Do you support abortion as

Do you support abortion as

  • a legal?

    Votes: 39 63.9%
  • an illegal?

    Votes: 22 36.1%

  • Total voters
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Some of the posts from Palin's Daughter is pregnant thread that went off topic to the abortion issues has been moved here to this thread.
Well, same idea with unborn child, but this unborn child will never have a chance to have a life that adults already have. Adults already have the taste of freedom, taste of marriage, taste of " everythin' " they enjoy. Experiences and long life. What about unborn child ? Why can't we just give the unborn child a chance ?

Well said!
NO NO NO NO! this thread should remain buried and locked away!

One night a nursing coworker was taking a little baby boy who had been aborted alive at -- between 21 and 22 weeks because he had down syndrome to our soiled utility room to die because his parents didn't want to hold him, and she didn't have time to hold him that night, and when she told me what she was doing, I couldn't bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone, and so I did cradle and rock him for the 45 minutes that he lived.

And people would still call that baby a parasite?

The whole story can be found here: - Former Nurse on Obama's Controversial Abortion Vote - Sean Hannity | Alan Colmes | Hannity & Colmes

Why anyone infavor of human rights and honest in politics should NOT vote for Obama.
I voted legal, simply because I think it's OUR personal choice.

When it comes to legalizing abortion, there's really actually 2 questions:
1) Are you against abortion?
2) Are you against the idea that the government tells you to have an abortion or not?

One person can be totally against abortion but does not believe that the government should have that right to tell you so.
I voted legal, simply because I think it's OUR personal choice.

When it comes to legalizing abortion, there's really actually 2 questions:
1) Are you against abortion?
2) Are you against the idea that the government tells you to have an abortion or not?

One person can be totally against abortion but does not believe that the government should have that right to tell you so.

The whole premise behind the legalization of elective abortion in the first trimester was the priniciple of the right to privacy as guaranteed by the constitution. You bolded statement is on the mark.
Abortion: 'If only I had known more'

Abortion: 'If only I had known more'

Judy (not her real name), a 26-year-old Kenyan student who had an illegal abortion aged 18, gives the BBC her reaction to US President Barack Obama's recent decision to end a ban on US aid money going to abortion counselling groups.

Abortions are illegal in many African countries
It makes me very angry when I think of what I had to go through.

But I am very happy that clinics in Kenya can now provide abortion advice.

I was still in secondary school when I found out I was pregnant.

There did not seem to be any international agencies in Kenya then giving advice on abortions and the side-effects they can have.

I had been in a relationship for three years, but my boyfriend left me as soon as he heard that I was expecting.

I was naive at that time. We were using condoms but somehow I got pregnant. I think the condom might have burst without me realising it.

I felt I had no option; I just had to get an abortion.

I was still at school, living with my parents and wasn't able to support myself financially yet.

Still, it was an incredibly difficult decision to make. I thought the abortion would make me infertile.

It was done in a hospital that performs illegal abortions. My aunt told me about the place. Her daughter had had an abortion there.

My best friend had accompanied me to the hospital. But they did not allow her to stay with me.

It seemed like a good place - very clean, white rooms. It made me think that the procedure would be ok. But still it went badly.

Very alone

After admitting me to the ward at nine in the morning, they examined me. They told me I was 15 weeks pregnant.

The doctor inserted a white pill into my vagina to kill the foetus. After four hours, I was sent to the operating theatre to have it extracted.

Had I known how traumatic the abortion was, I would have kept the baby

Should abortion be an option?

I felt very alone in that big, white room. It was just me and the two doctors

I was given an injection to relieve the pain but I remained fully awake throughout the whole thing.

I wish I hadn't stayed awake because I saw everything - the blood, the mess. It was very traumatic.

While they were doing the extraction, I told the doctor to slow down because I was in pain.

But he said he had to hurry so we could get this thing done and I could get out of there.

After the procedure, as soon as the local anaesthetic started to wear off, I began to feel an almost unbearable pain.

The hospital only gave me paracetamol to alleviate the pain. It wasn't nearly enough, and I was also bleeding profusely.

A doctor explains family planning to a woman in Kibera, Nairobi

I felt that they hadn't taken care of me very well at the hospital. An abortion puts a lot of strain on the uterus and they are supposed to give you strong painkillers for that.

At 6pm that same day they discharged me and my friend came back to pick me up.

Two days later, I was still bleeding heavily and in a lot of pain. I went back to the hospital and had a scan, which showed remaining foetal parts that had not been properly removed.

Because abortions are illegal in Kenya, the doctor was in a hurry to do the procedure. I think that was why he didn't get everything out in the first instance.

They then performed a second procedure on me to remove what was left inside. It was hell. It felt twice as painful as the first one.

Difficulty conceiving

Looking back, I wish I had been given proper information about what having an abortion involves, about what the side effects can be.

It would have helped me weigh up the options.

Abortion should be the last option, but if it were legal at least it would be done properly

Now I am in a stable relationship with someone. We have been trying unsuccessfully for a baby for over a year.

I recently went to the local Marie Stopes clinic for fertility advice.

I was afraid that the doctors had removed my womb when they performed the abortion.

At Marie Stopes they did a scan and found that my womb was intact; but my fallopian tubes have been damaged because of the abortion eight years ago.

It will be very difficult to get pregnant without medical help.

If I only known more about how traumatic an abortion can be, I would have kept the baby.

Better to be a single mother than be in the situation I'm in now, where it's very hard to conceive.

Kenyan women are so naive about abortions. They go to backstreet clinics to have them and my neighbour died recently after having an abortion in one of the bad places.

The best thing would be if abortion were made legal in this country.

Abortion should be the last option, but if it were legal at least it would be done properly.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Abortion: 'If only I had known more'

I want to post the article to another thread but it was lock so I post here. It also relate this thread here as well...

That's an exact reason why I support abortion as a legal
Yep, the dangers of illegal abortion are much, much greater than the dangers of a legal abortion. And this woman actually had better care than most seeking an illegal abortion. The majority of them are done in dirty conditions with dirty instruments. Chances are the person performing it is not even a doctor. As she said, she had a friend die from an illegal abortion.
i support the idea of having abortion as a legalize since its women's bodies, not everyone's or the government in control.
I feel it is a women choice. Is that choice mine? No, it would not be the choice for me.

However, I do not think it should be a form of birth control. If the woman was raped, or is young, I'm for it. I feel there are to many babies having babies.
I support abortion if only if a women was raped, or if the fetus is putting the mother's life in danger. That's the only two reasons I would support Abortion. If a women had sex and therefore forgot about condom or birth control then she finds out she's pregnant....I'm against her having abortion just because of her mistake. The fetus shouldn't have to pay for her/his mother's mistake. The women should accept the concenqences and learn from it by going through the pregnancy and raise the child or give the child to adoption.
My fellow former Embryo's. Let is be thankful we were not aborted and mindful of all those Embryo's not so fortunate as us. :)
I support abortion if only if a women was raped, or if the fetus is putting the mother's life in danger. That's the only two reasons I would support Abortion. If a women had sex and therefore forgot about condom or birth control then she finds out she's pregnant....I'm against her having abortion just because of her mistake. The fetus shouldn't have to pay for her/his mother's mistake. The women should accept the concenqences and learn from it by going through the pregnancy and raise the child or give the child to adoption.

What if the fetus is known to have birth defects that are incompatible with life...meaning the fetus will die in utero or during the birth process?

And when you restrict the procedure only to cases of rape, you will have a bunch of women crying rape just to be eligible for the procedure.

Learn from her mistake? What if it wasn't a mistake, but she was using birth control that failed?
I feel it is a women choice. Is that choice mine? No, it would not be the choice for me.

However, I do not think it should be a form of birth control. If the woman was raped, or is young, I'm for it. I feel there are to many babies having babies.

That I totally agree with!
I support abortion if only if a women was raped, or if the fetus is putting the mother's life in danger. That's the only two reasons I would support Abortion. If a women had sex and therefore forgot about condom or birth control then she finds out she's pregnant....I'm against her having abortion just because of her mistake. The fetus shouldn't have to pay for her/his mother's mistake. The women should accept the concenqences and learn from it by going through the pregnancy and raise the child or give the child to adoption.

Or what if the mother has a terminal disease that can be easily transmitted to the child?
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