Can we switch HoH son's communication mode now?

:hmm: Asking, "did you get that" is no way for them to ensure "he got it". They need to ask specific questions, trying to elicit an answer that indicates he heard and understood the information.

My other thought about your comment regarding increased reliance on the para rather than direct communication is that you should definitely listen to your gut instinct. Isn't it sort of counterproductive to have a child with Aspergers not be encouraged to have direct lines of communication and engagement? Does he have any goals relating to socialization with peers?
Unfortunately, he doesn't have any goals in his IEP about socialization right now. They keep putting that he's making "great progress" in his present levels statements, but I'm not seeing that. It's definitely on my list of goals that MUST be included this time around.
Hmmmm..............Is his Asperger's more along the line of severe socialization issues, or does he have the "obessive interests" componet?
I'm seriously wondering if he was in a dhh program/school if it might turn out his social issues aren't as bad as they're currently seeming in a hearing setting. I'm not diagnosing him or anything, but it DOES seem like almost every kid who has social issues seems to be labled as having Asperger's. I think doctors and educators have forgotten that other conditions can have social issues being HOH!
He definitely has the other aspects of Aspergers as well. I have no doubts about that diagnosis, lol. I just question how much they're dismissing his hearing as a factor. I think it's more significant than they do.

Does anyone mind if I print some of these comments to take to my meeting? I will, of course, obscure any identifiable information (usernames, locations, avatars and signatures). If anyone is uncomfortable with this, I will absolutely not include theirs. I'm just wondering if having statements from people who have experienced this will add more weight to our position. I'm anticipating the "well, that's just YOUR opinion" comments. ;)
He definitely has the other aspects of Aspergers as well. I have no doubts about that diagnosis, lol. I just question how much they're dismissing his hearing as a factor. I think it's more significant than they do.

Does anyone mind if I print some of these comments to take to my meeting? I will, of course, obscure any identifiable information (usernames, locations, avatars and signatures). If anyone is uncomfortable with this, I will absolutely not include theirs. I'm just wondering if having statements from people who have experienced this will add more weight to our position. I'm anticipating the "well, that's just YOUR opinion" comments. ;)

Oh OK....but yeah you are right. One wonders if his hearing issues were addressed properly if he might see an improvment in socialization issues.
And yes, print out this thread!
I realize the OP hasn't been logged in for a while, but I'm wondering how things are going...

Hopefully things are going well for him...

To ReednOwensMommy, if you read this... Please give an update on your son!! I hope you had a "meeting of the minds" with the school district.