Anyone here an expert on fishkeeping?

here is my discus with babies.


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ty dm :)

here is my bd offsprings turn out around 2 2/1" to 3" 2 half months old ;)


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wow, nice breed!

Here i'm cichlid lover.. here....

Red Terror (Elmo)


Nimbochromis venustus (Bumblee Bee)


not sure what kind, will look up (Lil Fella)


not sure either (7-up) has 7 stripes.

I have leponard pleco, but always hide. Couldn't take a pix.

We just ordered Texas Holey Rocks and couldn't wait to put up in the tanks. Of course they re expensive.
Duncan said:
Hi butterflygirl again,
your ph at 7.6 is OK. Please do not make them PH SHOCK which would kill your fish.

Well, you need to find out what is ph from your water tap. If your water tap come out at 7.0 PH or higher, you might not need crushed coral. If you want your wather ph more than 7.0 you can add crashed coral mixed with gravel it would be great. Sand as gravel are nothing speical but the ph would be stable.

that s ok you dont want clown loaches in your tank LOL. but there is lot of diffrent kind of loaches ;), They are come from india.


Hi again, Duncan

I tested my tap water with my test kit and it showed at 7.0.
I also did another test for ammonia today and it still showed at 8 ppm :(
Last night my 2 fishes were doing so great and looked much better with their swimming but then the bigger one started to attack on the smaller one. I think they need a bigger tank to have more space so they won't be too aggressive? My cichlids are Jack Dempseys.
Duncan and SherryCherish, thank you so much for posting some pictures of your fishes. They look beautiful. Awww what cute babies! :)
SherryCherish said:
wow, nice breed!

Here i'm cichlid lover.. here....

Red Terror (Elmo)


Ahh my youngest sister have that one lol .. my 2nd sister told me that that kind fish got stuck on the window and dont know how long stuck on the window till finally got out and you know on the top if fin or look like hair or other not sure name of that got damages and seem still look good moving around alots.
wow, Lovely story all about the keeperfishes..

Only I had once experience cheap fish but not exotic fishes.
Duncan said:
hey Sugar Addict, any type of heaters might be breakable. If you plug on any type of heaters. when the heaters get too hot when you fill up water, It would be break for sure. when you put heater in your tank fill up water then plug on. it would be fine, when you do w/c, you have to do unplug heater for 5 mins before you do w/c. My personal heater brand name is Selth thomertor is the best one, its very tough heater ;)

When your water has been toxic, you can unplug heater, take out all water, to wash gravel and tank before fill up new water when you put fish then add stress coat. For me when i filled up new water i put lot of airsone run for 24 hours. I put fish in tank and I put full seasons sponge filters run on the tank. it always No problems.



thats what I meant :) for your heater brand perference :cheers: gotta agree with you on this one
Duncan said:
Yes that one is type of Loach. It will eat snails, of course it can eat anything to keep clean gravel and clean your tank but it does not eat algie eater. Be careful with it. It has posion on their gills. Yes its funny to see them.


I didn't know they have posion on their gills, I will be careful when handling them. :) They get really jumpy when bad weather comes, that's why they're called weather fish.
Hi everyone,

You are very enjoying learning about fish stuffs. I have lot of experience about all the type of fish. If you wish to ask me any questions. Please im or e-mail me or chat with me, you are always welcome.

Hey SherryCherish they are African cichlids, they are so easy to keep. I will post my wild caught African cichlids; Right now we have some nice babies from the wild caught F-0. Right now the off springs are F-1.

I am going post some pictures of my breeding pair Oscars laid eggs but the male did not fertile ARRGGHHHHH... I am going to give him some Vagina pills. He can fertile on the eggs LOL.

Remember that very important is all tanks must have sponge filters are environment that can control for ammonia, nitrate, etc.

here is the mother fans on the eggs


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they were clean the spawn site.


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here is a male Flameback tail Lake Malwai Peacock F-0


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here is a male sunrise yellow F-0


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Here is Sunrise yellow Parents with the fry.


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That one I selection the offspring turn out very nice one ;) from the parents sunrise yellow.
They are a proven breeding pair. I would have the other nice offsprings in the future. My goal I want to make solid yellow No white marks.


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same one the offspring from the sunrise yellow parents. Its closed up.


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