Clinton and McCain win

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I used dislike Senator John McCain, of Arizona who led the charge to ban these competitions from cable television, describing the events as "human cock fighting''. Now he has revised his opinion, saying: "The sport has grown up. The rules have been adopted to give its athletes better protections and to ensure fairer competition.''

Why I disliked him becuase he was diehard boxing fan that he tried to ban UFC to save boxing's butt.

Now, am I dislike him in person? No, I respects what he did for our country and he was POW then Senate and going shoot for being President.
I remember an interview Hillary gave to, I believe, Katie Couric, some years ago about all the stuff told about them. She said that when Chelsea was little, she used to come home from school crying because of what the other kids said to her about her parents.
Just as a point of reference, Chelsea was age 12-20 years old when her father was President.

Now, say what you want, but I don't believe a word of any or the alleged affairs Mr. Clinton had with anyone, much less Monica Lewinsky
The Lewinsky affair was proven, not "alleged".

President of the United States Bill Clinton has admitted having an inappropriate relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In a televised address Mr Clinton told the American people that he took full responsibility for his actions.

He said: "Indeed I did have a relationship with Ms Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong."
BBC ON THIS DAY | 17 | 1998: Clinton admits Lewinsky affair

Also, do you recall Gennifer Flowers and this interview he had with 60 Minutes in 1992?

...Kroft: You've said that your marriage has had problems, that you've had difficulties. What do you mean by that? What does that mean? Is that some kind of – help us break the code. I mean, does that mean that you were separated? Does that mean that you had communication problems? Does that mean you contemplated divorce? Does it mean adultery?

Bill Clinton: I think the American people, at least people that have been married for a long time, know what it means and know the whole range of things it can mean.

Kroft: You've been saying all week that you've got to put this issue behind you. Are you prepared tonight to say that you've never had an extramarital affair?

Bill Clinton: I'm not prepared tonight to say that any married couple should ever discuss that with anyone but themselves. I'm not prepared to say that about anybody. I think that the . . . .

Kroft: . . . That's what you've been saying essentially for the last couple of months.

Bill Clinton: . . . You go back and listen to what I've said. You know, I have acknowledged wrongdoing. I have acknowledged causing pain in my marriage. I have said things to you tonight and to the American people from the beginning that no American politician ever has.

I think most Americans who are watching this tonight, they'll know what we're saying; they'll get it, and they'll feel that we have been more candid. And I think what the press has to decide is: Are we going to engage in a game of "gotcha"? . . . I can remember a time when a divorced person couldn't run for president, and that time, thank goodness, has passed. Nobody's prejudiced against anybody because they're divorced. Are we going to take the reverse position now that if people have problems in their marriage and there are things in their past which they don't want to discuss which are painful to them, that they can't run?

Kroft: You're trying to put this issue behind you, and the problem with the answer is it's not a denial. And people are sitting out there -- voters – and they're saying, "Look, it's really pretty simple. If he's never had an extramarital affair, why doesn't {he} say so?" Special Report: Clinton Accused
I can respect that, Reba. I was referring to when Clinton was governor and Chelsea was little.

Another thing, any woman, in her right mind, would NOT have had that dress drycleaned, if Ms. Lewinsky actually had sex with the president. That is the reason I said I don't believe it.
My mom is actually hoping that Clinton wins due to health care reasons. She's been very anti-democrat her whole life... until now.
...Another thing, any woman, in her right mind, would NOT have had that dress drycleaned, if Ms. Lewinsky actually had sex with the president. That is the reason I said I don't believe it.
Any woman in her right mind would not have sex with Bill Clinton in the first place.

Maybe she was NOT in her right mind. ;)
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