Do you want to visit Russia?

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I did. It seems that you still don't understand that there never was a national Native American culture. Oh, well.

And I do not see anything that I said that you are wrong about Native American's culture, etc. Can you please show me where I said to disagree with you or you are wrong over Native American culture? I did said that I know which mean that you are right.

Excuse me, I know Native american's history...

Please don't tell me that I don't understand

Thank you.
Your link describes American culture the same way that I did, so it supports my statements. It shows that it's an American culture, not personal "mentality". That's good. :)

You said this for a first time today, not last week. :) All what you said that talk with strangers in the public... The description support me (see my response post to Sunshinelady of last week) and my co-workers that it's just friendly hint like greeting... "Hi, how are you"... I replied back..."I'm fine"... or smiled... like here in Germany as well... Greeting "Guten Tag", "Guten Morgen", not "hello, how are you..." the public... It doesn't mean that it's culture but menatlity because it's not all people the same... Americans greeted me on next day after saw me yesterday... It does the same in Germany & many countries as well. Talk to a stranger about the weather or whatever IN shops, restaurants, stores, not public outside (sure, ask for direction where to go...) is normal... I see the description is almost same as in Europe countries... I do not see difference... but I only see different is culture and menatlity, behavior, that's all.

But the European view of Americans does include guns, flags, and hamburgers. Don't you read what you post?

So? Do you have problem for that?

But I don't post JUST 3 words... don't I?

Excuse me, I know Native american's history...

Please don't tell me that I don't understand

Thank you.

If you know Native American's history... then you wouldn't say ONE culture. Please don't continue this foolish gaffe. Just admit your mistake.

Thank you.
OK Liebling - your posts show lot of inconsistencies. Apparently you lack literary skill to comprehend our posts and you cannot even realize that your post has proved us. I'm going to try something different so you can understand. I'm going to use bold, coloring, shorter & simpler words.

Don't try to belittle me... I know what you are saying... all what you twist and misinterpreted my posts.

Even if America is MOSTLY Native Americans... there is NO "one culture." There are many different tribes. One Culture means ONE same belief, One same custom, One same etc. The tribes in USA are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, therefore - CANNOT be ONE culture.

Yes, I know Native america was first culture BEFORE Europeans take over... It's old history but it Native american's history still exist and still live somewhere as their own culture.

I can see that you and I agree the same thing... I repeated in previous post that therer'e many different races who have their own culture in America which mean is NO one culture in America now. Get it?

Racists? Oh gee.... Obama is now our President, huh? I guess we're not so racists after all.... :dunno:

Huh? What is my post do with Obama here? The racists are still exist long time BEFORE Obama came.

You want to talk about racists? Your country's the first with mass genocide. Remember Holocaust?

Huh? Why have I repeat why I DISAGREE that "talk with strangers is a American's culture"... If it does which mean that ALL Americans are friendly because there're racists, crimes, etc are everywhere in many countries around the world, not just America. I repeat and repeat the same in several posts...

But no... we don't hold the grudge about Nazi history. We accepted who you are now and we welcomed you because we know Germany is good people. Now please accept us and welcome us. Stop talking about Native Americans. It's OLD history. GET OVER IT.

Huh? :shock:

You misinterpreted and twist my posts. It look like that you don't like to know about Native Americans, don't you?

Your post prove me that you deny Native Americans, don't you? We have to face the fact that Native Americans were first people before Europeans came... The history about Native Americans still exist and repeat. It does the same with Hitler and Nazi as well... I have seen many ADers repeat about Nazi in many threads... Do I offend or deny their posts? No, but accept the fact that history remain repeat forever. My both boys learn about Native American and WWII at school. Should I deny it...?

From the link you provided -

THANK YOU! :ty::ty: YOU HAVE PROVED MY POINT. Now you know why Americans at your military base simply said "Hi, how are you?" and that's it? Because it's our American custom to do so - at least we approached to strangers and greeted any strangers with "HI! HOW ARE YOU?" We do not need to make a long conversation. Do most of Europeans do same to foreigners in foreign countries? Point is - Americans can EASILY approached to strangers and wave/smile and talk to strangers about anything - even just for 5 seconds.

Don't you read my response post to Sunshinelady's post over "Hi how are you"... last week... You should tell me that it's true last week, not today? That's why I provided the link here... All what you and Reba said first time today, not last week... :roll: All what I read your posts... You keep on said "smiled each other "... Reba keep on said "talk with stranger"... I answered Puyo's question about smiled each other... we accept and over... you can't stop but repeat... repeat like circle since my answer to Puyo's question and responsed Sunshinelady's post about "Hi how are you"...

You have mentioned that Europeans are careful about strangers.

Yes, I mentioned it because I thought "talked with strangers in the public" what Reba mentioned last week.... which we don't... we only use hint like "Good morning, Good Afternoon", etc... like what American use their hint "Hi how are you"... We made small hint IN restaruant, stores, etc., not outside ...(outside - ask for direction...) the link, I provided is normal like what we did here...

OK - so have you conversed with the locals in foreign countries? I did. No I'm not talking about with just "Hello!" I do not let my deafness prevent me from talking with people. I want to learn more from them such as food, places to go, etc. I do not only read tourist books because the locals are my tourist books. They are the best source of answers. I only read tourist books for their customs and laws so that I won't offend them.

You got my point at LAST!!!!!!

That's good. That's exact what my hubby & I did the same... I DID said this last week... You should agree with me last week until you said this for a first time today...

actually no. I did not talk to her much or know her much. It's simply my "American mentality/culture" to meet strangers and be friends. Point is - she was a stranger to me and now she's a friend. You know Internet's full of bad, sick, twisted strangers. Did that stop me from meeting people? No. I can't say same for Europeans.

But we are member at AllDeaf don't we? I guess it's Facebook or MySpace, you referred to... I don't accept strangers in my Facebook or MySpace unless I know them from several Forums. It's also European as well... They meet people real life via internet...

Did you just say what I said? :scratch:

Nope, I don't post just 3 words like you said... It's your ignorant to think that we view just 3 words is America's culture which is not... You ASKED me question what I view America's culture... I ANSWERED MORE than just 3 words, you assume it's European's view.

but :ty: for proving my point

Welcome ;)

Now you know that it's not JUST 3 words.

huh? It is not American way to shoot at strangers. Strangers and Intruders are different.

No matter, they do shoot strangers because they thought they are intruders... and some bad strangers are also intruders, too...

OK so...... your point is? Who said it never happened in America? How often do you hear about that in America?

You said that a German lady stopped at Autobahn.... blah blah... and got raped. OH MY GOD!!! Sounds like it's very common in Germany!!! I better tell my gf and my mother not to visit Germany!!! They are RAPISTS!!!! OMG!!! :-o

Excuse me for your lack of understanding. It look like that you think here in Germany NEVER have criminals? :roll:

I know there're high crimes in America before I visit USA last year but I VISITED there... It show that I'm not paraniod but you? :laugh2:

We were taught to not talk with strangers since we were children to be careful. Like what I said that a lady, I saw US movie was being raped because she check "damage" car... Guess what, her daughter said to her... "You taught me to not talk with stranger, but you did" and upset with her..... and made her mother feel hypocrite...

Rare? So if it happened twice.... that's too many for you? :scratch:

twice? Did I said this? Please go back and re-read...

I carried my gun in different state and so did other people. We acted normal, talked normal. :dunno: Why would we shoot at strangers? we only shoot at CRIMINALS who want to hurt us. Do you want to hurt us? rape us?

:lol: I know your own posts in Gun Control debate threads... You told me YOURSELF that you feel being paraniod when you look cars and people because you know many Americans carried illegal guns in their cars and to the public.... Now you said here differently... :laugh2:
Yes, I know Native america was first culture BEFORE Europeans take over... It's old history but it Native american's history still exist and still live somewhere as their own culture.

I can see that you and I agree the same thing... I repeated in previous post that therer'e many different races who have their own culture in America which mean is NO one culture in America now. Get it?

Really? Did you just GET it now after what Reba and I explained to you? That is not what you said in Post #140.

There´re many cultures in America because of many different races, culture backgrounds and mentalities. There´re only one true American culture is Native American.

Nope, I don't post just 3 words like you said... It's your ignorant to think that we view just 3 words is America's culture which is not... You ASKED me question what I view America's culture... I ANSWERED MORE than just 3 words, you assume it's European's view.
So do I have to post more than 3 words? In fact - I can post 50 more words. You still will come up with same answers. Get it? Ever heard of an expression called "to name few...." Please give this a rest. It's pointless and you're not understanding us. I understand you're a very visual person so literary is not exactly your strong point. Nobody is wrong in here. You and I are correct and you confirmed my answer. I confirmed your answer. We proved each other about European's view of America.
But those 3 words are correct, right? If i write more words.... it's still correct anyway. :roll:

It's not correct because you didn't make full lists than just 3 words...
No matter, they do shoot strangers because they thought they are intruders... and some bad strangers are also intruders, too...
Hey - you said you visited America. you're still alive, right?

Excuse me for your lack of understanding. It look like that you think here in Germany NEVER have criminals? :roll:

I know there're high crimes in America before I visit USA last year but I VISITED there... It show that I'm not paraniod but you? :laugh2:
so you're still alive!!! Looks like nobody shot you! Looks like you were wrong about America and their guns!! :laugh2:

:lol: I know your own posts in Gun Control debate threads... You told me YOURSELF that you feel being paraniod when you look cars and people because you know many Americans carried illegal guns in their cars and to the public.... Now you said here differently... :laugh2:
paranoid? No. It's called heightened awareness. You taught your kids not to talk to strangers. Isn't that paranoid, too? Not all strangers are bad people.
It's not correct because you didn't make full lists than just 3 words...

so do you know the exact number of words in the list? I think your list is not correct either because you did not make a full list than just 12 words. :dunno:
Really? Did you just GET it now after what Reba and I explained to you? That is not what you said in Post #140.

Originally Posted by Liebling:)))
There´re many cultures in America because of many different races, culture backgrounds and mentalities[/COLOR]. There´re only one true American culture is Native American.

*see DarkRed bond* Use your common sense when I typo "IS" which should be WAS.

I should say that only true American culture WAS a Native American, not IS.


So do I have to post more than 3 words? In fact - I can post 50 more words. You still will come up with same answers. Get it? Ever heard of an expression called "to name few...." Please give this a rest. It's pointless and you're not understanding us. I understand you're a very visual person so literary is not exactly your strong point. Nobody is wrong in here. You and I are correct and you confirmed my answer. I confirmed your answer. We proved each other about European's view of America.

Then don't post to assume "just 3 words" you thought it's European's view but ask me for my view over America's culture which is good enough... Simple correct me if I am mistake about America's culture what I made the list more than just 3 words...

I don't jump to assume few words what you view of German's culture, don't I? But just ask you... and see your answer...
*see DarkRed bond* Use your common sense when I typo "IS" which should be WAS.

I should say that only true American culture WAS a Native American, not IS.

IS or WAS... Same thing anyway. there IS/WAS NO one Native American culture. OK? There were/are MANY Native American cultures and they kill each other, OK?

Then don't post to assume "just 3 words" you thought it's European's view but ask me for my view over America's culture which is good enough... Simple correct me if I am mistake about America's culture what I made the list more than just 3 words...
But I was correct, wasn't I? 3 PERFECT answers are better than 3 out of 6 wrong answers.
Hey - you said you visited America. you're still alive, right?

so you're still alive!!! Looks like nobody shot you! Looks like you were wrong about America and their guns!! :laugh2:

Because I show my respect on America's culture. I read everything before visit USA that's why I don't have any problem but one problem is US Airport, that's all. I guess that I would get problem if I ignore American's culture, mentatliy, etc. that's why I read to learn about them first before visit there but good thing is I know American's mentatliy well because I work with them...

paranoid? No. It's called heightened awareness. You taught your kids not to talk to strangers. Isn't that paranoid, too? Not all strangers are bad people.

I already said that there're good and bad strangers everywhere in previous posts don't I? Are you saying that all good strangers in America or what?

If you beleive in teach your children to okay to talk with strangers because all the strangers are friendly then is your own responsiblity...
Because I show my respect on America's culture. I read everything before visit USA that's why I don't have any problem but one problem is US Airport, that's all. I guess that I would get problem if I ignore American's culture, mentatliy, etc. that's why I read to learn about them first before visit there but good thing is I know American's mentatliy well because I work with them...

In your post #227 - You gave me a link How to Understand Basic American Culture -- for Foreign Visitors | It said that "Americans love to talk and generally it is OK to talk even to strangers about nearly any subject at any time as long as you are polite."

so....... did you take any opportunity to wave and smile and talk to any strangers in America? or do you think all strangers are bad so it's safer not to say anything? Help me understand you.
But I was correct, wasn't I? 3 PERFECT answers are better than 3 out of 6 wrong answers.

But you did not made 6 questions but just 3 questions to answer yourself. Just 3 questions to correct answer... , not 3 out of 6 ... :roll:
But you did not made 6 questions but just 3 questions to answer yourself. Just 3 questions to correct answer... , not 3 out of 6 ... :roll:

:wtflol: FORGET IT. This is pointless. You're clearly not understanding it. Let's agree to stop here.
:wtflol: FORGET IT. This is pointless. You're clearly not understanding it. Let's agree to stop here.

No, you twisted it... You ASSUME that just 3 words is European's view. :laugh2:
No, you twisted it... You ASSUME that just 3 words is European's view. :laugh2:

yes.... 3 out of many words. and it's correct answer. What's the difference if I said 5 words instead of 3? You will still tell me INCORRECT answers. :laugh2:

In your post #227 - You gave me a link How to Understand Basic American Culture -- for Foreign Visitors | It said that "Americans love to talk and generally it is OK to talk even to strangers about nearly any subject at any time as long as you are polite."

so....... did you take any opportunity to wave and smile and talk to any strangers in America? or do you think all strangers are bad so it's safer not to say anything? Help me understand you.

Americans didn't act like that when I was in USA... :shrug: but few said "hello" when they saw me for 2nd time where I went for morning walk at neighborhood, that's all.

I look at their houses when I walk on the path instead of over their property and got the house owners look at me and said "hello"... normally I should say "good morning" which I did here in Germany but in America is different...
yes.... 3 out of many words. and it's correct answer. What's the difference if I said 5 words instead of 3? You will still tell me INCORRECT answers. :laugh2:

You assume only 3 words which is incorrect because I answer MORE than just 3 words.


Is the list in my previous post, I made is not enough?
You assume only 3 words which is incorrect because I answer MORE than just 3 words.

Is the list in my previous post, I made is not enough?

NOPE!!!! NOT ENOUGH!!! therefore you are INCORRECT!!!! :laugh2:
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