1983 is highest record for GA$

How can it be Bush? Bush got nothing to do with this. This is just an excuse for blaming on Bush.

Going to wait another 20 years from now then we can talk about it because you are going to understand better later on. I have been around longer than you, and usually the presidents are the easiest target for the blame game. Again, The president really have no power over oil price at all.

I don't said 100% to Bush, I said that can be part of OPEC, CEO and US president that make responsible for gas prices.

Gas price is so stable in almost rest of 90's.
Yea right, just think about this. There always periods of stable, that is when Middle east is trying to figure how to beat the United States, then BAM! WTC went south, what did we do right before WTC? NOTHING! That is when we woke up from being lax.
Middle east folks KNEW that we are sensitive to oil prices, and that is their playing field against us and the president to make the president look bad.

I don't said 100% to Bush, I said that can be part of OPEC, CEO and US president that make responsible for gas prices.

Gas price is so stable in almost rest of 90's.
...then why I see $3.40 in here Washington? This definitely is NOT a highest record.
To those who carp that high gasoline prices are the president's fault, let me remind you of the truth. Environmentalists and leftist politicians have not allowed a refinery to be built here since 1975, and they won't allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (might inconvenience the caribou) or the Gulf of Mexico (even though the Mexicans and Cubans are drilling there), plus Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on our existing refineries. Our gasoline reserves have never been lower.

Then add your affinity for gas-guzzling SUVs and refusal to use public transportation or to car-pool.

Finally, top it off with your willingness to pay these high prices, and you have one expensive HDTV. Please explain just what part of this is the president's fault?
Yea, notice Asian countries uses oil has shot up right before 9-11. There are too many factors on what causing the oil price to shot up,

Excuse me about the mass transportation, it is NOT feasilble for every location, I would NOT support spending trillion of tax dollars to build a mass transporation just for few people to use it! HELL NO! it is NOT environment friendly, nor workable for everybody. Where I work is little outside of the city, and has no public transportation, so leave this part alone!
Here's a bit of a quiz for y'all to answer...

Which foreign country is the USA's biggest oil supplier?

Amazingly enough, most people answered this question wrong in several surveys. They are often shocked to find out the answer.

No cheating... no googling!
Here's a bit of a quiz for y'all to answer...

Which foreign country is the USA's biggest oil supplier?

Amazingly enough, most people answered this question wrong in several surveys. They are often shocked to find out the answer.

No cheating... no googling!
So it looks like both the Arabs and the Canadians have us by the short hairs, huh? Dependence on foreign oil and the ever-increasing consumer demand for gasoline is a vicious cycle. Makes you wonder why there's not a mad scramble by private companies to develop alternative fuels. I guess the potential profits are not enough for them to justify the investment? That's just my 2 cents.