
Boult--I clicked on the URL you posted above for a chat room and when I got there, I got a msg basically saying that" the security certificate over there is not to be trusted". So I didn't sign on. Could you please elaborate on the possible repercussions of signing up there? Anybody else know? Or have an opinion? Thanks
There's chat room at DeafZone the url is Welcome to DeafZONE then click "Chat Rooms" on left side menu. it is java based irc chat room but can use any irc client.
no more Java based irc cient. it is now Flash based webchat. It's lot better than before. and numbers of signup are growing day by day... has a bad reputation for not respecting other people. Some of us do not use AOL, so we can only use AIM. If you happen to be one of the's monitors reading my post, I have one sign for you:

:giggle: I guess they earned every bit of that!
Damn this thread was resurrected from the dead - goes all the way back to 2003 - when I was just a stupid college freshman! :lol:
hello I am brand new in here yeah I tried toget in deaf chat but it won't let me and I am not sure about yours aol. I tried to click on that link and it kept on telling me that page error?
I don't know what is irc? thank you
Is there any video software that deaf use most to chat with others on-line? I recall AllDeaf doing that back in old days. What was it?

Is there any video software that deaf use most to chat with others on-line? I recall AllDeaf doing that back in old days. What was it?


There is a program called CamFrog, and I know a lot of Deaf people on there. It is an Instant Messenger with Chat Rooms. It only cost USD$50 for a register key for CamFrog Pro, which lets you see more than one person on webcam at a time. With just the free CamFrog, you can see only one person's webcam at a time.

It's pretty cool, just Google CamFrog and it should pop up.

Hope this helps,
That is sound great improvement to technical new support for you. I hope be happy i wish news
I have been into some of websites where deaf go to but so far deafchat and other websites are down (for good i think)... About aol | aim chatroom there isnt that many people going there anymore... It seems deaf people begin to lost their long time friends since those websites are down and thats very sad
:lol: damn that thread brought old memories.. yep I'm funnybebe78 ;) but anyway yeah I left deafchat on AOL LONG time ago hm since 2003 but I tried deaf chat on AIM but too many new people so no longer going to chat room so I rather on ims since then ;) cuz I only chat with who I trust on ims now... mostly old friends from h.s or whatever ;)
Is there a working chatroom now? I have read a lot of this but most seems out of date. As I don't know ASL I don't want video chat, just text. Video is ok but I won't know what you're saying :lol: