Do You Believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ?

Do You Believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ?

  • YES

    Votes: 20 66.7%

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 5 16.7%

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May 3, 2006
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Satan is with us. Whether he lurks in your belief system or not, the Devil is often encountered as a caricature, metaphor or character on page or screen. To most people of faith, the Prince of Darkness is real, either as entity or symbol. We talked with people from several faith traditions to find out what they believe about Satan. Do you believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ? Can they enter a person ? How do you get them out ? - Home
Satan is with us. Whether he lurks in your belief system or not, the Devil is often encountered as a caricature, metaphor or character on page or screen. To most people of faith, the Prince of Darkness is real, either as entity or symbol. We talked with people from several faith traditions to find out what they believe about Satan. Do you believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ? Can they enter a person ? How do you get them out ? - Home

What do YOU think ? Do you believe in any of those things ? I, for one do believe that there's spiritual war out there in between God and Satan.
Yes I Do Especially Watching What Happened to Latest Mega Preacher...
Hey MODS --

Think this thread need to move to " Christianity & etc. " Forum ? Many thanks. :)
Those are two separate questions but only one poll, so I couldn't select an answer.

I don't believe in ghosts (spirits of dead people on earth) but I do believe there are evil spirits (demons of Satan).
this should be in a different thread, but satan is the one controling earth right now
Satan is with us. Whether he lurks in your belief system or not, the Devil is often encountered as a caricature, metaphor or character on page or screen. To most people of faith, the Prince of Darkness is real, either as entity or symbol. We talked with people from several faith traditions to find out what they believe about Satan. Do you believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ? Can they enter a person ? How do you get them out ? - Home

I believe that the Devil, as a person, does not exist. "Satan" is merely an personification of our not-so-pleasant impulses that some feel is okay to abtribute all evil to. (What happened to free will?)

There are no such things as ghosts...and exorcism is only a holdover from the days when people belived that "evil spirits" caused mental illness.
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well i do believe in both because when i was in teens... i have seen something that was similiar to a demon (?) i dont know what to label it but it look very faint and ugly! it was at night time and i was about to get into my old home and there he is right on the fence. it lasted like maybe 30 sec and hes gone. i saw him right front of my eyes not by corner of my eye.

i also do believe there is ghosts because often i have seen mysterious things happening in various houses. once time i slept over at my friends house and it was very old house maybe in late 1800's or early 1900's.. i dont know.. anyway when we were sleeping.. we both felt a loud thud then bed began to shake. after that we couldnt sleep and next morning my friend asked if earthquake happened or something and the parents said they felt nothing. so that time i concluded it to be ghosts. and also often things moved somehow or disappears. for example... i put my cup on table when i was eating and talked to someone... and i turned around to get my cup and it was at end of the table which is impossible considering the dishes and everything. i asked that person if i misplaced it over there and she said no.. i put it right next to my plate. so yea its enough to make a believer out of me.

if my grammar is terrible im sorry lol im pretty tired and its 1 am in the morning so im too lazy to correct my own grammar. hope u all understand me well enough heh
Satan is with us. Whether he lurks in your belief system or not, the Devil is often encountered as a caricature, metaphor or character on page or screen. To most people of faith, the Prince of Darkness is real, either as entity or symbol. We talked with people from several faith traditions to find out what they believe about Satan. Do you believe in Ghosts ? Evil Spirits ? Can they enter a person ? How do you get them out ?
Satan doesn't exist. He was invented by men, religous men, just to scare you. And it worked. Same for God. In order to keep control of people, inventing a GOd is really helpful...

But spirits is something different. This is inside you, and is living your life with you. It learns from you, with you and when you die, the spirit moves on. We move on, since we and the spirit are one.
The spirits will learn from the past experience, and use that in the next life. Some spirits are old. Some are young... (I have three children, the youngest is a very old spirit, the oldes is a young spirit... the middle one is in between these....)

To summarise.... I do believe in spirits. I do not believe in the devil...

Stop being scared and live your life !
Uhh.. would you stop critizing someone's beliefs. My religion isi Messianic Judaism and that I do believe there is God in Heaven. If the person believes in God.. if not.. fine then leave the person alone. Critizing others' beliefs are not gonna help the situation.. its just a person asking for answers not just for you to critization.:pissed:
Yep, sorry, got carried away..
Last sentence should be removed..., text should be edited with "in my opinion"...
I'd like to mention a quote just for knacks- "The biggest trick the devil ever pulled off was making you believe he didn't exist"

With that quoted, now for my opinion- I don't know. I've been to some places that look completely normal and have gave me a feeling that something was malicious around the said area. That makes your skin crawl. Every time I went there, same thing if I went too far in.

7 people have died near this river at the very turnpike. It's a one-way bridge that curves around thus a huge blindspot and a small creek running into a canyon. About a mile or two up is where I start getting feeling spooked and let me tell you, it takes a hellva lot to rattle me enough to make me turn around and walk home. Bottom line? I don't know what hell it is,but stuff like this is real and it frankly scares the shit out of me.

Edit: I've been to places that are supposedly haunted like this old radio tower with tons of satanic messeges sprayed on the walls by punks. There? I didn't feel a thing. It's like some random place, but the creek? It's like somethings watchin you and wants to swallow you up. I hike alot of places off-trail and there are spots that just have a bad air about them. They look like any other place. You'd have to have been in my shoes or have experinced it to know what I'm talking about. It's not that it "looks scary" or feels scary because of how it looks or the sense of being alone -- it just stirs your soul like something evil is out there. It makes you look behind you and the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up.
i don't believe in evil spirits but i believe in ghosts cuz i have seen them in my lifetime
I know of them as "Jinns". so yeah, Allah made them, some are good and bad. They are creations made to worshipped Allah.
I did not see it says anything about grim reaper? Do they really exist?
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