Anyone from Michigan?

Ethereal said:
I was born in Oregeon. I've lived there, South Dakota, Tennessee, Georgia, and here in Colorado (not in that order). Tennessee is my home.

*Cough* what part of Tennessee and Georgia that u have lived????

Mostly in TN I lived in the Chattanooga, Harrison, and Hixon areas, but it varied. In Georgia I lived in Marietta.
Ethereal said:
Mostly in TN I lived in the Chattanooga, Harrison, and Hixon areas, but it varied. In Georgia I lived in Marietta.
wow i know where chatt, i been there many many time!!!!
Ethereal said:
Mostly in TN I lived in the Chattanooga, Harrison, and Hixon areas, but it varied. In Georgia I lived in Marietta.

Ahh Ok about Tn. and I have relatives that live in Marietta. What year u lived there? I was born in Cartersville and lived in Cartersville, Symnra, and Atlanta. I also know few other cities. I have been visited there alot in whole my life :lol: sounds alike I am :crazy:

Forgot to mention that I have lived in Nashville most of my life since I moved from Georgia at the age of about 8 or 9 anyway and then till I was married and lived in Ashland City, Tenn not far from Kentucky for almost 9 yrs. I think anyway...

My hubby was born in Lansing, MI, and lived there until age 19 years. His mom and his sister's family still live there, so we visit every other year.
hehe im from wisc and she stayed with me for one week then something happened and we had to drive her back to mich lol ofc i was upset at that time cuz i loved her and was really thrilled to have her to live with me so i was disappointed lol but its cool now :-P heheh i never live in mich though (visited few times)
2 1/2 hours away from Michigian... us/canada border..
I'm from St Thomas, Ontario.Canada. Only I've been sometimes visiting in Michigian.
Pomeranian said:
:jaw: Just one week wow. Why did you live there for one week?? Mind me asking you question? :D

I am from New Hamsphire.

I dont mind if you want to know.

I lived in Wisconsin with SpiceHD for a week, somehow I found out abt my ex boyfriend was in jail and need me to being there for him, I promised him that I will move back in Summer if Im not happy in Wisconsin, but last minute, I was talking with my ex boyfriend's roommate, ex girlfriend, and friends so I asked SpiceHD and she, her ex boyfriend and friend- Mike drove me to drop me there but I really FELT bad for abt that, I want to do something in the return to them for drop me off and such like that :( I hope they forgive me.
Magatsu said:
Ah :( Hopefully that things are getting better for you.

Ah I think Michigan is nice place to live in. I actually like it but I grew up in California so I prefer to stay around here for bit longer. Which part of Michigan do you live in? I used to live in Detroit for few months, it is decent city... but much better than Los Angeles yuck. I wonder if I name the deafies' names (in Michigan), would you know these people? heh. I visited few places like Flint and umm, I forget :(

Thank you. Everything are BEST after when I dumped my ex boyfriend :) but I got best boyfriend already ;)

Yeah, Michigan is my HOME. I would love Califorina to live in there but yikes, mudslides right now. I used to live in Waterford but right now, Highland. No Highland Twp or Highland Parks. Just Highland. You can name deafies' name in Michigan, I knew many deafies people in Michigan, Flint, Lasning, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Detriot, and BLAH.
Kai Onca said:
mom's side of the family is from the bay city area and I practially live there one month out of the year :)

Thats amazing! I knew few people live in Bay City. :)
sleepytaz said:
-Currently living in Wisc.
-In end of May 2005, I will move to Penn.
-I know few areas in Mich. where my mom's side of family lived. They just passed away so we don't go over to Mich. anymore :)
-Orginally from Texas

*pokes Sleepytaz's nose* I knew ;) *grins* why dont you come over to Michigan to visit me? :( Pretty please??? :D
Reba said:
My hubby was born in Lansing, MI, and lived there until age 19 years. His mom and his sister's family still live there, so we visit every other year.

Wow thats amazing! :) Where are you from? I live here for almost 21 years, soon turn in 21 this July. :D
SpiceHD said:
hehe im from wisc and she stayed with me for one week then something happened and we had to drive her back to mich lol ofc i was upset at that time cuz i loved her and was really thrilled to have her to live with me so i was disappointed lol but its cool now :-P heheh i never live in mich though (visited few times)

:( Im sorry abt that happened, I hope you forgive me. I really love to living with you, you are AMAZING! I love you! I would like to see you again! I miss you bunches ;)
Sweetheart said:
:( Im sorry abt that happened, I hope you forgive me. I really love to living with you, you are AMAZING! I love you! I would like to see you again! I miss you bunches ;)

ofc i forgave u.. long time ago! no worries!!! :) i was more angry at ur ex bf cuz he was being stupid but i understood completely about why u have to go back i mean thats what i would do if it happened to me i would want to be there. :) :hug:

it would be really nice to see your gang again (you, your friends and steven) is that trip still on? :fingersx: :wiggle: :dance: :wiggle:

heh anyway sorry for :topic:
Bullym0m said:
2 1/2 hours away from Michigian... us/canada border..
I'm from St Thomas, Ontario.Canada. Only I've been sometimes visiting in Michigian.
yea i been go there Ontario, canada and visited my family there too.. :D
Ahhhh i m not far from Mich i m abt 1 hour away from you SweetHeart and I been in Mich many time 1 or 2 year ago.. i think abt go Mich again someday :thumb: