


Are there any AOL/AIM Deaf chatrooms?

Some Deafies have been me sending IMs with that question. So, I offered to look around and see if there are any around.
Originally posted by Irish Devil Dog
AOL does have deaf chatroom but AIM normally not many people go in AIM deaf chatroom.

yeah :werd: I agree with her and i know her from AOL in deaf chatroom :fu:
I used to go on AOL's Deaf chatroom.. That's where I first met Eternity! Wow! I didn't realize that was a long time ago!!

<edit> Whoop, there it is! My 300th post! ;)
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Originally posted by Deaf258
I used to go on AOL's Deaf chatroom.. That's where I first met Eternity! Wow! I didn't realize that was a long time ago!!

yes yes Eternity went there in aol deaf chatroom with me too.
I was in DeafChat before first as Winnie the Pooh and then left DeafChat. I went back to DeafChat under another name as Freaky and told people there that it was me "Winnie the Pooh" because people do not like posers. I haven't been to DeafChat for a good while. Just recently popped in to say "Hi!" to some old-timers. :D
:ugh: @ deafchat <-- LAME ASS!!

Anyway, I usually go to AOL chatroom -- never been in AIM chatroom tho..But there's other chatroom you can go to...I set up MSN chatroom for everyone couple of months ago...The link is: Deaf Hangouts I set up chatroom "Mature" so anyone can cuss, etc unlike some of other MSN deaf chatrooms that doesnt allow cussing, etc... :o
:cool: about deaf chat on MSN :mrgreen: heh I haven't tried but I promise I will if I ever will :roll:
Originally posted by Deaf258 are run by assholes. It's a fact. They are hypocrites.

Agreed. SweetMonitor (sp?) was ruthless when she felt like she deserved to be in control. She banned me the first time I entered just because I corrected her english grammar when she claimed that her english was perfectly fine.
Originally posted by Deaf258
Are there any AOL/AIM Deaf chatrooms?

Some Deafies have been me sending IMs with that question. So, I offered to look around and see if there are any around.
Deaf258, why not you create your own chatroom for deaf community on internet?? let me know please.. :thumb:
All I know of is deaf chatroom on AOL and never went in deafchat, didn't bother going there.