Break Up still difficult time


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Nov 14, 2006
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Break up still difficult time.

I broke up hearing girlfriend during my senior year of high school in 2004.

It is not easy to move on and still depression.

It would hurt you if your hearing partner broke up with you for different college to find someone else, not csun or gallaudet.
Break up still difficult time.

I broke up hearing girlfriend during my senior year of high school in 2004.

It is not easy to move on and still depression.

It would hurt you if your hearing partner broke up with you for different college to find someone else, not csun or gallaudet.

Please stare at the bright blue sky.
No point bringing this up, it is the year 2010, not the year 2004.
As they say, there s plenty of fishes out there. It is not end of world as long you dont bemoan and stay home.
If one is still "upset" over a breakup that happened in 2004- perhaps an immediate appointment with psychologist as to why one still feels this way. Then move on.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Ahh, I just broke up with my girlfriend, you know what?
Do what Im doing this weekend, going to a deaf dinner, with my ASL teacher. on friday.
then going after to drink some beers with my friends, and just talk. Maybe smoke a little pot.

Well you dont have to do the same, what Im saying is. Go out have fun. and dont let it hurt you.
why should i do?

I did do drink beer last weekend.

get over her, move on, she's not coming back ... it's finished PAH!

Focus on your school work Matajan, all this looking for the perfect white, Ivy league, rich, beautiful woman is going to make you do bad in school - then if you find "the perfect woman" she won't want you because you'll have done bad in school and she'll say "he's not smart, not Ivy League, not rich... he's not for me"
2004? Umm... that's 6 years ago! Time to move on!

Sorry if it sounds too blunt, but 6 years is a long time to be hung up on a break-up like that.
Yeah, I know.

This is for you my hope it helps give you strength and understand, I understand....Peace to you

Im letting go, little by little but I am
it sometimes hurts, I sometimes cry
I sometimes erase it all
and sometimes I try and can"t
But Im letting go, I am
Thats just the way I am, I cant help it anymore
My mind races , unlike the hare..who had patience to complete
Im racing to defeat myself.
Its torture in this heart has been to hell
I'm letting go.
Little by little I am, I learned that now I CAN.
Sometimes it"s good, sometimes it"s sweet
There are times too, that I never meet the standard
when questions go unanswered
and it is OK in itself.
I am taking down the shelf of expectations
crouded by limitations
I leaned that now I can.

I"m letting go , little by little
But I am.

How long did you two date?

Did you break up with her or she broke up with you?
start taking heroin might help, then you will have REAL-LIFE problems not stupid imagnary ones...