Do you support abortion as

Do you support abortion as

  • a legal?

    Votes: 39 63.9%
  • an illegal?

    Votes: 22 36.1%

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How do you think that it will affect people's children and children's future children ? There is a danger of becomin' quite literally a de-moralized society, where nobody will tell the truth anymore about what's good and bad, right and the wrong. That's why the children are growin' up without boundaries, thinkin' they can do as they please, and no adult will intervene to stop them - includin' often their parents.

Is that how pro-choicers want their children to grow up like this, so the children can be an equal as adults as their own rights/choices ? You want the children to grow up fast, don't you ? And, where did " restrain " go ?

Children will look up at their parents as example and will follow the same in their parents' shoes. You wanna to give the children MORE rights than the parents by allowin' them to do what ever they want ?

Do you want them to have sex at early age ? How about gettin' a job at early age ? Vote ? Marriage under the age of 18 ? It's the parents who taught their children what parents think it's okay to have or to do, just because of the choices and rights they could give to them.

Yes but we don't know if that unborn life could become somebody like Albert Einstein but it also could become a Hitler, Osama bin Laden and countless others. It's chance. We don't know who the unborn will become.

Government should not place restrictions on what a female can do with to her body because of a chance. Many people die before they have a chance to become somebody like Albert Einstein yet the evidence of their path is there to see, but the government and others don't worry about trying to preserve their life, just the life of a chance which could go any number of ways.
Yes but we don't know if that unborn life could become somebody like Albert Einstein but it also could become a Hitler, Osama bin Laden and countless others. It's chance. We don't know who the unborn will become.

Well, tell me HOW can this be done ? I don't see HOW this can be. The only thing I KNOW is that it is the parent who is responsible for trainin' on a child while growin' up - whether be it good or evil. Like for instance : Some dictators in foreign countries trained their men/boys to become " evil " and will kill their own people at dictator's command. It can't be from the inside the womb to become a monsterous before givin' birth to become an evil man like Hitler himself. It has to do somethin' with " teach " or " taught " by someone else. If, a parent has a history about somethin', it is up to this parent to change and give a good example or role before the unborn child is born.

Government should not place restrictions on what a female can do with to her body because of a chance. Many people die before they have a chance to become somebody like Albert Einstein yet the evidence of their path is there to see, but the government and others don't worry about trying to preserve their life, just the life of a chance which could go any number of ways.

Well, same idea with unborn child, but this unborn child will never have a chance to have a life that adults already have. Adults already have the taste of freedom, taste of marriage, taste of " everythin' " they enjoy. Experiences and long life. What about unborn child ? Why can't we just give the unborn child a chance ?
Well, same idea with unborn child, but this unborn child will never have a chance to have a life that adults already have. Adults already have the taste of freedom, taste of marriage, taste of " everythin' " they enjoy. Experiences and long life. What about unborn child ? Why can't we just give the unborn child a chance ?

Some are born into miserable lives, and never experience happiness, health, or a day free from pain. Life isn't a fairy tale.
Well, same idea with unborn child, but this unborn child will never have a chance to have a life that adults already have. Adults already have the taste of freedom, taste of marriage, taste of " everythin' " they enjoy. Experiences and long life. What about unborn child ? Why can't we just give the unborn child a chance ?

and why can't we give the mother a chance to live if her life is in danger due to complication of pregnancy? or due to rape? or due to unforeseeable circumstance?

Since you emphasize much on parental role in children... why do you want to ban abortion if mother is going to die from childbirth? A motherless child.... Why do you want mother to give birth to rapist's child? This child most likely live an unpleasant life as his/her mother will continue to live with extreme psychological trauma.

Yes the adults have already tasted the freedom, marriage, everything..... which is why they know better than unborn child to judge if it's right time, place, and environment for their child to live in and to grow up.
This is tuning into another abortion discussion. We already have threads dedicated to that.

indeed.... indeed... somehow this is relevant to this thread since Palin wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and continues to preach of abstinence while her daughter is an unwed preggie. such a blatant and hilarious hypocrisy.... makes me wonder if Palin is a fan of Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


indeed.... indeed... somehow this is relevant to this thread since Palin wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and continues to preach of abstinence while her daughter is an unwed preggie. such a blatant and hilarious hypocrisy.... makes me wonder if Palin is a fan of Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:



Agreed, and when it is discussed in that context, it is entirely appropriate. However, we are beginning to see the anti-abortion propoganda being spouted not as it applies to this topic, but simply to take advantage of an opportunity to repeat, endlessly, the anti-abortion view.
Agreed, and when it is discussed in that context, it is entirely appropriate. However, we are beginning to see the anti-abortion propoganda being spouted not as it applies to this topic, but simply to take advantage of an opportunity to repeat, endlessly, the anti-abortion view.
Good luck keeping that out of a discussion about the pregnant teenaged daughter of someone that wants to overturn Row V Wade. It's also not uncommon to see people twisting conversations to meet their agendas. I see it here all of the time.
Ahh, please allow me to say somethin' here. I know Americans want religious freedom (or freedom from religion) to define God or gods in any way they want, freedom of choice to select abortion for unwanted pregnancies and freedom to enjoy whatever entertainment they desire -- includin' films, music, books and television drenched with violence and illicit sex. Many Americans demand unrestrained sexual freedom between consentin' adults. They want and fully expect unhindered and total freedom of speech. Americans want full freedom to define culture and lifestyle issues in their image. They want unrestrained freedom to divorce. Americans claim to want fairness, justice, economics and educational opportunity for all.
yes yes! beautiful America and democracy, isn't it?? Hint - no imposition of one's belief for all.

But all freedoms and social values must be define on their terms. Above all, they want the ability to get the leader they think best suits their desires and to get rid of a leader they don't like or get bored with when he fails to bring utopia. They want that choice on a very regular basis. They view this as a sacred right.

Is that what you want to have in a perfect leader ?
uh oh!!! a contradiction to first half of paragraph! now that is about imposition of one's belief for all.... A great (not perfect) leader will inspire us to have a sense of humility and common sense.... and personal responsibility as a citizen with the equal rights and freedoms given to us. A great leader brings us forward to equality and individualism, not backward to Medieval Age. That's the reason why our founding fathers moved out of that world to created a secular country - America. If you do not like such thing.... then you are in wrong country. Vatican City is a more fitting place for you.
yes yes! beautiful America and democracy, isn't it?? Hint - no imposition of one's belief for all.

uh oh!!! a contradiction to first half of paragraph! now that is about imposition of one's belief for all.... A great (not perfect) leader will inspire us to have a sense of humility and common sense.... and personal responsibility as a citizen with the equal rights and freedoms given to us. A great leader brings us forward to equality and individualism, not backward to Medieval Age. That's the reason why our founding fathers moved out of that world to created a secular country - America. If you do not like such thing.... then you are in wrong country. Vatican City is a more fitting place for you.

:lol: Sorry to disappoint you. I wasn't born in Vatican City. I was born in THIS AMERICA! Thanks to my parents! :)
:lol: Sorry to disappoint you. I wasn't born in Vatican City. I was born in THIS AMERICA! Thanks to my parents! :)

:cool2: yes yes it's like this - "born in America, raised by Vatican City" :laugh2: but I wasn't talking about born. I'm talking about living in Vatican City since it shares your belief.
:cool2: yes yes it's like this - "born in America, raised by Vatican City" :laugh2:

LOL Yeah, right! In your " Vatican City " Dream! Your wishful thinkin' ! :P
:cool2: yes yes it's like this - "born in America, raised by Vatican City" :laugh2: but I wasn't talking about born. I'm talking about living in Vatican City since it shares your belief.

For real, I am still livin' in USA. Your talks about livin' in Vatican City neeever happens. Aww... your own loss! :P
For real, I am still livin' in USA. Your talks about livin' in Vatican City neeever happens. Aww... your own loss! :P

and it is your loss that Roe v. Wade is here to stay :o
We shall see.... that Roe v. Wade don't stay here forever. :)

Its been around 35 years. The anti-abortionists haven't managed to get it overturned yet, and they've been trying since 1973.
We shall see.... that Roe v. Wade don't stay here forever. :)

nope not going to happen anytime soon nor in near future. why? because.... "currently, 61% of the world’s people live in countries where induced abortion is permitted either for a wide range of reasons or without restriction as to reason. In contrast, 26% of all people reside in countries where abortion is generally prohibited" (Center for Reproductive Rights)

Picture of World
Fact Sheet

If you notice... most of countries with legalized abortions are well-developed, modern nations.... the majority of countries which banned or restricted abortions are of developing world... which is understandable as they are predominantly controlled (or heavily influenced) by Church.


so yea abortion is here to stay... nearly forever :laugh2:
as the nations become more developed... they will become more secular and industrialized.. which means they will attain what America has been attaining for past several decades.... and you can bet your ass that abortion will be legalized eventually
Gee, you don't get it, do you ? I have ASKED my significant other to do this FOR ME. It's not the same to write the answers to my kids homework. Now, will you please quit goin' off-topic ?

And then you represented those words as your own by not stating in the original post that the words were your SI's.
I said somewhere here on the boards a while ago that Roe vs Wade won't be overturned, even by Palin...not by a longggggg stretch; yet that doesn't stop people from zeroing in on her.
Where and when did they mention it? I haven't seen or heard it.

You haven't heard them speak of the Roe V Wade issue, or you haven't heard them speak of their personal stance on such? It has been in transcripts of speeches.
I said somewhere here on the boards a while ago that Roe vs Wade won't be overturned, even by Palin...not by a longggggg stretch; yet that doesn't stop people from zeroing in on her.

I agree. I don't think that she will ever succeed in having the legislation overturned. It has become an issue because it is indicative of her mind set regarding other issues.
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