Are you ready for 2009?

2008 was definitely a year of learning for me - lots of soul searching and developing new insights - 2009 better be the year of Reaping! ;)
my 2008 year was so bad for me. I am looking forward for 2009.

New life from ugly divorce!

Sorry to hear about ugly divorce stay strong and know you are still loved by family and friends !!! Keep your chin up high smiles !
May 2009 bring better good times .
Not really. it is just because i dont want to get older each year. :aw:

getting wrinkle lines , gray hairs , saggy body ?? happens everytime we grow year old , but than again there is always botox , hair dye and exercise to stay in shape and look younger .......that 'll help lol .
what is in store for 2009 for me ?????

Well I hope whatever comes in 2009 be a good year as this year not too much high prices, gas prices, better schools for kids , better jobs no more jobless, no more finacial problems . And better tv movies and shows where it does not bring our children into drugs and sex at early age . Too man bad talks too many unrespect behavoir going on lately . Well I dunno what 2009 would bring will just have to live thru it and find out . Can't say how I want it but will see with new president coming next year . I just hope he is right one and also hope he does not screw over our country . That is all it matters .
getting wrinkle lines , gray hairs , saggy body ?? happens everytime we grow year old , but than again there is always botox , hair dye and exercise to stay in shape and look younger .......that 'll help lol .

exercising is the key with no question.
Hair dye and botox or whatever it is costs a lot of $ while others prescribles for health problem. ugh.

so its NO FUN. ha :eek3:
Am looking forward to 2009! new start!

Also my 19th coming up!!!
Am looking forward to 2009! new start as iv had a tough couple of years-losing 4 family members, had to be interviewed by police cos my friend was sexually harrassed at school, not really sure what career i want and if im in the right career and split up with my boyfriend after 14 months!
I hope 2009 is a start to a great years ahead and it helps me determine whether im making the right choices
Also my 19th coming up!!!
year 2008 was not so bad but it was ok, MUCH better than 2007 blah.
hope that year 2009 will be better for me hope more travel for me heh..
This year was not bad but I hope next year will be better for me. *Keep my fingers and toes crossed that it will!!!*