Anyone experiencing problems with Sidekick II lately?

Yes, problem since last Sunday early afternoon with my Color Sidekick. Called T-Mobile yesterday and gave them my complaint and they gave me $5.00 cash credit. :D
IcedTeaRulz said:
Yes, problem since last Sunday early afternoon with my Color Sidekick. Called T-Mobile yesterday and gave them my complaint and they gave me $5.00 cash credit. :D

What is the tel number? I need to call customer service. I need the service back on because my pager is very important receivable the messages.
Sabrina said:
What is the tel number? I need to call customer service. I need the service back on because my pager is very important receivable the messages.

1-800-937-8997 for customer service.
Sabrina said:
What is the tel number? I need to call customer service. I need the service back on because my pager is very important receivable the messages.
Just think you're in 1999 instead of 2005 and there were no 2-way pagers around. Plus, calling T-mo won't get your sidekick working any faster.
prostock19 said:
Just think you're in 1999 instead of 2005 and there were no 2-way pagers around. Plus, calling T-mo won't get your sidekick working any faster.

Weren't you speaking of sidekick I ? I am not sure if my pager in 1999? It is color sidekick. I got it last June 2004 through

By the way, I finally saw Ally's Dad last Saturday in Hartford, CT. He looks so great!
ohhh i got $5.00 for credit too... i called recently and they say sowwy abt that and still down.. growling! :squint:
Im really really annoyed with TMobile now. I had Sidekick 1 and never had any problems for a year but since I had this Sidekick 2, Ive had nothing but problems since November. :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

I really need this to work cos I use it 24/7 for my work. :squint:
I tried to use relay online but the internet browser kept broking down on me as I click on CALL.
Gee thank you for telling me, I was thinking about buy it for my new job in two weeks. Now I am not sure if I want to buy this kind brand.

Are you addict to it?
jazzy said:
Gee thank you for telling me, I was thinking about buy it for my new job in two weeks. Now I am not sure if I want to buy this kind brand.

Are you addict to it?

Yea I see lot of deaf ppl got sidekick 1 or 2. Thanks goodness I dont have that LOL .
jazzy said:
Gee thank you for telling me, I was thinking about buy it for my new job in two weeks. Now I am not sure if I want to buy this kind brand.

Are you addict to it?

It is really helpful for work...I dont have to be chained to a TTY or computer so i can go anywhere yet be connected.

I just hope that SK2 will improve eventually. :squint:

Yup, Im addicted to it :P
I second that!!! I do not want to be confined to my house whenever I expect somebody to call me! PLUS if Im lost somewhere trying to find somewhere, I can call relay to get help instead of coming back home to call and find out... hence wasting expensive gas!
Yup, I am having problem with SK2, DAMN!!!

Meg said:
It is really helpful for work...I dont have to be chained to a TTY or computer so i can go anywhere yet be connected.

I just hope that SK2 will improve eventually. :squint:

Yup, Im addicted to it :P
diehardbiker65 said:
I second that!!! I do not want to be confined to my house whenever I expect somebody to call me! PLUS if Im lost somewhere trying to find somewhere, I can call relay to get help instead of coming back home to call and find out... hence wasting expensive gas!
Yup, I am having problem with SK2, DAMN!!!

Yes, I concur with that since I'm going to be out on Friday and I needed to be in contact with my friend who I'm going to see so that way I won't get lost or something. :(
I had this plm too yesterday and the day before ( march 6th) i was like why is SK down? and i thought nothing of it until yesterday the 7th when i was trying to connect to my e mails on pop servers and my AIM and AOL e mails along with my daily news i get in the tmail, nothing! im like what the hell and got really concerned cuz my partner and i rely on this for communication and picking up my partner when she's done with work she text messages me when shes completed her work or appt. So i can go and pick her up, well I went to Tmoblie's store and filed a complaint about this and they called customer care to double check and lo and behold they were very suprised and said they apologized to me for the delay and also gave me a 5 dollar credit to my bill which ofc doesn't help much but it does make good on customer's sastifcation they HOPE it will come back up today...she said it was a nationwide outage im like omg! so i told my partner to keep her eye on the cell phone since mom will plby get in touch with me and she did when she got a callback plm on the tmo. so *crossing my fingers* am going into town today hope it kicks back up as i ll need to hear from my partner in case i need to bring smething home. our communication is very important to us, and im glad that she has verizon so she can connect and contact me if we have a power outage here at home.
Me too!

Thought I was the only one! My roomie is having problems too.

I am calling tmobile right now.
Keep Calling

I forgot to add-

we all have to call tmobile about it. If they get enough calls, they
will do something about it. They don't want to lose money.
I have problem with my Sidekick too. We have to be patient until it's fixed. I don't really use Sidekick much lately.
also only Text is work thats all.. grrr.. good thing i got their nbr for text and hearing friends too..
Meg said:
Im really really annoyed with TMobile now. I had Sidekick 1 and never had any problems for a year but since I had this Sidekick 2, Ive had nothing but problems since November. :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

I really need this to work cos I use it 24/7 for my work. :squint:
Meg, remember, it is NOT a T-Mobile issue. It is a Danger issue.

Also, here is an update.