CI Evaluation on monday


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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So my CI evaluation is on monday and I'm nervous/excited...some people wanted to know how it goes and assessments that are done etc. So, I started this thread to give updates etc:) I am excited/nervous.
Hi Alicia
I hope they told you it will take the better part of the day at least mine was with the MRI and all the extensive hearing tests I remember one of those you lay down for near an hour.I wish you all the best on Monday and hope your tests are not as long as mine where, Who knows it could be that I have Meniere's Disease.

Take care, Don
Good Luck, it'll be a breeze.... just sit back and take it easy, let them do the dirty work for you. Plenty of sleep is a must as it can be very tiring especially if you have 3 appts in one day.

And....of course, keep us updated.
Good Luck!! I ve been evulation for CI and I ve been qualifed for it. However I had to turn it down due to the crazy expense!!! :shock:
Thanks guys! My appt is early in the am but just in case I don't have much to do that day in class anyways so I'm good:) I hate mri/ct's I had both done not too long ago so maybe they can just use those lol
Hey AliciaM ... that is great news! Hopefully you are feeling more "excited" than "nervous," as there is really nothing to be nervous about at this stage.

I doubt the evaluation will take the entire day. As I recall from my recent experience, the balance testing and CT scan can indeed take-up the better part of a day. However, as this is your initial appointment, it will probably consist of some hearing tests and a consultation where you can obtain information, share your concerns, ask questions, etc. I would guess the additional testing (balance & CT) will only be scheduled once you are positively identified as a qualifying candidate for a CI, and have indicated that you definitely want to go ahead with the procedure.

Of course that is just speculation on my part, but that's how the evaluation process went for me last year.

At any rate, good luck with your evaluation and I'm looking forward to reading your update reports.
when I was evaluated, it was just a few hours for the hearing testing... the CT scan was done at a later time (since I have to travel for the CI process... I had CT scan done locally and the results sent to Dr., etc.).

anyway, good luck!
Canada dan was it just a more thorugh hearing test with words, sentences, etc? Or was there anything else to it other than the balance thing and ct?
Alicia, (and everyone) the balance test depends on individuals, I never had one, I asked why, they said because i sail, ride horses, do alot of sports with no problems and that was it. I know Alicia does cheerleading so she less likely do balance tests, unless she has underlying problem. But would be interested to see if she does have one... This is one of questions Alicia could ask on monday during her asssessment.

CT scan only took 10 mins but the waiting time was hours!!! so a good book is needed just in case. MRI - never had one.

The listening parts would be in sentences (it's easier than just words), you will face to a expressionless man lipreading/listening and just lipreading then they do without lipreading/just listening. Most of tests are in sentences. There may be more tests for you, who knows.

I had hearing aid trials (3 different HA's) aided hearing tests for each, tests with unexpression man, each results were worser than the original HA which was well within the criteria.
ear drum test (tymp (can't spell at all!!)
OAE (don't ask saw that in my records)
CT scan
Users group (this was waste of time as i was the only one in group who was born profoundly deaf and had no idea what to expect)
Expectations/choosing implant appt

Again these all depend on individual and hospitals/clinics.
So didn't go as great as I hoped...

So my audi wants to see the the results and the write up the CI Audi said she'd send over. I was quite taken aback when the CI audi said "Well it SEEMS like you have a severe profound loss from your hearing tests but your acoustic reflexes don't match and I think your hearing aids are too loud for you and that u need new ones and these turned down in the mean time to not further damage your hearing."
She did TWO regular audiograms with same results both times (severe/profound snhl binaurally) and the the acoustic reflex thing and then did one test with barely any noise that was audible to me to do words (baseball, hot dog, etc) and I didn't get all them cuz some I told her I didn't understand or missed entirely, and then she did only one test with sentences with my hearing aids on, and then took my hearing aids checked my programs and such on them (for like 15 or more mins) so i was ha-less and NOT happy bout it, and then proceeded to tell me she thinks my hearing aids are TOO loud for me and that I should go get new ones (theses are 3 weeks old) and that these need to be turned down and blah blah my hearing loss and acoustic reflexes don't match so there's something "wrong" there and that i am NOT a CI candidate at this time and that maybe in a few years i will be and at that time I can benefit from better technology....
I was not pleased at all wth some of the things she said...esp that my hearing aids were "too loud" my audi always does Real Ear Measurement during fittings and makes sure that nothing is too loud for my ears with my hearing aids on, so that was a load of horse doodoo about that part. So, all in all I was a bit frustrated with my day:(
what are "acoustic reflexes?"

Sorry it didn't go well as you hoped, My first appt didn't go well either.
what are "acoustic reflexes?"

Sorry it didn't go well as you hoped, My first appt didn't go well either.

It is tha OAE thing. It has a ridiculous false positive/false negative rate though, so from my understanding most audiologists don't think too much of it.
Alica, Well that just sucks! When the audi had your hearing aids for 15(very quiet) minutes did they adjust them so they were not as loud? If they were concerned about the loudness they should have. They also should have redone some speech discrimination with the hearing aids turned down to see if there was any difference. Did the audi even tell you how your speech discrimination was?

Did you have any OAE testing before? If the OAE results matched before then it would be interesting to find out why the problem now. It could be the test itself as Jenny mentioned.
No, she didn't ...she asked me and If I wanted her too and I said no because I know my aids are not too loud for me. And no she didn't do any of that. She only did one test for speech discrim with hearing aids on and it was for sentences without noise. And she wouldn't let me see my audiogram or any of my results she said they would be sent to my audi and when she said it she sounded kinda rude about it...which i found out later is because she doesn't like the clinic I go to or one of my audi's that works there that just so happened used to work with her on the CI team. I've had the OAE testing before and it's never been brought up that anything was "weird" and didn't match. My audi thinks my hearing and the OAE doesn't really match up maybe because I was hearing for so long or something to that effect.
I hate it when doctors are so private with your own medical record. I guess it is common in Canada?

When I went in for testing, that's what they did too. Test me for speech discrim and sentences, but I think it was without my hearing aids because personal hearing aids are not always accurate.
Ah that clears it up, thank you JennyB.

Alicia, it's your rights/property to see your audiogram or any results.