Bizarro World of AD

Wirelessly posted

I am adding you to my friend list.( oppose to ignore list)
Our advice to you as a new parent, would be to strongly consider mainstreaming your child.
We consider this the least restrictive environment, and deaf kids are so good with their eyes, they can easily pick up information peripherally.

(Maybe you could go as far as front row seating though. Just to give the child a little extra advantage. )

You know, I honestly believe this is the exact crap my parents were fed when they found out I was Deaf/HOH at age 5. :roll:

On the topic of the thread:
Go ahead and have your profoundly deaf child go to speech therapy. Make sure they spend lots of time in there as one day they will speak and therefore be able to hear like regular people do!! :laugh2:
Deaf people have no ASL and because of that, their language acquisition is superb.

Speech is EVERYTHING! If they speak well, they can understand English so why is my deaf teacher saying my daughter needs to work on her reading and writing skills. :confused: She speaks so well everyone understands her so she has good language skills.
The religious threads are open!
Immersing a deaf child in a room full of speaking people is the same as immersing one in a room of signers!
Cochlear Implants CURE deafness!
Hearing people come to Alldeaf with open minds, wishing to learn from us. They have no ill informed, preconceived ideas.
I am coming in here to spam deaf people out of their money.
I really, really hate being deaf. It means I have no identity. Deaf people are understood at all times and looked up to for most anything.
Our grandmothers need to be taught to quietly suck eggs.