Better Websites? (MySpace, TagDeaf, etc)

This is something that everyone should consider when designing their websites, especially those who use MySpace, TagDeaf, or other similar websites.

Use text instead of graphics on your website | Improve the Web

Yep, it states that people go for text more than pictures.

I know I do. ;)

Thanks for the link and bookmarked it! ;)

I have been seriously considering deleting all info and pics from all my accounts from social networks. Why?? I found one that I am most happy with and it's not 'noisy' or spammy like MySpace.

I don't like ANY period...

All of us women don't like period too. :giggle:

Oh oh, I see what ya mean. You dont like any of myspace, tagdeaf and others. I mostly use tagdeaf.

Thanks vampy for the link, I will look into it and may use it in TD.
my profile hasn't changed since I settled on one theme. that's it. for other, I keep seeing change as if they are "fickle" eh

Facebook don't offer graphical customization though... it is mostly texts.
MySpace has been touted as the last social network to fix itself up which it never did.

Before, MySpace was cool, underground and "all that", but now, it sold out to advertisers and it's not cool anymore. Blah.

If you know what cool is on the web, you wouldn't like MySpace. ;)
MySpace has been touted as the last social network to fix itself up which it never did.

Before, MySpace was cool, underground and "all that", but now, it sold out to advertisers and it's not cool anymore. Blah.

If you know what cool is on the web, you wouldn't like MySpace. ;)
myspace is owned by rudolph murdoch the same man who owns Fox News Channel eh. Funny I was considering "Wild Blue" if I plan to live on the mountain in Tucson up north where I may not get cable or dsl but turns out he owns it. so forget it I am not giving $ to him as he is supporting Bush and right wings.
Telewest and The Billionaire's Club
Rudolph Murdoch of News Corp., Fox, Sky, and reportedly, John Malone's partner in satellite venture, Wild Blue as well as News Corp., is reported to have quoted,
"There's no law against slanting the news."
myspace is owned by rudolph murdoch the same man who owns Fox News Channel eh. Funny I was considering "Wild Blue" if I plan to live on the mountain in Tucson up north where I may not get cable or dsl but turns out he owns it. so forget it I am not giving $ to him as he is supporting Bush and right wings.
Telewest and The Billionaire's Club


Oh boy. Screw Rudolph. Maybe, you might want to buy a good antenna. I do not have one. GraysonPeddie's suggestion for the antenna -
All of us women don't like period too. :giggle:

Oh oh, I see what ya mean. You dont like any of myspace, tagdeaf and others. I mostly use tagdeaf..

hahaha, sorry :Oops: ... Yes that's correct I don't like any of them, and not a member in but I used to be a member in Tagdeaf but not anymore..
my profile hasn't changed since I settled on one theme. that's it. for other, I keep seeing change as if they are "fickle" eh

Facebook don't offer graphical customization though... it is mostly texts.
And... that's why I love Facebook! :)
And... that's why I love Facebook! :)
what about tickle? they don't offer graphic customization either but Tickle is ever evolving though... but their navigation is difficult.

Ringo (the new Ringo after the merge of ringo and tickle) in past, offered no customization and acted like a address book but they morphed into social networking offering customization(I am planning to close my ringo account) Bebo also had that now morphed and I cancelled my account on Bebo.

Hi5 is next which I plan to close account on.