Deaf or HoH?

^^^I'd look them straight in the eye and ask if they wanted to test me.
And what happened?

They still think I am faking it. They can plainly see that I can't hear, but it doesn't seem to faze them at all. I have had all kinds of things done to prove that I am stone total deaf, such as, banging drums behind me, or any number of things that could make a massive amount of noise that a hearing person would find annoying. I have also had the proof that I have no ear drums and cochlea in hand and they think it's a forgery. They only way they believe it, is if they contact the agency that provided the proof themselves. I have given up trying to prove it to satisfy others.
Rude people everywhere! I never realized what a battle it would be. Funny, people seldom doubt others who say they're blind without their glasses.
Rude people everywhere! I never realized what a battle it would be. Funny, people seldom doubt others who say they're blind without their glasses.

Probably cos deafness is much invisible and seeing is believing to lot of people.
I know, *sigh*. Many in the population use eyeglasses, and they are so visible.

I have to remember not to give dirty looks to people who park in Handicapped and easily walk into a store. I know you can have a disability that doesn't show, but if you can walk all over the store and not a few extra feet to your car? It just makes it harder for those with actual wheelchairs when they need a spot and can't get one.
I know, *sigh*. Many in the population use eyeglasses, and they are so visible.

I have to remember not to give dirty looks to people who park in Handicapped and easily walk into a store. I know you can have a disability that doesn't show, but if you can walk all over the store and not a few extra feet to your car? It just makes it harder for those with actual wheelchairs when they need a spot and can't get one.

What you don't know is if that person has say a heart condition and can't walk long distances and can use a store owned scooter once in the store.
I know, *sigh*. Many in the population use eyeglasses, and they are so visible.

I have to remember not to give dirty looks to people who park in Handicapped and easily walk into a store. I know you can have a disability that doesn't show, but if you can walk all over the store and not a few extra feet to your car? It just makes it harder for those with actual wheelchairs when they need a spot and can't get one.

Just today, I had to go to the store and I had fallen before getting into the car. I had my rollator with me. I had to drive around and around and still could not find a handicapped spot empty. After getting out of car and getting rollator opened up and moving, I fell again. The security officer drove up and gave m a ride across the parking lot. As we were going by, we noticed a sheriff's car at the handicapped spaces. The security officer told him what happened to me and that I had a handicapped placard in my window. Sheriff's officer was writing tickets. All 12 of the handicapped spaces had cars with no handicapped placards or plates on them. In this parking lot, it is an automatic $300 fine and can go up depending on how long you are there after the ticket is placed.
What you don't know is if that person has say a heart condition and can't walk long distances and can use a store owned scooter once in the store.

Yes, which is WHY I don't give dirty looks. But the ones I'm referring to are not using scooters... (I'm watching). I just want to.
All 12 of the handicapped spaces had cars with no handicapped placards or plates on them.

I "liked" your post... but it feels strange to say that, especially when you have trouble getting around. :(

It nice to hear about people actually getting busted on this!
What are you trying to say??? That I am faking my deafness? :roll:

Smile, I'm not talking about you but I added to it because this been brought up before when I had an serious discussion with group of terpies, in term of self identity with my personal experience in the past, with one of that story about deaf guy who slapped back of my head, and I did asked terps their opinions about it. Funny that you gave all the list of "are there's other words than HOH"? One terp say... you fake deaf person! That made me think about that.. Literally, I shot back to warn one terp that it's an insult to deaf community... but I get the idea what he meant. One terp admitted when he first met me and thought I was purely deaf, not until later that I spoke with someone in a heated debate. He was shocked that I'm more "not into deaf world", he said that I speak clearly and equal intellectual as hearing people.

You know, sometime HOH people get a split feeling and wanting to live in a deaf world but there's on going how deaf culture view us as being "HOH" instead of "deaf".

For me, I studied to learn about hearing world. This is my choice of learning about hearing world. It's same thing as hearing people wanting to learn about deaf culture. How? Read... read.... read... I did not learn to hear their languages, I learn from reading it. The more I learn to read, the more I know how to speak with hearing world, fluent. Here's one example when I was asked to join the interview because we have deaf person to interview and yes we did hired interpreter for that. Now there are few questions that deaf person failed to answer.... as for one example: "What is your weakness?"
He perplexed for moment and he was unsure of his answer... then he just said, "I don't have any weakness...." So, I waved and signed to him.. "What do you hate the most? Example, repetitive paper work? Same over and over again? That is your weakness, that you give up easily??" Then deaf person say..."Aaaah.." Then he stumble for minutes and he said..."I don't have any?"
So, that where it failed.

It just that I'm proud to be deaf, but I'm glad I studied about hearing world, their languages, there slangs and such. So when I use my "voice off", I'm living in a deaf world. Once they learned about me, sometime they called me fake deaf person, sometime they called me "not deaf enough" sometime they called me "HOH" and many more. I just simply accepted what they are trying to say.. that they live in deaf family and deaf generations, they live in institutionalized schools and such. Yes, they are pure deaf culture and yes I am different than this deaf culture but I'm deaf period.

This is my view. HOH? Or deaf?
I am thinking that maybe you are hung up on "fake deaf". My point was you can decide for yourself your own identity.
I am thinking that maybe you are hung up on "fake deaf". My point was you can decide for yourself your own identity.

There isn't any. There's no real answer to this. I'm sure many of "HOH" felt that way. I been walking in the crack of between two worlds all my life. Where should I fall on? I'm happy with both... but is there a name for that?
I "liked" your post... but it feels strange to say that, especially when you have trouble getting around. :(

It nice to hear about people actually getting busted on this!

After seeing this video, i feel the same way. Incidentally, this film was shot at the Home Depot just a couple of minutes from my place: [ame=]Just 2 Minutes (English subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah it's sad, but this is a true story few year back. I stopped at the liquor store, and there's a beautiful Aston Martin DB9 parked on HC parking space. There's only one HC space there. As I walk in and got the liquor I want and standing in the line. In front of me, this some 22ish year old girl was arguing with the store owner about how she parked on HC space and she got really bitchy with him. Suddenly I saw a guy, through the store windows, drove up near where she parked. He stopped for minute and then he backed his car a little and stopped. Then he got out of the car and he brought out his dual brace walker/cain like. He just parked in the rear of this beautiful 200K car! LOL!! There is no way for this DB9 to get out without a scratch!! He was walking slowly toward this liquor store. Then I turned my head to this bitch, and the owner was giving a refund, taking back the alcohol she want to purchase because she said that she want the money back because of owner being an assole or something like that. As she walked out, she passed the guy who still walking 3/4 way to the liquor store.. and suddenly she turned her head yelling at this disable guy, what he did? He flip his birdie above his shoulder at her, not even looking at her. We, the owner and I was laughing so hard, I was slamming on the counter and he was clapping hard. Oh, man! So he was taking his time walking to the store and as soon he approached the door I opened for him. I told him...spend as much as you can looking around this store!! Then he said, he thought it was some business man jerk parked there but he didn't realized it's was a young girl (as he said) PARKED there!! He was muttering and pissing off. Then I had to paid my liquor and take off. As I was walking out and still saw this young lady talking on the cell phone with her hand waving in the air. So, I finally left, but I have no idea how long she have to wait for him to get back to his car. Hopefully for 2 hours!!!
You become Deaf when you accept your hearing loss and don't try to be hearing anymore. Being hard of hearing is the netherworld between the hearing world and the Deaf world.

That's a really interesting way of putting it.
That's why I leave the handicapped places for those with mobility issues. I have a couple of friends who are paralyzed and one family member whom had an incident last week and now she is paralyzed. The way I see it is that I am able to walk just fine a few extra feet to the store. It doesn't bother me. I know another lady who uses her mother's placard to walk into a store, only to get on a motorized buggy. She claims she can use it because she is short of breath by the time she gets to the store. Her issue? Morbid gross obesity. This woman is a real life BBW and now she has gotten so large that she is confined to her bed most of the time, which is sad. She could definitely benefit from walking a few extra steps for her own health.

Also, businesses need to do their part in making sure these reserved places are well marked and not just assume that other people know where they are. The Dollar General doesn't keep theirs well marked and when I pulled up, a worker came out and started yelling at me about it. I said -
Whoa whoa whoa! Back it up! This spot isn't even marked as a reserved parking spot for the disabled. It doesn't mean I'm in trouble, it means YOUR in trouble with ADA. Don't make me move my truck to prove it because if I have to, the next time you see me, will be in front of a judge. She got down on the ground and realized the pavement wasn't even painted (the paint had worn off long before this as they used cheap paint). She got back up, gave me a sneered look and walked back inside.

Another time, I was at the bank. I pulled up to a parking spot. The bank doesn't have marked parking spaces, you just kind of park where you will. Well, I get out and this old dude was in a truck next to mine. He waves me down and asked me if I knew that was a disabled parking place. I said no. He said it was but that it had been repaired. I said dude - this pavement has been here over a year now and they've not painted it. Instead of whining at me, why not take it up to the bank as this is their parking lot, not mine? He keep whining and moaning and groaning and carrying on until finally I said.
Dammit, if it's so damn important, get your lazy disability drawing ass out of that truck and go talk to the effing bank president. I am sure he would be THRILLED to listen to your concern. I've got more important things to do than argue stupidity with you. If you'll shut up long enough I'll be more than glad to move my vehicle out of this spot, which your'e not currently using. So I get back in my truck and I park right directly behind him. He wasn't going anywhere until I left. I saw him get out of his truck to come complain to me some more. He was VERY capable of walking. I just think the dude has some loose screws in his head. Needless to say I took my time and one of my buddies who works at the bank texted me during her lunch break asked what was going on. I told her and she busted up laughing.

So it's a two way street here guys.
1. Don't use places reserved for the disabled.
2. If you are business owner, please have your reserved parking spaces for the disabled CLEARLY marked either by placing a sign at the front of the parking space and/or by painting the universal wheelchair symbol along with blue lines on either side of the parking space.

The two aforementioned places I parked were not marked and it looked like a regular parking spot.