Awesome Memes


Good one RR!!
I don't know if I can adequately express how much I hate the whole "real women have curves" "curvy girls are better than skinny girls" thing. So THIS I freaking love. Oho touché!!!

:shock: That is not curvy... that is.... that's.... I can't explain what that is.... that's... oh lawd....

Birth control? That's almost enough to make a straight man gay or at the least be sporting a turtle for awhile :shock:


UGH!!! What is seen can not be unseen!!! I'm gonna have nightmares about whales now :|
Birth control? That's almost enough to make a straight man gay or at the least be sporting a turtle for awhile :shock:


UGH!!! What is seen can not be unseen!!! I'm gonna have nightmares about whales now :|


I did it to myself too... I did it to myself toooooo... Do you know what I had to look at to FIND THAT!?!? :cry: :tears: What has been seen can NEVER BE UNSEEN!!!! :tears:
I wonder if anybody dared to tell her her crack is well.... cracking...

Yeah from what I've seen ladies get real loose with the word "curvy" ugh

I like Clam Jam best :) that's comic gold!!!!!
This is what some of us might be thinking:


Maybe not everyone, but still funny.