Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Nobody cannot donate anyone's organs without the wish to be an organ and tissue donor before a crisis occurs. They can register to be a donor. They also have a choice which they wish to donate. :)

My husband did not put anything organs donation on his driver license. That day, he died. New England Organs called me and my mother in law. It was very difficult for us to make the decision to donation health of Andrew's organs in such last minutes. We must decide before 24 hours because of the body became dry and abnormal of organs to be donation to other people's body part. All of those organs must in freeze and chemical to keep them stabilization.

It took us to think about for six hours. Of course, it broke our hearts to think about bury all of those healthy. I know, Andrew wanted to help other people's need.

Know what, they ask for his arms, ears, legs, etc... We were so flabbergasted, I almost vomited when my mother in law interpreter over the phone. My two sons and I were horrible to think about those stuffs.

It was nice of New England Organs to let me know that other country Jordon and NC people received Andrew's organs. They are so appreciated of our willing in last minutes.

That what I discussed those issues during Grief and Recovery presentation at the Deaf conference. Many people do not realize how the organs are important for other people. I admit that I recently had my renewal driver license, I was very ambivalence to put organs donation yes or no. I put no because I did not want to upset to my boys when I die. I did rather to let my sons will decide what they will do with my body.

It is important for the audience think about what they really want to do with their bodies when they died. Look at me and two boys, we could not make the right decision in such last minutes to have Andrew cremation and bury it next to his favorite grandfather in N.J. He did not ask for cremate. We do not regret to make the right decision for Andrew. We just follow his heart to help with other people.

You did gave your consent to have your husband's organs donate. That can happen when there's an unexpected death in the family, I know they would ask if you would like to donate your husband's organs or your child's organs. I'm glad you did gave your consent, that means you saved a life of one another. Bless your heart. ;)
My husband did not put anything organs donation on his driver license. That day, he died. New England Organs called me and my mother in law. It was very difficult for us to make the decision to donation health of Andrew's organs in such last minutes. We must decide before 24 hours because of the body became dry and abnormal of organs to be donation to other people's body part. All of those organs must in freeze and chemical to keep them stabilization.

It took us to think about for six hours. Of course, it broke our hearts to think about bury all of those healthy. I know, Andrew wanted to help other people's need.

Know what, they ask for his arms, ears, legs, etc... We were so flabbergasted, I almost vomited when my mother in law interpreter over the phone. My two sons and I were horrible to think about those stuffs.

It was nice of New England Organs to let me know that other country Jordon and NC people received Andrew's organs. They are so appreciated of our willing in last minutes....
That's a wonderful thing that you did. :hug:
My husband did not put anything organs donation on his driver license. That day, he died. New England Organs called me and my mother in law. It was very difficult for us to make the decision to donation health of Andrew's organs in such last minutes. We must decide before 24 hours because of the body became dry and abnormal of organs to be donation to other people's body part. All of those organs must in freeze and chemical to keep them stabilization.

It took us to think about for six hours. Of course, it broke our hearts to think about bury all of those healthy. I know, Andrew wanted to help other people's need.

Know what, they ask for his arms, ears, legs, etc... We were so flabbergasted, I almost vomited when my mother in law interpreter over the phone. My two sons and I were horrible to think about those stuffs.

It was nice of New England Organs to let me know that other country Jordon and NC people received Andrew's organs. They are so appreciated of our willing in last minutes.

That what I discussed those issues during Grief and Recovery presentation at the Deaf conference. Many people do not realize how the organs are important for other people. I admit that I recently had my renewal driver license, I was very ambivalence to put organs donation yes or no. I put no because I did not want to upset to my boys when I die. I did rather to let my sons will decide what they will do with my body.

It is important for the audience think about what they really want to do with their bodies when they died. Look at me and two boys, we could not make the right decision in such last minutes to have Andrew cremation and bury it next to his favorite grandfather in N.J. He did not ask for cremate. We do not regret to make the right decision for Andrew. We just follow his heart to help with other people.

Bless your heart and knew Andrew wanted to help anyone who saved their lives from your husband's organs.. You're the best wonderful woman!

I can understand how r u feel first the place and was asked you.. I would same thing I'll be flabbergasted for sure.
Second Choice opinion really find this really extreme so nice asking for help..
Well, I saw an originial dead fetus at World Body museum at 3 years ago. Body World museum - Google Bilder Yes, very little... You can see the measure of fetus/emyro...
WRMC - Facts about an unborn fetus

Liebling my dear you did not understand my post or whichever way you want to look at it, the nurse told her it's NOT a baby but a small pea as a vegetable and she did not describe a fetus as a size of a pea. It's disgusted me when these abortion clinic make these young girls to think it was nothing, and being under pressure by them. My friend told me she was awake when they removed it, she swear it looks just like a little baby, she told the doctor "is it a baby?" , he said "no it's blood clot tissue" These doctors and nurse at the abortion clinic know it's a baby but of course they're not going to tell her it is and when she asked them " What do you do with it? " they told her it will be send to the lab. and did she believe them? no she didn't, she saw the nurse thrown it in the trash can, then they took her to another room which is suppose to be recovery room, send in a counselor because she was upset crying and wanted to keep her quiet, she told the counselor that "I've killed my baby" then the counselor became silence for a few minutes then looked at her and says "no, you did the right thing" ...:squint:

Do you have any idea how many fetus that they aborted? maybe a thousands or more, and do you think all of them will go to the museum or to the lab? no I don't think so, most of them get paid to do their job, or make more money by selling those babies off in pieces.
I forgot to mention on my post that I haven't seen my old friend for so long, since we lost in touch with each others as she moved away, but she came up to me about her experience after she heard what I did for my sister, she knew I wouldn't judge her no matter whether or not I was against abortion, I listen to her cry out about the experiences she had during the time she was at the abortion clinic, I hug her, cry with her, support her, even care about her feelings, not once had I said she did was wrong. I also send her a card with a teddy bear that says " You're special " on the heart, she even told me she sleeps with the teddy bear that I gave her, and everytime she woke up from a nightmare, she would hold onto the teddy bear tight and placed it near her heart..:tears:

I may be against abortion but I was there for my sister and my friend or those who needs me.
My husband did not put anything organs donation on his driver license. That day, he died. New England Organs called me and my mother in law. It was very difficult for us to make the decision to donation health of Andrew's organs in such last minutes. We must decide before 24 hours because of the body became dry and abnormal of organs to be donation to other people's body part. All of those organs must in freeze and chemical to keep them stabilization.

It took us to think about for six hours. Of course, it broke our hearts to think about bury all of those healthy. I know, Andrew wanted to help other people's need.

Know what, they ask for his arms, ears, legs, etc... We were so flabbergasted, I almost vomited when my mother in law interpreter over the phone. My two sons and I were horrible to think about those stuffs.

It was nice of New England Organs to let me know that other country Jordon and NC people received Andrew's organs. They are so appreciated of our willing in last minutes.

That what I discussed those issues during Grief and Recovery presentation at the Deaf conference. Many people do not realize how the organs are important for other people. I admit that I recently had my renewal driver license, I was very ambivalence to put organs donation yes or no. I put no because I did not want to upset to my boys when I die. I did rather to let my sons will decide what they will do with my body.

It is important for the audience think about what they really want to do with their bodies when they died. Look at me and two boys, we could not make the right decision in such last minutes to have Andrew cremation and bury it next to his favorite grandfather in N.J. He did not ask for cremate. We do not regret to make the right decision for Andrew. We just follow his heart to help with other people.

You made a very courageous and unselfish decision, Kalista. You are my hero. That is about as pro-life as you can get.
My husband did not put anything organs donation on his driver license. That day, he died. New England Organs called me and my mother in law. It was very difficult for us to make the decision to donation health of Andrew's organs in such last minutes. We must decide before 24 hours because of the body became dry and abnormal of organs to be donation to other people's body part. All of those organs must in freeze and chemical to keep them stabilization.

It took us to think about for six hours. Of course, it broke our hearts to think about bury all of those healthy. I know, Andrew wanted to help other people's need.

Know what, they ask for his arms, ears, legs, etc... We were so flabbergasted, I almost vomited when my mother in law interpreter over the phone. My two sons and I were horrible to think about those stuffs.

It was nice of New England Organs to let me know that other country Jordon and NC people received Andrew's organs. They are so appreciated of our willing in last minutes.

That what I discussed those issues during Grief and Recovery presentation at the Deaf conference. Many people do not realize how the organs are important for other people. I admit that I recently had my renewal driver license, I was very ambivalence to put organs donation yes or no. I put no because I did not want to upset to my boys when I die. I did rather to let my sons will decide what they will do with my body.

It is important for the audience think about what they really want to do with their bodies when they died. Look at me and two boys, we could not make the right decision in such last minutes to have Andrew cremation and bury it next to his favorite grandfather in N.J. He did not ask for cremate. We do not regret to make the right decision for Andrew. We just follow his heart to help with other people.

You are wonderful and good heart :hug: I know Andrew would want to save others´s life.

Yes I can understand how you feel when the doctor suggest you about organ donation, etc. but you make really a good choice. It remind of me how my friend feel when the doctor suggest her to donate 6 month old fetus to scientic or buried him.
The bodies of minor children can also be donated by the parents but the parents must be fully informed and give consent. Women in abortion clinics don't get full disclosure, so they can't make an informed choice.

Yes, that´s right.

I will ask a few questions about your previous posts with interesting links later.
Liebling my dear you did not understand my post or whichever way you want to look at it, the nurse told her it's NOT a baby but a small pea as a vegetable and she did not describe a fetus as a size of a pea. It's disgusted me when these abortion clinic make these young girls to think it was nothing, and being under pressure by them. My friend told me she was awake when they removed it, she swear it looks just like a little baby, she told the doctor "is it a baby?" , he said "no it's blood clot tissue" These doctors and nurse at the abortion clinic know it's a baby but of course they're not going to tell her it is and when she asked them " What do you do with it? " they told her it will be send to the lab. and did she believe them? no she didn't, she saw the nurse thrown it in the trash can, then they took her to another room which is suppose to be recovery room, send in a counselor because she was upset crying and wanted to keep her quiet, she told the counselor that "I've killed my baby" then the counselor became silence for a few minutes then looked at her and says "no, you did the right thing" ...:squint:

:hug: your friend is lucky to have a wonderful friend like you who comfort her and support her, no matter what. You are the same as me who support our friends, no matter what. I personally never have an abortion in my life and personally would not abort because I am too soft and weak... I would cry easy.

About peas. Yes I know and agree that it´s not nice of nurse to describe your friend that a fetus as a small pea. I find sad that doctors and nurses are not honest to their patients because patients has the right to know.

I only want to show you how many inch a fetus has. Everyone know what it is but it´s not nice of nurse to say this to your friend.

I didn´t know about trash can because I thought they all are go to scientist or whatever. :(

Do you have any idea how many fetus that they aborted? maybe a thousands or more, and do you think all of them will go to the museum or to the lab? no I don't think so, most of them get paid to do their job, or make more money by selling those babies off in pieces.

Hold a minute, I read part of Reba´s link. I will have few questions about this (see I said to Reba) after read Reba´s link property. I want to know more about this.
I read all old posts. It's crazy war over Pro-Choice and Pro-life between. :roll:

I am Pro-Life! It depend on situation. I don't care what you think about me. It's my decide! I don't believe in Abortion. It's murder! I'm support death penalty for punishment. I do respect people's view on pro-choice and pro-life. You don't have to tell or explain to me repeatably. No explain necessary. I already know enough about pro-life and pro-choice between. Thank you!
I read all old posts. It's crazy war over Pro-Choice and Pro-life between. :roll:

I am Pro-Life! It depend on situation. I don't care what you think about me. It's my decide! I don't believe in Abortion. It's murder! I'm support death penalty for punishment. I do respect people's view on pro-choice and pro-life. You don't have to tell or explain to me repeatably. No explain necessary. I already know enough about pro-life and pro-choice between. Thank you!

You support state ordered killing in the form of execution, yet claim to be pro-life. Sorry, that doesn't wash.
Pea size that has not developed a brain or its feeling. No human parts also not developed at that time. That is a huge difference.
You support state ordered killing in the form of execution, yet claim to be pro-life. Sorry, that doesn't wash.

You have to respect my choice of pro-life. You can't change into me. I do respect you're Pro-Choice. It's your decide.

Execution? You mean legal for punishment? No! I disagree. I am show you of link. It's very disgust! It not about abortion. It about death penalty. Local News | Duncan defense wants explicit video shown in open court | Seattle Times Newspaper It's really DISGUST!!!! :eek2: I hate to read this. He is a Sex Offender. He need face to death penalty. I agree with the judge. I do believe in Death Penalty for punishment of Criminal Record.

If you want to abortion your cat's kitten or dog's puppies. How do you would feeling? It's same with human and animals. Why it need to abortion for? I already read about Pro-Choice It depend on situation for risk health. It will be ok to abort. I don't agree if teenager want to abortion baby because can't afford or not ready for responsible. They can adopt baby to new family. It's my opinion! This is suck thread! It's bashing!
You have to respect my choice of pro-life. You can't change into me. I do respect you're Pro-Choice. It's your decide.

Execution? You mean legal for punishment? No! I disagree. I am show you of link. It's very disgust! It not about abortion. It about death penalty. Local News | Duncan defense wants explicit video shown in open court | Seattle Times Newspaper It's really DISGUST!!!! :eek2: I hate to read this. He is a Sex Offender. He need face to death penalty. I agree with the judge. I do believe in Death Penalty for punishment of Criminal Record.

If you want to abortion your cat's kitten or dog's puppies. How do you would feeling? It's same with human and animals. Why it need to abortion for? I already read about Pro-Choice It depend on situation for risk health. It will be ok to abort. I don't agree if teenager want to abortion baby because can't afford or not ready for responsible. They can adopt baby to new family. It's my opinion! This is suck thread! It's bashing!

No one is trying to change you. But the plain fact of the matter is that you cannot support killing in one situation and still be pro-life.

And this thread is not bashing. It is a discussion of the topic.
No one is trying to change you. But the plain fact of the matter is that you cannot support killing in one situation and still be pro-life.

And this thread is not bashing. It is a discussion of the topic.

Okay. I read everyone argued each other. Anyways, I am sorry for :topic: about Death Penalty. I believe it's because number of Murders plus rape can go die. But the child molester should not put death penalty because no record of murders. You know I mean?