Do you drink Beer,Whiskey or Wine?

Do you drink Beer,Whiskey or Wine

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 50.0%

  • Total voters
I rarely drink. I also don't drink beer at all. When I do choose to partake, I usually have a glass or two of wine, or a wine cooler. Sometimes, I'll have a favorite mixed drink. I voted no, though. On average, I drink one or two times of the year; max.
I rarely drink, most of the time I don't usually do. :) I never got drunk anyhow. :P
Im glad to see most of members are not drinkers. Now i know none of you would get behind a wheel of a car and drive drunk.
I drink a glass of Italian red wine or German white wine during relax evening sometimes.

I dont like beer and whiskey.
I don't really drink that much and I only drink flavored beers and mixed drinks
I only drink ONCE in a while when I'm out having fun with friends, as long as I don't plan to get fukked up. I don't really like beers, whiskey. Wines are really depending. I like wine coolers, also, but not a big fan of it.
I don't drink any alcoholic beverages.
i started drinking at 17 , when that time was heavy depression and was heavy alcoholic on weekends *long story* .. blah blah then i quit drinking @ 21.. i been sobering for 6 years.. except twice time which xmas 2004 and happy new year 2005 .. after that .. NO MORE DRINKING FOR ME! *PERIOD*.... cause i have enuff plm with my health so far! so i wanna my blood keep good track with irons, etc.. blah blah *long story*


I voted no, because I dont like beer. But I've tried a whiskey sour (was not bad) and a friend of mine bought me wine for my 21st birthday. However, I dont drink on a regular basis. Maybe once a month or once every couple months. And when I do, I like margarita's (with tequila) and smirnoff twisted (vodka.)

And just so you know, I normally drink at home while watching a movie or tv, very rarely do I go out, too much pressure to get drunk or drink a lot.
Yeah, I agree Meg. :roll:

Sorry, I couldn't vote because I like mixed drinks.
I dont like to get drunk but if I want to drink then I stay home to drink. I dont drink that much only about 1 or 2 times a year that is it.
I do drink all three of these: beer, whiskey and wine.
I prefer foreign beers over American beer, 'cos American beer tastes like crap.
A glass of whiskey is a nice way to unwind after a long, busy day.
Wines are fabulous with meals and friends visiting. Guess you can call me a social drinker cos I would drink only like 3 or 4 times a month. I have been quite drunk several times in my life, but it has been a long while since I blacked out... last time was in England in 1997. And now I am living in Utah, and the funny thing is that I have friends who don't drink alkies, but don't care if I do.
I do drink Wine and other of mixed drinks.... I only drink on speical. Rare drinker
yeah once in awhile when i have some free times from works. mostly beers.

yes i do drink all 3 of them... i used to drink beer all the time from age 15 till maybe 18 or 19 then stopped then started over again when i turned 21 and quickly learned how badly alcohol screwed my life up and i havent went to bar for 6 months or more now.

sometime i miss it but most of time im glad i dont drink anymore

i will drink at social times if theres anyone else who is drinking too as well... (doesnt like to be only person to be drinker) and now.. i will drink if there is a person who can drive me home it doesnt matter how many beers, whiskey, wine, vodka i had... one or many i refuse to drive if i drink now.. trust me.. i learned that lesson hard way when i was 21