ATARI games


Stay weird
Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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I remember that I used to have ATARI games in the early 1980's. ATARI was awesome then. I was addicted to play pacman, galaxy, and a few other games. Today's technology games have been changed since ATARI was first established. I wish I should have peserved original ATARI. Oh, well. But at least I still keep vintage tiny mini PACMAN arcade. Now, it is still hiding on the shelf in my closet, of course, it is collecting some dust. LOL :laugh2:
DEFINATELY so vintage!!!!!!!!! i still have the origional gameboy too and THAT is also collecting dust LOLOL
And I remember the other games with Atari...
Asteroids, I think...
And Atari 800 was my first computer. Ha!
Yeah Atari today made some kick ass games like "Area 51" and it's really cool...i heard it's coming to all next gen consoles proably in a few years or so i'm not sure. but i hope it'll come to GameCube as well. :P

P.S. Donkey Kong on an Atari system!?!? I thought it's owned by Nintendo/Rare or something
Originally posted by Steel
Yeah Atari today made some kick ass games like "Area 51" and it's really cool...i heard it's coming to all next gen consoles proably in a few years or so i'm not sure. but i hope it'll come to GameCube as well. :P

P.S. Donkey Kong on an Atari system!?!? I thought it's owned by Nintendo/Rare or something

Rare don't own the license on Donkey Kong. It always belong to Nintendo's.
And it's a long story about between Atari and Nintendo. :ugh:
ah i have heeard about that game (my dad always says that he always loved to paly that game)
PacMan was my first video game to playing in Atari. Pitfall was my second. Ahhhh good memories! :thumb:
They recently released a new kit. It's the original Atari joystick with 10 games included inside. All you have to do is plug the joystick into the TV and you're on!
I still have it next to my telly. I love playing Atari 2600 LOL.
My favourite is River Raid.
out of curiousty, why is it so popular even though it's dead and alot of games suck? lol