Biblical Contradictions

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Deaf Images said:
Adam and Eve story about the apple and serpent.... it is a fairy tale cover up to mean that Eve saw another man and committed adultery....

They can't even be straight with children... Apple? my butt!


I thought that story was strange for years.... :dunno:
I am Catholic and would agree that the Bible is full of nonsense too. :cheers: I don't believe everything in there literally, but I do believe that the value of it comes in the hidden meanings and lessons taught there. But there is MUCH more to Catholicism than what's written in the Bible.
gnulinuxman said:
I wear glasses, but I would never say it was God's plan for me to have glasses. When you bring religion into artificial devices (no matter what they are), I will disagree. Why? I believe that if God wanted your daughter to have a CI, she would have been born with it. That's not to say I am against CI's themselves; rather, that I wish people would stop bringing God into it.
See, you can't read. I didn't bring it in hte topic. Go back an find it..., actually I'll provide the link, saving you the effort. Click here

No, God wanted her to have CI. And for us to go through the motion of looking into deafness, Deaf culture etc.
So, he really wants her to have CI. He wanted you to be able to sit behind a computer and discuss anything that comes along. God has it's reasons.
Sweetmind said:
Cut that craps! Jeez! It a man made that makes money which is a evil thing too.. Greedy for money!

Thats not what God asked for. So there!
No, God provided the means to be able to hear. It took a while for us to be able to use the tools he gave us, but finally we managed.
And He loves the result. There's room for improvement, but He can see we got the idea.

So, He provided it to us. Like he provided peniciline, planes, hart-lung machine, watch, computers.

And he doesn't want you to hear Sweetmind because you don't have the attitude for it. He first wants you to be able to read AND understand :)
According to the Lord's plans,
God already made Deaf children himself that
means that God want them to be "Deaf" and
then we leave them alone. This is God's decision whether
to give a particular child some miracle or NOT.

I will try to look for some Bible verses to show that
CI is NOT from the Lord.
Y said:
According to the Lord's plans,
God already made Deaf children himself that
means that God want them to be "Deaf" and
then we leave them alone. This is God's decision whether
to give a particular child some miracle or NOT.

I will try to look for some Bible verses to show that
CI is NOT from the Lord.
For your information, the bible was written by people that didn't know about CI... just some info.

But, where does he say that giving birth should be by cecarian? Premature babies should also be left alone since that's the way He intended it.

Nope... I have heared he gave us CHOICE. So, CI is a choice and he feels great about my family actually ising that choice to have my daughter hear sounds.
Actually, he's very pleased about it.
Cloggy said:
Actually, he's very pleased about it.

How come I am very pleased about being Deaf
all of my life ? I LOVE being Deaf ! The Lord is
very pleased with me because I am very pleased
being deaf and accepted what the Lord created me.

The Lord would NOT be pleased with anyone
who does NOT accept the way He created.
How come I am very pleased about being Deaf
all of my life ? I LOVE being Deaf ! The Lord is
very pleased with me because I am very pleased
being deaf and accepted what the Lord created me.

The Lord would NOT be pleased with anyone
who does NOT accept the way He created.

Right o!

Now it explained that CI doctor did use the biblical quotes that turns out a very negative view of deafness that is fact that I did proved it a long time ago. No wonder Boult removed my evidence without the owner s permission. BINGO!!!!

According to the Lord's plans,
God already made Deaf children himself that
means that God want them to be "Deaf" and
then we leave them alone. This is God's decision whether
to give a particular child some miracle or NOT.

I will try to look for some Bible verses to show that
CI is NOT from the Lord.

There is nothing about devices in the Holy Bible book anyhow. I find this is his own bogus excuses to make it so negative about our deafness that we are capable to do anything except hear.

There is a reason for us being deaf. No reason to conform or force us to do this and that by audist people as well.

Now who started out to talk about CI?? of course CLOGGY IS THE ONE who bring up CI issue in every topic that he has no faith in us A Deaf people in this diverse world. Whoo hoo!

Thank you! ;)
Y said:
How come I am very pleased about being Deaf
all of my life ? I LOVE being Deaf ! The Lord is
very pleased with me because I am very pleased
being deaf and accepted what the Lord created me.

The Lord would NOT be pleased with anyone
who does NOT accept the way He created.
He's pleased with you as well. He loves it that you are deaf. He intended it to be like that.

Do you really believe that he cannot be happy for you to be deaf AND be happy for my daughter to hear. Do you really think he cannot be both????
Y said:
According to the Lord's plans,
God already made Deaf children himself that
means that God want them to be "Deaf" and
then we leave them alone. This is God's decision whether
to give a particular child some miracle or NOT.

I will try to look for some Bible verses to show that
CI is NOT from the Lord.

God don't accept " robot " things like this one, CI implant. I will call it " CI-BORG ".

God don't mind about HA, because it's not a " robot " thing thru the brain by knife. It's hard to explain what I think of -- I will think of somethin' simple to explain later after I read everyone's posts about this issue. :)
Sweetmind said:
.........There is nothing about devices in the Holy Bible book anyhow. .....
What??? you couldn't find it!

:) You actually did a search on the internet bible in "CI" I'm sure..... :whistle:
CyberRed said:
God don't accept " robot " things like this one, CI implant. I will call it " CI-BORG ".

God don't mind about HA, because it's not a " robot " thing thru the brain by knife. It's hard to explain what I think of -- I will think of somethin' simple to explain later after I read everyone's posts about this issue. :)
Yes he does...
Everyone with peacemaker - raise your hand. :fingersx: :fingersx: :fingersx: :fingersx: :fingersx::fingersx:
Everyone with CI - raise your hand :fingersx::fingersx::fingersx::fingersx:

Don't you believe he LOVES choice?
Y said:
How come I am very pleased about being Deaf
all of my life ? I LOVE being Deaf ! The Lord is
very pleased with me because I am very pleased
being deaf and accepted what the Lord created me.

The Lord would NOT be pleased with anyone
who does NOT accept the way He created.

You are right!!! I was not born deaf.... but my parents were deaf.. i became hoh at early age..

My father assumed i was totally deaf... he sent me to the deaf school...later on teachers realized i was hoh... so i wore two hearing aids ... i did not wear them all the times,, until I was about 35 yrs old ..I started wearing them all the times,,,

Now i am totally deaf... I stopped wearing the hearing aids 5 yrs ago...I am happy and proud of being deaf


SxyPorkie :)
Cloggy said:
He's pleased with you as well. He loves it that you are deaf. He intended it to be like that.

Do you really believe that he cannot be happy for you to be deaf AND be happy for my daughter to hear. Do you really think he cannot be both????

Why did our Lord create your Deaf daughter
in the first place ? Answer: Accept our Lord's
decision no matter whether you like it or not
because He has these plans and purposes
for your daughter.

He already created your daughter being Deaf.
It sound like that you as the parent do NOT accept
that our Lord made your daughter Deaf.
Anyone who does NOT accept our Lord's creation
would be an insult to the Lord...
Y said:
According to the Lord's plans,
God already made Deaf children himself that
means that God want them to be "Deaf" and
then we leave them alone. This is God's decision whether
to give a particular child some miracle or NOT.

I will try to look for some Bible verses to show that
CI is NOT from the Lord.

Yes CI is man-made !! it is not God-made

SxyPorkie said:
Yes CI is man-made !! it is not God-made


:werd: Agree...

(NOTE: Sweetmind, I believe there is somewhere in the
Bible about these devices I will try to look for them and
CI reminds me of something abnormal
almost same as futuristic beast 666 chip into
your body... anything that is NOT from the Lord
is truly evil )
Cloggy said:
No, God provided the means to be able to hear. It took a while for us to be able to use the tools he gave us, but finally we managed.
And He loves the result. There's room for improvement, but He can see we got the idea.

So, He provided it to us. Like he provided peniciline, planes, hart-lung machine, watch, computers.

And he doesn't want you to hear Sweetmind because you don't have the attitude for it. He first wants you to be able to read AND understand :)
You act like you talked to Him one-on-one. What makes you think God wanted the cochlear implant?
gnulinuxman said:
You act like you talked to Him one-on-one. What makes you think God wanted the cochlear implant?
He gave me his cell-phone number... :)

"What makes you think God wanted the cochlear implant?".....
I have one look at my daughter and He shows it to me... Every day He shows her joy, her confidence, her voice, her songs.

She's exactly there where He wants her to be. Like you are exactly there where He wants you to be.
Y said:
Why did our Lord create your Deaf daughter
in the first place ? Answer: Accept our Lord's
decision no matter whether you like it or not
because He has these plans and purposes
for your daughter.

He already created your daughter being Deaf.
It sound like that you as the parent do NOT accept
that our Lord made your daughter Deaf.
Anyone who does NOT accept our Lord's creation
would be an insult to the Lord...
Would Jesus do something against the will of God??

Mark 7:31 TNIV (Today's New International Version)
Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man

31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis. [h] 32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.

33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spit and touched the man's tongue. 34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, "Ephphatha!" (which means "Be opened!"). 35 At this, the man's ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.

36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. "He has done everything well," they said. "He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."
Cloggy said:
Would Jesus do something against the will of God??

God/Jesus would NEVER force a deaf person
to hear only because God/Jesus loves
a deaf person more than anyone else
even more than a deaf person's parent.

To remind everyone that 666 beast chip
will be forced into everyone's body in the
future almost same as CI.

How do you like this if your mother want to install
the 666 beat chip into your front forehead ?
To remind everyone that 666 beast chip
will be forced into everyone's body in the
future almost same as CI.

How do you like this if your mother want to install
the 666 beat chip into your front forehead ?


Cochlear Implant Corporation is NOT A GOD. You are abused the God s words while you are atheist.

Read and say this 100 times please. Cochlear Implant Corporation is NOT A GOD. You are abused the term of God s words.Cochlear Implant Corporation is NOT A GOD. You are abused the God s words.

I wouldnt dare to do this since it s for between a person and god to talk each other on their own time.

So there! No wonder why Cochlear Implant Corporation (evil) is trying to abuse us Deaf children and God s words that it speaks itself.


Now Mark 7:31

Jesus heals a Deaf Man

31 Then Jesus left the area around Tyre and went through Sigon. On his way Lake Galile he went through the area of the Ten Towns.* 32 Whilehe was there, some people brought a man to him who was deaf and could not talk clearly. The people egged Jesus to put his hand on the man to heal.

33Jesus led the man away from the people to be alone with him. He put his fingers in the mans ears. Then he spit on a inger and put it on the man's tongue. 34Jesus looked up to the sky and with a loud sigh he said, "Ephphatha!" (This means "Open!") 35As soon as Jesus did this, the man was able to hear. He was able to the his tongue, and he began to speak clearly.

36Jesus told the people not to tell anyone about this. But the more he told them not to say anything, the more people they told. 37They were all completely amazed. They said, "Look at what he has done. It's all good. He makes deaf people able to hear and gives a new voice to people who could not talk."

So therefore Jesus did it. NOT YOU Cloggy as a God or Cochlear Implant as Corportation as a God.. Stop abusing or trying to make a good trick use for people to believe in.. Scoffs!

Thank you! ;)
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