Device to save hospital billions?

Hmm... this looks interesting! This would be great for some of my friends who are sensitive to these things! Heh!
I doubt they are on internet, just a laptop hooked up to patient....or something...not to internet, so it won't happen.
The idea of this medical technological developement would be most likely welcomed and feasible in areas where there are nurse shortages, drug-overdoses, etc...I'm confident that these developers are well aware of such problems like perpetrators hacking into a system and implementing it without the use of the internet but enabling to set up this developement within the mainframe of a hospital's thing comes to mind is that little gadget where we 'beep' a nurse to come to the room for something...well, we wouldn't have to wait and wait for a nurse to come around to help lessen any incredible pain at the moment....of course, it'll decrease our cursing the nurses for not being around when needed! ;)
Canada definitely could use something like this. We have a major doctor shortage, and it's the same with the nurses.
maybe robo-nurses! who knows! Kind of like the maid robot in the Jetsons except they do nursing services.