Casey Anthony found not guilty of her murder charge

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I have read about Casey Anthony found NOT GUILTY by the jury. Well, I was disappointed. (So, not enough evidence but a lot of people are so angry about her verdict.) And now she will make a lot of money selling her story. Probably make a movie about it also.

Off-topic - I have been summoned for jury duty many times. I am due next year. It'll be a very big case. What fun!
She has Jedi powers. That little hand wave in direction of the jury before they read the verdict .... :hmm:

Yes, she is guilty. All this case proved was there was not enough evidence to convict her.

How convenient.

If she isn't guilty via American law, how do you know she is guilty? She's innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution failed to prove her guilt. So...this case proved that there was not enough evidence to convict her because she's reasonably innocent.
If Casey was the last person with Caylee, then who does she say took Caylee from her?

They've proven that there was no kidnapping babysitter. She doesn't exist.

I believe that I have said it's unlikely.
With all due respect (and I do respect you!), you want to retry this case here on AD, and that, you cannot do.

She was aquitted because the jury found there was reasonable doubt to think she didn't kill her daughter.

Maybe someday we'll know what happened to Caylee. I honestly hope we find out.

But, you mentioned Jon Benet earlier. One thing that case tought me was that impressions aren't always true. For years, people said that her parents or her brother killed her. Evidence excluding them were ignored, until finally, another DA decided it was prudent to examine that peice of evidence. Lo and behold, the DNA on that child's panties did NOT match anyone in the family! Therefore, they were eliminated as suspects in her murder. As I said earlier in the thread, that took YEARS to happen.

What you read or see on TV isn't always accurate.
Speaking of Jon Benet, I remember thinking that it was likely that someone in her family killed her. However, DNA ruled that out.

I saw this thought I'd pass on, I'm not entirely sure if its an honest petition or not though but the idea of it I support.

My thoughts on the case? Needed more hard evidence, Casey may or may not be innocent, but now she could pull an OJ and write a book "IF I did it" and later admit to it and no one could do a thing (legally) to her.

My point is that if she really did get away with murder, then she can't be tried again... double jeopardy.

And if she is innocent then hey, awesome, if she doesn't pull a lohan and parties as soon as she gets out. If she truly is innocent then she needs to spend serious amount of time in therapy and find the truth in her daughter's murder.

but her lies to authorities doesn't make me think she's innocent.

I'm not mad that she was found not guilty, I'm mad at the lack of strong evidence. Also at her behavior.

Here's a thought, when she was found not guilty, did she cry because she was happy she was free from death row or happy to get away with murder?
These are all questions that couldn't be answered by the evidence presented. The LACK of evidence is what aquitted Casey and nothing else. People (not necessarily you) need to understand this. There's a lynch mob mentality for this woman now, and she very WELL may NOT have actually killed that child!

Well said.

Speaking of lynch mob mentality, the comment page below the article on CNN of Casey being acquitted was disturbing.

Oh, I make a habit of never reading the comment section of any news article, they're always filled with morons spewing hate as loud and fast as they can. It's true anonymity, because so few people are "regulars" like someone here can be, so there's no reputation to be concerned about.

I have gotten 2 letters to do jury duty. But I had my hearing audi write a letter saying I was too HOH to do jury duty. I was not used for this reason. If I was not HOH I would had to gone !

There's a difference between being selected for jury duty and being empaneled on a jury. Anyone and everyone can be selected for jury duty, but if you prove yourself to be biased, prejudiced or even simply appear to be disagreeable to either side, then you'll not be selected during the jure dire process.

Egads!!! I know!!! ALL the comment pages are just going nuts with this.

Nothin' like a murder to get the righteous anger juices flowing.

She has Jedi powers. That little hand wave in direction of the jury before they read the verdict .... :hmm:

Yes, she is guilty. All this case proved was there was not enough evidence to convict her.

How convenient.

Innocent until proven guilty, though. And she was not proven guilty. That's how the american judicial system works. If you want something where every case is a guilty verdict, go take a look at Japan's judicial system, where defense lawyers are considered geniuses if they have 10% success rates, and many prosecutors have 100% guilty verdict rates.

She is a selfish ugly bitch.

Your misogyny is showing again.

Nor do we know beyond a reasonable doubt exactly how she died. For all I know, she could have drowned in the pool at their home or parent's home (I dunno which home had the pool) or if her father came to visit mother and child, she could have died at his hands. Or maybe it was the mother. Or maybe her BF did it. Perhaps Casey tried to protect whoever killed Caylee from prison time or it could be the parents covering for their daughter.

The real question is whether that's a reasonable doubt or not. I didn't see the evidence presented, so it's rather hard to say either way.

If Casey was the last person with Caylee, then who does she say took Caylee from her?

She doesn't have to prove her innocence, the prosecution has to prove her guilt, though.
Here's a thought, when she was found not guilty, did she cry because she was happy she was free from death row or happy to get away with murder?

Unless you know any psychics (in which case, let me know, because the JREF has got a million dollars for them!), then you'll really never know.
Good grief, this is still going strong??? I only saw a small part of a news segment a few days ago in which Nancy Grace claimed she could lipread Ashley saying "He is not involved" (regarding someone I presently forget) but when I looked at the video, she clearly said "He is involved." I knew right then there was a mob mentality at work, and today the airwaves are still deluded with the case. Groannn...
With all due respect (and I do respect you!), you want to retry this case here on AD, and that, you cannot do.
No, I'm not retrying the case; I don't have any authority to do that even if I wanted to. :)

I just bring up questions that are still unanswered. Trials determine only the guilt of the defendant. They don't provide all the answers to the crime in question. There is still an unsolved crime here.

But, you mentioned Jon Benet earlier. One thing that case tought me was that impressions aren't always true. For years, people said that her parents or her brother killed her. Evidence excluding them were ignored, until finally, another DA decided it was prudent to examine that peice of evidence. Lo and behold, the DNA on that child's panties did NOT match anyone in the family! Therefore, they were eliminated as suspects in her murder. As I said earlier in the thread, that took YEARS to happen.
Since there has not yet been a trial in JonBenet's case, that's a different situation. It's still an open investigation.
Frankly, being free out in the real world seems to be a much more harsh sentence than being jailed for Casey Anthony. OJ is intimidating in real life (I would know, he lives only 10 min from my mom's house in Miami) but Casey is not. Strangers would not think twice to berate her or refuse to serve her.
If she isn't guilty via American law, how do you know she is guilty? She's innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution failed to prove her guilt. So...this case proved that there was not enough evidence to convict her because she's reasonably innocent.
A finding of "not guilty" is not the same as "reasonably innocent." I don't believe that's even a legal term.

"Not guilty" means the prosecution didn't prove its case to the satisfaction of the jury. It may or may not mean that a guilty person goes free.

"Not guilty" is not a finding of innocence. Since the defendant was presumed innocent in the first place, "not guilty" means that the presumption is intact in the eyes of the law. It doesn't mean that the defendant was found innocent; it means that the prosecution couldn't prove otherwise.
Frankly, being free out in the real world seems to be a much more harsh sentence than being jailed for Casey Anthony. OJ is intimidating in real life (I would know, he lives only 10 min from my mom's house in Miami) but Casey is not. Strangers would not think twice to berate her or refuse to serve her.
When did OJ get out of prison? I thought he had a lot more years left to serve?
She doesn't have to prove her innocence, the prosecution has to prove her guilt, though.
I'm not talking about the trial verdict. I'm asking about what really happened to Caylee. The trial is over but there is still an unsolved murder of a child. If Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, what does Casey say happened to Caylee? Obviously something happened to her.
I'm not talking about the trial verdict. I'm asking about what really happened to Caylee. The trial is over but there is still an unsolved murder of a child. If Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, what does Casey say happened to Caylee? Obviously something happened to her.

I'm guessing she'd say "I don't know".
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