
im caffiene addict lol i cant go through the day without even one ounce of caffiene and im not picky on how to get it in my body so it can be anything from tea to coffee even soda and energy drinks... i drink even more now cuz i quit smoking recently.

i love the buzz monster energy drink gave me if i drink more than one a day lol.
I'm pretty much a heavy Pepsi drinker and that's caffeine, I tried to cut it back down but it's hard. One day I'd be able to kick the habit and start drinking healthy drink and foods as well. Sometime habits are hard to kick :(
I'm pretty much a heavy Pepsi drinker and that's caffeine, I tried to cut it back down but it's hard. One day I'd be able to kick the habit and start drinking healthy drink and foods as well. Sometime habits are hard to kick :(

I used to be a very heavy soda drinker...would drink soda the first thing in the morning, drink like 5 cans during the day, and 1 before going to bed then...all of sudden I started drinking water or juice after 8 pm. Now, I cant drink soda after 8 pm...then I started making myself a large glass of ice cold water without ice for me to drink while getting dressed so that eliminated my morning pop. Then, once I got those out of the way, I focused on cutting down during the day so I stopped drinking pop after after 3 years of this process, I drink maybe 2 cans a day now. I feel a whole lot better and my taste buds crave water more than pop now. U can try that?
Caffeine doesnt have any effects on me. I cant stay awake even drinking it ? or at night time i am able to have 2 cups of coffee and still can fall asleep ? it doesnt make me hyper.. the only thing that will make me hyper is a cold shower.. that sure will WAKE me up! LOL.. heh...
Too much is bad for your heart, but some every now and then actually is good for you.

I, personally can't have too much without my nerves getting shot to hell. Feels like someone injected my veins with a fine glass powder. Bad stuff, as for those who love their buzz rituals go to think-geek. It has so much crazy stuff...
What would it take to kill you?

Death by Caffeine
I used to be a very heavy soda drinker...would drink soda the first thing in the morning, drink like 5 cans during the day, and 1 before going to bed then...all of sudden I started drinking water or juice after 8 pm. Now, I cant drink soda after 8 pm...then I started making myself a large glass of ice cold water without ice for me to drink while getting dressed so that eliminated my morning pop. Then, once I got those out of the way, I focused on cutting down during the day so I stopped drinking pop after after 3 years of this process, I drink maybe 2 cans a day now. I feel a whole lot better and my taste buds crave water more than pop now. U can try that?

I could try that, I've drank some water and no Pepsi for a day or two.. no problem then the crave got me back to drink Pepsi. I could try your method and see if it would work for me. Thanks for the tip :thumb:
I could try that, I've drank some water and no Pepsi for a day or two.. no problem then the crave got me back to drink Pepsi. I could try your method and see if it would work for me. Thanks for the tip :thumb:

U r welcome..just keep in mind, it takes time and I did experience a few setbacks especially when I am on vacation or on weekends. :) Good luck!
>.> scary. Do you get cranky when you don't get yer caffeine?

yes and no lol. if i dont get my dose of caffeine... i get too tired. so often i just slept like 15 hrs a day which is way too much. its absolutely a must for me lol... i need it so i can function properly :-P
Well I only drink one a day first thing in the morning to start of the day...

That's correct you will get headaches from caffeine withdrawals like for me.. on saturday and sunday if I don't have any coffee I end up with a bad headache... soo I have to run to get something..

Yeah soda especially coke is like a bag of sugar in one can.. I use to love drinking coke but I find it too sweet for me now and drink more ice tea or water or sometimes have a cup of tea not always...

Also, they say that one cup of coffee you should be drinking three glass of water cause caffeine do dry you out.. you'll be dehydrated... like for my migraine headaches I'm suppose to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.. it's helping quite abit..

it's no harm to drink coffee but not 3 to 10 a day no way!!! maybe just if you normally drink 3 a day.. just try to cut down to 2 a day for a couple of weeks.. and gradually to 1 cup a day... or if you just one coffee a day.. just cut down the cream and sugar ... try without it... for one day.. then back on then off again after a week without it...

NOt just coffee that's bad, some chocolates is full of caffeine as well as tea/soda as well...

For me, I must have a coffee, I just love the taste and it makes me feel refreshing lol!!! Everyone is different with the reaction of caffiene some doesn't affect them at all.. for me I can drink a coffee and go to sleep no problem, some ppl can't do that.. it just depends how your body reacts to it... maybe just take one at a time don't stop right off the bat... give it time...

Good luck...
I'm sooo addict to icetea....sorry won't quit drinking icetea either...
Good thing I quit consuming too much of Coke sodas years ago. Once time I consumed too much of Coke sodas for years until I was 15 when my heart beat went so crazy. I went to see my family doctor for diagnosis, turned out I got too much of sacchrin in my system, leading to my heavily heartbeats and short of breath. I quit drinking sodas cold turkey ever since (occassionally i drink sodas if water, lemonade, or others are not available). I am addicted to hot tea, lemonade, water, OJ, and juices.
Caffeine has always been a big part of me because I'm a coca-cola chugger. I have tried to go a week without it but then, the temptation always comes and gets to me. I think mostly it is because whenever I drink a ice cold coke, the fizz of the drink always sets me and it always feels good when it goes down on the back of the throat.

As for the headaches, for me that is, it usually sets in when I don't have a quick fix of caffeine which is bad. Oy. There are times that I'd be having a migraine but i don't think it is related to the caffeine withdrawl - or it might be the case?

My body is so accustomed to have the caffeine in me that it doesn't even make me stay up at all. I sleep and zonk out when I want to. When I'm cutting it down, it might take a while to get accustomed to be caffeine free. Although, I don't know if I'm ready to give it up all together, heh. It's so addictive, lol.
Caffeine has always been a big part of me because I'm a coca-cola chugger. I have tried to go a week without it but then, the temptation always comes and gets to me. I think mostly it is because whenever I drink a ice cold coke, the fizz of the drink always sets me and it always feels good when it goes down on the back of the throat.

As for the headaches, for me that is, it usually sets in when I don't have a quick fix of caffeine which is bad. Oy. There are times that I'd be having a migraine but i don't think it is related to the caffeine withdrawl - or it might be the case?

My body is so accustomed to have the caffeine in me that it doesn't even make me stay up at all. I sleep and zonk out when I want to. When I'm cutting it down, it might take a while to get accustomed to be caffeine free. Although, I don't know if I'm ready to give it up all together, heh. It's so addictive, lol.

I am thinking that a chewing gum might work for you.
I used to drink caffeinee coffee (German beans) a lot in the past...and change into decaffeinated coffee after birth to my 2nd son at almost 11 years ago.

I still drink British tea (black tea with little milk) and green tea... (I know they are caffinee but green tea is healther than black tea). I used to drink green tea at evenings... During conference at Spa clinic, the doctor recommended us who have sleeping problems to aviod caffinee in evenings but mornings to lunch. I questioned the doctor about green tea. He said that green tea is very good but not recommend to drink it at late afternoons to evening due sleeping problem because of caffinee... It works alot and reduce sleeping problems since I drank green tea at mornings.

We drank 2 cup of caffeinee coffee at office a day because my co-workers prefer caffeinee coffee. I have no problem to drink it because I know one to two cup of cafeinee coffee or tea won't hurt. I visited my friends' house for afternoon coffee and still have no problem to drink caffeinee coffee as well but at my house, we use decaffeinated coffee.
ya are not alone. i do have caffeine addict.

after i get up from 6 hours of sleeping, not really completely wake up. require for me to wake up by drinking either coffee (brewed) or two cans of mountain dew. Usually drink either while i am on the way to my work. need full wake up before i begin work.

both of my parents are addict to caffeine, too. that's sad.
I'm addicted to coke I drink about 4-6 cans daily sometimes buy a 20oz. Is there an AA group for Caffeine Addicts ?