Fall of Berlin Wall?

What he said was correct. I knew it, too. He just reminded me about it.

As what you claimed then prove me a source... Please post the date of source for next day or few days after Fall of Berlin Wall, not few months or years later.
People are born with personality traits but they are also influenced by their cultural environments. The American culture is to be outgoing and friendly. Of course some people behave contrary to their culture, but that doesn't mean the culture isn't valid. (I feel like I'm repeating myself.)

I know what you are saying... You do not need to repeat... My point is disagree to call "friendly talk with strangers" as a America's culture because not all Americans act like that. It's not just America, but many people act like that in many countries around the world but they have different menatlity background due their culture.

Anthropology. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another.

The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization.

Check the list, I answered Jiro's question this morning, that's how influence Americans.

a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations; mental ability

Exactly... Example of all:

Americans came to me... "Hello, Hey or Hi, How are you?" I replied "I'm fine" or "I'm good"... American satisfy with my answer then go off... I was like puzzled and consider it as a rude (I said this when I started work for US government at 23 years ago) but German co-workers said that it's their way... which mean is their menatitly... it doesn't mean that they are rude but their menatlity where they came from and taught differently... Some Americans look sort of "offend" when I replied "No, I'm not good" (that's time I got a bad cold). "What an ignorant and arrogant", I said to myself after replied their friendly hint that I'm not good... (it's only once...) no matter either you are fine or not fine... I'm using their way instead of critize/offend over their manner behavior... I has to give false answer to satisfy their hint that's time I doesn't feel good or well... "I'm fine" then they feel satisfy and go off... That's what we call it as their menatitly.

They chewed their gum all the time when they want to talk with us... I consider it as rude... for them, not. I accept it's their menatliy.

That's why I read to learn their different menaltiy where they come from different cultural before visit their country.. that's why I get on well with them...

You see, the difference is "mentality" refers to the individual. "Culture" refers to a group of people. Americans, as a group (that is, "culture") behave a certain way, and that way is passed down from generation to generation.

See above

Native American people lived in America before the Europeans arrived, yes. But there was no "Native American" culture because each group was independent and separate. Each had a different culture. There was no "Native American" culture. There was Apache culture, Mohican culture, Cherokee culture, Pueblo culture, etc.

Native American people still exist yes, and within their local regions their culture still has some influence. But they don't have a dominant national culture.

Yes I know... I never say that you are wrong or disagree with you... I quoted your previous post to response... Yes, I know... I already said at earlier that ther'ere many different background races, belief, culture, etc after European took America over.

My friend visited somewhere where Native American lives... They sell their beautiful handicrafts... and interesting to see their one and real culture... and image what if Europeans didn't take America over... ? Now there're many different races, culture, beliefs, etc. in America.
OK Liebling - your posts show lot of inconsistencies. Apparently you lack literary skill to comprehend our posts and you cannot even realize that your post has proved us. I'm going to try something different so you can understand. I'm going to use bold, coloring, shorter & simpler words.

*sigh*, you twisted my post again...

Yes I disagree that "talk with stranger is a America´s culture" and explain why... I tried to say Native American is a first people before Europeans took over USA... There´re would be ONE culture is Native Americans if Europeans didn´t take it over. Now there´re many different races, lifestyles, mentatlitiy backgrounds, beliefs, custom and culture in America than just one culture. Get it?
Even if America is MOSTLY Native Americans... there is NO "one culture." There are many different tribes. One Culture means ONE same belief, One same custom, One same etc. The tribes in USA are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, therefore - CANNOT be ONE culture.

I would not spread to everyone to go America and can talk with stranger because it´s friendly culture in America... and know that there´re racists and some bad strangers in America... no way... I would feed positive to them about America to respect their culture, mentatliy background, tradition, custom, etc... to follow this link...
Racists? Oh gee.... Obama is now our President, huh? I guess we're not so racists after all.... :dunno:

You want to talk about racists? Your country's the first with mass genocide. Remember Holocaust?

But no... we don't hold the grudge about Nazi history. We accepted who you are now and we welcomed you because we know Germany is good people. Now please accept us and welcome us. Stop talking about Native Americans. It's OLD history. GET OVER IT.

Yes, it´s same with many countries including Europe countries as well, we smiled each other by walking pass or sometimes use small hint like "Good morning", "Good day" or "Good Evening", not just America. It doesn´t mean that "talk with stranger" or "smile to stranger" is an American culture but it´s people´s personality either friendly, unfriendly, rude, etc. etc.

From the link you provided -
American Friendliness: Americans tend to be very friendly on both a superficial and a genuine level. However, there are some subtleties to interacting with Americans that should be remembered in order to avoid awkward situations. Saying Hello: Americans greet everyone, even people they do not know. If someone says "hello" or "hi" to you, you are expected to return the greeting. It is considered very rude if you do not return someone's greeting. Saying hello to people doesn't usually mean anything, it's simply a superficial way for Americans to be polite and to diffuse awkward situations when around strangers.

Conversation: Americans love to talk and generally it is OK to talk even to strangers about nearly any subject at any time as long as you are polite. However there are some subjects, like racism, American foreign policy, gun ownership, and religion that are best discussed among friends. In America, it is OK to approach a stranger and start up a conversation with them as long as the subject is not too esoteric or random. In America, it is not considered inappropriate to talk to people you don't know. Talking to a stranger about the weather or the quality of nearby restaurants, or the prices in a grocery store are all perfectly fine. Even complementing someone on the car they drive or asking them where they bought their clothes (if the question is intended to be complementary) are all appropriate topics of conversation with complete strangers.

THANK YOU! :ty::ty: YOU HAVE PROVED MY POINT. Now you know why Americans at your military base simply said "Hi, how are you?" and that's it? Because it's our American custom to do so - at least we approached to strangers and greeted any strangers with "HI! HOW ARE YOU?" We do not need to make a long conversation. Do most of Europeans do same to foreigners in foreign countries? Point is - Americans can EASILY approached to strangers and wave/smile and talk to strangers about anything - even just for 5 seconds. You have mentioned that Europeans are careful about strangers.

Don´t use deafness as an excuse. I as a deaf person travelled to almost half of world and know how to respect their different culture and backgrounds, etc. Yes, America and Germany are different culture and backgrounds but to me, Americans act normal like Europeans... smiled by walk pass... On my 2nd day, I went for a morning walk... American neighbhood saw me and know me from yesterday... and said "Hello" to me as same as I said back to them... but here in Germany, not... only said "Good morning".
OK - so have you conversed with the locals in foreign countries? I did. No I'm not talking about with just "Hello!" I do not let my deafness prevent me from talking with people. I want to learn more from them such as food, places to go, etc. I do not only read tourist books because the locals are my tourist books. They are the best source of answers. I only read tourist books for their customs and laws so that I won't offend them.

Sunshinelady is not stranger because you know her from internet. This is a difference... I did the same thing to ADers as well when I saw them for a first time last year after know them via internet for years.
actually no. I did not talk to her much or know her much. It's simply my "American mentality/culture" to meet strangers and be friends. Point is - she was a stranger to me and now she's a friend. You know Internet's full of bad, sick, twisted strangers. Did that stop me from meeting people? No. I can't say same for Europeans.

To here in Europe countries view America culture as:

Wave the flags
Cowboy (Western)
Big cars
Hot Dogs/Hamburgers
Fast restaurants
American football
plastic products everywhere in fast restaurants and large plastic shops.

:roll: Why do you assume a lot what we (Europeans) think? *shake my head*
Did you just say what I said? :scratch: but :ty: for proving my point.
Did I said or accuse that you did? I only said that it's American's way for shoot the strangers for go in their property.
huh? It is not American way to shoot at strangers. Strangers and Intruders are different.

I have seen US movie - a stranger came to a lady ask if the car liescne # belong her because he bump her car... A lady followed him to see where he damaged her car... Guess what he raped her... Don't tell me to watch too much Hollywood movies but it's happened like that... True story... A German lady stopped at Autobahn car park and want to help 2 men for car battery. A lady was went to back of her car to get battery pack ... suddenly 2 men grabbed her and raped her. It got her nightmare because she want to help them. It happened same with British lady, she want to help a man to call the abulumance for his wife... Guess what he lock and repeat rape her for 5 days then burnt her survived. It got her nightmare rest of life. We were taught to be careful... It's okay when we make hint each other Hello, Good morning, etc... Don't tell me that there're never happened in America.
OK so...... your point is? Who said it never happened in America? How often do you hear about that in America?

You said that a German lady stopped at Autobahn.... blah blah... and got raped. OH MY GOD!!! Sounds like it's very common in Germany!!! I better tell my gf and my mother not to visit Germany!!! They are RAPISTS!!!! OMG!!! :-o

1.) Did I said or accuse that you did shot a stranger at door?

2.) You said that you are an American and never know that anyone shoot a stranger... really? I would suggest you repeat to re-read many threads under Current Event... Example of all, A drunk man went wrong door and shot to death... A teenager was being shot because he tried to take McCain's sign in owner's property... and more lists.... you can re-look to fresh your memory under Current Event sub-forum.

3.) rare? To me, many....

What you "mock" European's mentality and made an exaggerating to label them as "parniod"... I remind you that American also shoot strangers for go in their house property...
Rare? So if it happened twice.... that's too many for you? :scratch:

That's why I disagree that "talk with strangers" is a American's culture but their own personality like everyone... friendly, unfriendly, paraniod, racist, anti-gay, etc. Many americans carry their guns to the public in different states that's why I would not call "talk with strangers" is a friendly American's culture... I feel it's misleading... to lead them beleive that they can talk with strangers... no way... small hint like Good morning, Hello, etc... like the link, I provided in my previous post to learn what American's way like that.
I carried my gun in different state and so did other people. We acted normal, talked normal. :dunno: Why would we shoot at strangers? we only shoot at CRIMINALS who want to hurt us. Do you want to hurt us? rape us?
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