Confused and frustrated


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Hi all-

I've been browsing around here and thought I might introduce myself! :wave:

A couple of years ago I began having intermittent ringing in my ears and vertigo. My doctor thought I might have an acoustic nueroma (sp??) so I went and had an MRI but they didn't find anything. I had a hearing test too and was told I had some hearing loss but nothing severe. I was told there was nothing to do, so I went on my merry way and just dealt with the occasional ringing/buzzing noises.

I woke up Saturday morning and my tinnitus was constant and far more severe than it used to be. Also, about every 20 to 40 minutes I get a blast of a white static like noise and I can't hear anything for awhile until it stops. I couldn't sleep due to the noise or use the phone with my right ear! I play guitar, so I plugged in and found I couldn't hear anything on the high E string or above the 12-14th frets. Needless to say, I had a minor (okay, major!) freakout and went to my local walk-in clinic. I was referred to an otologist and told that I would probably need maskers and/or hearing aids.

I am very frustrated since there is only one hearing specialist in my area and I won't be able to see him for a few weeks. Its been very hard at work during staff meetings as I can't hear people talking if they are sitting on my right side or if more than one person is talking at once. Since my hearing was pretty good up until recently, it is very difficult getting people to understand that I need them to face me while talking or not talk over each other.

Has anyone else here experienced sudden hearing loss? How do you cope? I am also a bit anxious about seeing the otologist... I'm afraid I really will need aids and that my insurance probably won't cover them.

Anywho... I think that is a long enough rant!
Thanks a ton! Reading through that was very helpful... there are a bunch of people with the same story as me which makes me feel a bit better! :thumb:

Welcome. If you hang around for about a week our psychologist who runs that thread should be back.:wave:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Don't worry about being the only one and there is other late deafend people like yourself. It is a whole new world for you to be experience going through the tinnitus and losing your hearing. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Hi all-

I've been browsing around here and thought I might introduce myself! :wave:

A couple of years ago I began having intermittent ringing in my ears and vertigo. My doctor thought I might have an acoustic nueroma (sp??) so I went and had an MRI but they didn't find anything. I had a hearing test too and was told I had some hearing loss but nothing severe. I was told there was nothing to do, so I went on my merry way and just dealt with the occasional ringing/buzzing noises.

I woke up Saturday morning and my tinnitus was constant and far more severe than it used to be. Also, about every 20 to 40 minutes I get a blast of a white static like noise and I can't hear anything for awhile until it stops. I couldn't sleep due to the noise or use the phone with my right ear! I play guitar, so I plugged in and found I couldn't hear anything on the high E string or above the 12-14th frets. Needless to say, I had a minor (okay, major!) freakout and went to my local walk-in clinic. I was referred to an otologist and told that I would probably need maskers and/or hearing aids.

I am very frustrated since there is only one hearing specialist in my area and I won't be able to see him for a few weeks. Its been very hard at work during staff meetings as I can't hear people talking if they are sitting on my right side or if more than one person is talking at once. Since my hearing was pretty good up until recently, it is very difficult getting people to understand that I need them to face me while talking or not talk over each other.

Has anyone else here experienced sudden hearing loss? How do you cope? I am also a bit anxious about seeing the otologist... I'm afraid I really will need aids and that my insurance probably won't cover them.

Anywho... I think that is a long enough rant!

:hug: I'm sorry you are so unhappy. I don't know what to tell you, except that I have some vertigo and ringing and have gone from hearing at 19 to severely hoh at 23. I've been diagnosed with Meinere's Diease and am taking meds which really help control the symptoms. I don't know how to fix it for you, though I would if I could. I know it's scary and lonely. But you aren't alone. There are lots of us who go deaf suddenly and without known reason. I want to send you a hug and a belief that you are supported and that here you are among people who care and understand.
Thanks for the welcomes and all the positive responses! Good to know there actually are nice people on the internet! :laugh2:
Thanks for the welcomes and all the positive responses! Good to know there actually are nice people on the internet! :laugh2:
Better than the dark side of the Internet: "My name is honestlove4Ugirl. Please give me your bank account number so I can get a plane ticket to meet you....":laugh2:
Just kidding! I am also LDA, with Meniere's disease. Symptoms sound similar to yours. Look around and see many others like you.
I do understand that you are so unhappy... there's not much we can do...
But I want to say WELCOME
and hope you gonn have a least some fun reading and writing here....
I understand you are confused and frustrated. I can help you..
I do understand that you are so unhappy... there's not much we can do...
But I want to say WELCOME
and hope you gonn have a least some fun reading and writing here....

Oh! I wouldn't say I'm unhappy! I think I came across a tad negative.. my first post turned into a bit of a rant! :giggle: I think reading this board and talking with my ENT/audiologist has eased my mind since then. I'm much more of a lurker than a poster so I haven't updated... But I'm very happy I stumbled upon AD. I've been reading through old posts and learning quite a bit. Knowledge is power, baby! :cool2: