Pyramid Scheme Targets The Deaf

Debt Scams....

:topic: Have anyone of you hear about scams of ? It is true story, my friend and his wife did sign up because they wanted to get out of heavy debt so they contacted ameridebt...went through processing of application all etc. The representative promised this multi of bill statement will be combined into one they explain rules such as like this:

1. If creditor bother and call you about your behind payment just inform
Ameridebt and they will handle it for you

2. Ameridebt will neogtiable with the creditors for you to settle the new interest rate and make it into one payment

3. You will be entering the credit counseling...

All of them turned out to be full of scams...It was featured on TV news...

answer from above

1. Ameridebt keep delay your neogtiable and make things more nightmare for your creditor and they keep blah this they are still working on it with creditor..

2. Once Ameridebt get in touch with your creditor, your credit card will be IMMEDIATELY closed due to under the condition of debt consolidation image this even no matter how small or large your outstanding balances is with credit card...and it will be hard to reopen...since you need to prove yourself to make credit history clean before you can reopen it.

3. Credit counseling, it was promise to contact and follow up but it was never done...they want your creditor information and screw it up even their mission statement is to assist people to reduce their debt into zero.

It is sad, this is why my wife and I dont trust any debt consolidation for it is your banking or citifinancial or something well know financial insituation better than unfamilar financialing company.

More info:

And other are plenty cases sue
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*simlair alike "Alpha prymaid" Ask for 5K to join and pull people get in and will get another 10K earn from them.. *
IMO: will come breakdown guarenteed.. 1 year later.. My best friend got piss'n off and never got $$$ from Alpha and expense on her 5K gone.. *whipped out* her funds. She still in processing file lawsuit againist "Alpha" ever since I have not heard from her lately. One day, I'll poke her and *curiouisity* about this issues.
I've heard about rest other Deaf people were involved and losing their $$ 5K too and have done file suing againist Alpha lately?? Ever Since I have not heard from them yet.
VamPyroX said:
Well, Quixtar is currently under investigation for fraud and scam. Basically, the way it works is that you have to spend over $200 online to get points. Those points earn you a check of $6. If you get people to join under you and they earn their points, you get more money. In order to be successful, you'd have to find ten people who are willing to work under you and each of them find 10 people each to work under them. The reason why the whole thing is a scam is that two or three people come to the presentations to advertise themselves. Everyone who signs up joins thoe three people's team. Who's left? That's why we can't spread. They will even encourage you to buy more products from them to help yourself do better and those require sitting down, watching videos, and reading a bunch of books. If you say it doesn't work, they will encourage you to buy other videos and books over and over. Ugh!

This is why my wife KNEW it isnt wife got gift of wife isnt stupid...she can felt something this smell like bad omen...this is why some of friends still pressures us to sign on...we declined and believe in honest business than scams...
Defee said:
whaaat!?? what does "gay" have to do with this thread?
Perhaps, it has something to do with how the guy looks. I showed the website to a few of my friends and their first assumption was... "Is he gay or what?" They said that because of his weird smile. :dunno:
VamPyroX said:
Perhaps, it has something to do with how the guy looks. I showed the website to a few of my friends and their first assumption was... "Is he gay or what?" They said that because of his weird smile. :dunno:
Oh ok..that explains it...well, it doesnt matter what the guy looks like, you cant assume that he is gay..I know a couple of men here that has "feminine"
features and one is real small boned and looks like a woman but they are not gay. Why there are some women who looks like men but doesnt mean they are lesbos..ya know?.. :booty: LOL!