Biblical Contradictions

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I believe there is somewhere in the
Bible about these devices I will try to look for them and
CI reminds me of something abnormal
almost same as futuristic beast 666 chip into
your body... anything that is NOT from the Lord
is truly evil

How do you like this if your mother/father want to install
the 666 beat chip into your front forehead ?
Y said:
I believe there is somewhere in the
Bible about these devices I will try to look for them and
CI reminds me of something abnormal
almost same as futuristic beast 666 chip into
your body... anything that is NOT from the Lord
is truly evil

How do you like this if your mother/father want to install
the 666 beat chip into your front forehead ?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, all this reasoning against technology is hilarious.

Certain religious deaf people are against cochlear implants, and say that God is against them so no one should be allowed to get them.

They can't even keep their arguments straight. "If you weren't born with it, God meant for it to be that way." "Jesus did the healing, therefore only Jesus can cure deafness." "Satan created technology, therefore all technology is evil and subverts the will of God."

God gave Man free will. Man came from God, therefore God blesses everything that Man comes up with, as nothing from Man can happen without God. Therefore, when something like cochlear implants, pacemakers, artificial limbs, glasses, hearing aids, insulin pumps, IVs, asthma inhalers, replacement hearts, or artificial lungs are created, they are all from God. People who fear technology because they think it comes from Satan are screwed up in the head.
since someone brought up CI in this thread in regard to Bibical, I thought I wouid point out that God either does not create person to be deaf to fit in his plan or allow human to create a CI to fit in his plan.. So therefore God isn't real to me. I am secular Humanist and my dad is a episcopalian priest, retired from Diocese of Georgia as a Rector of one church in Moultrie, Ga and now working as priest in F.W. Texas. He once confirmed that the bible are not 100% truth. They has holes. anyway let me point to my post in other thread;

If God was real then we would be stuck in Middle Ages environment meaning no cares no computers!

I once told someone if they are against technology that helps deaf succeed far better like newer HA or newer CI then they should abandon all technology that enabled to communicate electronically.

:dunno: God isn't real to me. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell because there is no such thing like that. There is no evidences! We have Hubble Telecsope out int he space to scope the universe for Heaven nothing!

We have drilled the surface, no hell. We just know that there is lava flowing underneath, because this earth has a molten rocks nothing more. I think God and Jesus is just mythical just like Greek has made up lots of mythical figure like Zeus, Apollo etc etc..

Do you know what "viral email or viral video" means? ok if one send you a viral email with false story but you thought it was real. you forward to your friends and it spread like wildfire or like dandelions So that's the case back in before jesus was born. one will start a story and it spread like wildfire by word of mouth. so they made things and build temples and such after mythical figure they thought was real.

That's how the bible was born.. all are written by different author not one. That's why we see lots of contradictions in it!

so my dad is right, it has holes... **SHRUG**

The Burden of religions IS OFF my shoulders! I do not have to fear about it. I don't think about it. My mind is free!
Boult said:
since someone brought up CI in this thread in regard to Bibical, I thought I wouid point out that God either does not create person to be deaf to fit in his plan or allow human to create a CI to fit in his plan.. So therefore God isn't real to me. I am secular Humanist and my dad is a episcopalian priest, retired from Diocese of Georgia as a Rector of one church in Moultrie, Ga and now working as priest in F.W. Texas. He once confirmed that the bible are not 100% truth. They has holes. anyway let me point to my post in other thread;

If God was real then we would be stuck in Middle Ages environment meaning no cares no computers!

I once told someone if they are against technology that helps deaf succeed far better like newer HA or newer CI then they should abandon all technology that enabled to communicate electronically.

:dunno: God isn't real to me. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell because there is no such thing like that. There is no evidences! We have Hubble Telecsope out int he space to scope the universe for Heaven nothing!

We have drilled the surface, no hell. We just know that there is lava flowing underneath, because this earth has a molten rocks nothing more. I think God and Jesus is just mythical just like Greek has made up lots of mythical figure like Zeus, Apollo etc etc..

Do you know what "viral email or viral video" means? ok if one send you a viral email with false story but you thought it was real. you forward to your friends and it spread like wildfire or like dandelions So that's the case back in before jesus was born. one will start a story and it spread like wildfire by word of mouth. so they made things and build temples and such after mythical figure they thought was real.

That's how the bible was born.. all are written by different author not one. That's why we see lots of contradictions in it!

so my dad is right, it has holes... **SHRUG**

The Burden of religions IS OFF my shoulders! I do not have to fear about it. I don't think about it. My mind is free!

DITTO!!!! I am agnostic....
SxyPorkie said:
DITTO!!!! I am agnostic....

Agnostic \Ag*nos"tic\, n.
One who professes ignorance, or denies that we have any
knowledge, save of phenomena; one who supports agnosticism,
neither affirming nor denying the existence of a personal
Deity, a future life, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Boult said:
since someone brought up CI in this thread in regard to Bibical, I thought I wouid point out that God either does not create person to be deaf to fit in his plan or allow human to create a CI to fit in his plan.. So therefore God isn't real to me. I am secular Humanist and my dad is a episcopalian priest, retired from Diocese of Georgia as a Rector of one church in Moultrie, Ga and now working as priest in F.W. Texas. He once confirmed that the bible are not 100% truth. They has holes. anyway let me point to my post in other thread;

If God was real then we would be stuck in Middle Ages environment meaning no cares no computers!

I once told someone if they are against technology that helps deaf succeed far better like newer HA or newer CI then they should abandon all technology that enabled to communicate electronically.

:dunno: God isn't real to me. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell because there is no such thing like that. There is no evidences! We have Hubble Telecsope out int he space to scope the universe for Heaven nothing!

We have drilled the surface, no hell. We just know that there is lava flowing underneath, because this earth has a molten rocks nothing more. I think God and Jesus is just mythical just like Greek has made up lots of mythical figure like Zeus, Apollo etc etc..

Do you know what "viral email or viral video" means? ok if one send you a viral email with false story but you thought it was real. you forward to your friends and it spread like wildfire or like dandelions So that's the case back in before jesus was born. one will start a story and it spread like wildfire by word of mouth. so they made things and build temples and such after mythical figure they thought was real.

That's how the bible was born.. all are written by different author not one. That's why we see lots of contradictions in it!

so my dad is right, it has holes... **SHRUG**

The Burden of religions IS OFF my shoulders! I do not have to fear about it. I don't think about it. My mind is free!
WOOOT!!!! I second that. AMEEEEEN.... your post is excellent and well-said! ;)
Boult said:
since someone brought up CI in this thread in regard to Bibical, I thought I wouid point out that God either does not create person to be deaf to fit in his plan or allow human to create a CI to fit in his plan.. So therefore God isn't real to me. I am secular Humanist and my dad is a episcopalian priest, retired from Diocese of Georgia as a Rector of one church in Moultrie, Ga and now working as priest in F.W. Texas. He once confirmed that the bible are not 100% truth. They has holes. anyway let me point to my post in other thread;

If God was real then we would be stuck in Middle Ages environment meaning no cares no computers!

I once told someone if they are against technology that helps deaf succeed far better like newer HA or newer CI then they should abandon all technology that enabled to communicate electronically.

:dunno: God isn't real to me. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell because there is no such thing like that. There is no evidences! We have Hubble Telecsope out int he space to scope the universe for Heaven nothing!

We have drilled the surface, no hell. We just know that there is lava flowing underneath, because this earth has a molten rocks nothing more. I think God and Jesus is just mythical just like Greek has made up lots of mythical figure like Zeus, Apollo etc etc..

Do you know what "viral email or viral video" means? ok if one send you a viral email with false story but you thought it was real. you forward to your friends and it spread like wildfire or like dandelions So that's the case back in before jesus was born. one will start a story and it spread like wildfire by word of mouth. so they made things and build temples and such after mythical figure they thought was real.

That's how the bible was born.. all are written by different author not one. That's why we see lots of contradictions in it!

so my dad is right, it has holes... **SHRUG**

The Burden of religions IS OFF my shoulders! I do not have to fear about it. I don't think about it. My mind is free!
If God is real to you, the earth exists. You stand on the ground of the earth.

Romans 1:20 (KJV) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Romans 1:21 (KJV) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened

When you use the word, "God," you know him, but reject Him.
Askjo said:
If God is real to you, the earth exists. You stand on the ground of the earth.

Romans 1:20 (KJV) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Romans 1:21 (KJV) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened

When you use the word, "God," you know him, but reject Him.

No, it is force of habit. I was raised Episcopalian culturally and was dragged to church by my parent. It was against my will and I did not have free will till I am of legal age. :dunno: I was imposed with this religion. I could convert to any religion that suit me but I don't believe in any of them. So therefore I am Secular Humanist and I am so happy about it.

I consider that word a english idiom now like "oh god" in place of "oh man" "oh damn" whatever... it does not means I acknowledge him.

I could use that word to portray a mythical figure.

Now do you see me use the word "Oh God" anywhere in AD? I now say "Oh Goodness" and I swear without the word "God" eh..

The reason I typed God in this thread is because YOU all are talking about "God" that's it.
Askjo said:
When you use the word, "God," you know him, but reject Him.

"Invisible Pink Unicorn". Nope, it doesn't exist. But I used the word ...
Y said:
I believe there is somewhere in the
Bible about these devices I will try to look for them and
CI reminds me of something abnormal
almost same as futuristic beast 666 chip into
your body... anything that is NOT from the Lord
is truly evil

How do you like this if your mother/father want to install
the 666 beat chip into your front forehead ?
Finally - I'm here...

Anything you want to ask me Y?
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